
The Fire Conquorer

A Man's journey from soldier to royalty... Read and Enjoy the fic

Uchiha_SasukeT7 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter #1: The Meeting

Walking through the deep parts of the forest, they reached a closed shrine surrounded by trees near a waterfall. The shrine maiden, who came by that way, walked toward Sasuke with a blush on her face. Somehow, that didn't sit well with Konan. Sasuke pointed at the shrine's door and whispered something to her. She gave him a large smile and walked back towards the shrine.

" We are close...", Sasuke told them as he walked forward.

" Who was that? ", Konan asked him.

" The local shrine's maiden. ", He replied.

" I can see that! Who was she to you? ", She asked with a forced smile.

" Konan is going to burst now ", Yahiko joked to Nagato.

" Make sure she doesn't hear you....", Nagato told him.

" I heard that! ", Konan stated, making them gulp saliva in.

" She is the woman who blesses the children in this area. ", Sasuke stated to them.

" But I- ", Konan asked before she was interrupted.

" Let's go. ", Sasuke said as he walked inside the shrine and they followed him in.

A small trapdoor was seen in the darkest corner of the hall. Sasuke pulled it up and walked inside. The other three followed after him with a sigh at the count of tunnels they have to pass.

After some minutes,

They walked out of the tunnel to a meeting room. There was a table on which there were many pieces of paper, ink, and scrolls. Around those were people who wore the clothes of a farmer, carpenters, horse caretakers, builders, and, nobles. Leading the table was a man who had black eyes and short, spiky, black hair. The right half of his face was left heavily scarred resembling wrinkles. That was Obito, a great warrior who emerged during the third war.

" I've brought them here. ", Sasuke informed them.

" I request all of you to take your designated seats. Sasuke, sit next to me. ", Obito requested them.

" Yes, mentor. ", Sasuke said as he sat down in his designated seat as well as the others.

" Now that everyone is here, let the discussions begin. ", Obito said, leading the table.

" Obito-san, Hanzo has been put down and Yahiko has taken place as the leader. ", Konan informed them.

" Excellent. With Amegakure under a stable rule, we can now concentrate on the other countries. ", Obito inferred.

" Kirigakure is making their moves on us in the docks and in the Land of Waves. ", The lady dressed as a noble reported.

" They want to capture us now when we have just recovered from a large internal power struggle. Highly clever of them. ", Obito observed.

" Konohagakure is now angry that their ally Hanzo was killed and replaced. ", The farmer reported.

" Konoha will not attack us as the Daimyo won't allow it. So, we have time to prepare for that. ", Obito stated.

" What about Uzushiogakure? They are also not our friends. ", The carpenter asked.

" They're not our enemies either. ", Obito stated.

" That is true. But, there are nobles in the city that want us conquered. ", The carpenter explained.

" So, as long as we take care of the noble and bring them as our allies, we will be able to defend ourselves. Does anyone feel contrary to this? ", Sasuke asked the other earning no opposing response.

" That is the best course of action in order for us to secure Ame. ", Nagato stated.

" I agree. ", Yahiko told them.

" Since we all agreed to this, we will assign the assassin who will be assigned to this. ", Obito announced receiving agreement from the others.

" With this, this meeting is adjourned. ", Sasuke announced to them.

After a few hours,

In a small room with a circular table in the middle and 4 chairs kept around it perpendicular to each other. Obito sat with Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato, discussing who to send for this mission. Sasuke entered the room in a loose kimono as he was summoned in his sleep time.

" Did you call for me, mentor? ", Sasuke asked them.

" Yes, we did. Sasuke, we have decided that you will carry forward the mission of assassinating Kazu Uzumaki and making Uzushiogakure our ally. ", Obito announced to him.

" Thank you for entrusting me with this mission. ", Sasuke told all of them in seriousness.

" Also, bring 'that' to them. ", Obito told him.

" Yes....", Sasuke replied realizing what Obito meant.

" Well, you will leave tomorrow with all the necessary tools provided. ", Konan informed him looking at the documents in front of her.

" Yes, about that, can I request something of you? This is very important for the success of the mission. ", Sasuke asked them.

" If it helps with the mission, we will. So, ask away! ", Yahiko told him.

" An appointment, An official letter, and Nagato. ", Sasuke told them earning inquisitive looks from the people in the room.

The Next Day, Amegakure city gates,

" Now, do I really have to do this? ", Nagato asked Sasuke.

" Yes. ", Sasuke replied bluntly.

"Any more words than that? ", Nagato asked him.

" I never I'd live to see that day you criticize someone for speaking so less, Nagato. By the way, you look good in the ambassador attire. ", Konan teased.

" Konan!!! ", Nagato said in embarrassment.

" Okay now, enough with the antics, let's go. ", Sasuke told them.

" Stop being so uptight and mission-oriented, Sasuke. Sometimes, you need to relax and enjoy the world for what it offers. ", Yahiko advised Sasuke with his arm around Sasuke's shoulders.

" Alright Grandpa, I will keep that in mind. ", Sasuke said pushing Yahiko's arm off him.

" Although I liked the way how you made fun of him, his words hold truth, Sasuke. ", Konan told him.

" You too? ", Sasuke sighed as he asked her.

" We'll celebrate with a feast after this mission's success. ", Yahiko announced to them.

" Make sure you attend it! ", Konan told Sasuke with a death glare.

" I will. ", Sasuke said with a gulp.

" Now, shall we proceed? ", Nagato asked them climbing inside the carriage.

" We shall. ", Sasuke said as he started the carriage in the front.

Sasuke led the carriage through various forest ways and paddy fields. It was for him to just relax and let the air in rather than rack his mind over the already-hatched plan. Nagato would come outside and stretch when Sasuke stops for a break. The small villages in their path were very welcoming to visitors who bought supplies and took part in their festivities.

" The people here are very welcoming, aren't they? ", Nagato asked Sasuke.

" They are. They provided us with food and a place to stay. ", Sasuke replied.

" Well, we have to leave tomorrow. So, make sure you get some sleep. ", Nagato said as he lay on the futon and closed his eyes.

Sasuke had followed suit in his own futon but found himself unable to fall asleep. Something kept him from leaving this world and entering the dream one. He got up and went outside for some fresh air.

In the city,

Another carriage had come here to rest with some soldiers while on the way returning to their country after negotiations with an ally. The doors of the carriage opened to a woman with teal eyes and sandy blonde hair, which was gathered into four consecutive pigtails in noble clothing to get down. Her attire screamed of royalty and she looked so gorgeous in it. It was Temari of the Sand.

" We've stationed in this city to rest as per your orders, Hime-sama. ", The general informed her.

" Good. Make sure they get enough rest. I wish to visit the nearest waterfall. ", Temari said as she got on one of the horses.

" Hime-same, let me come with you. ", The general told her while getting on his horse.

" No need. It's empty at this time and even if I am attacked, I can defend myself. ", She replied and she rode away.

After sometime,

Temari found the waterfall which had clean, cold water flowing in it. Temari stationed her horse with a nearby tree with her weapon, the famous 'Blade Fan'. She undid her clothes and hung them on the saddle of the horse. She walked over to the bank of the river connected to the falls. She placed the thumb of her feet on the water to feel its coldness. After getting used to it, she let her body be enveloped in the stream.

" Ah~~ That is so good. ", Temari moaned those words.

Suddenly, the sound bubble's reached her ears. She stood up alerted and looked around for enemies. To her surprise, Sasuke emerged out of the water naked with his eyes closed. As he pushed his hair back, the water slid down his raven hair, reached his handsome face, traveled to his broad shoulders, washed over his built torso, glided down his abs, and finally reached his pelvis connected to his manhood. Temari was red as a tomato at his sexy figure. The water on it just intensified the desire inside her.

When Sasuke opened his attractive dark eyes, he was met with the face of a woman with teal eyes and sandy blonde hair who had water sliding down her body. Her lips were red and juicy, her neck was smooth and tasty, her breasts were plump and mouth-watering, her waist was slim and curvy, and her womanhood was red and luscious. Overall, Sasuke's eyes dilated in arousal and he was blushing. Temari, who was in a trance enchanted by Sasuke, noticed his blushing and dilated eyes. Following his line of sight, she realized that he was looking at her naked body.

" Don't look! ", Temari screamed as she covered her breasts with her hands.

" Forgive me! ", Sasuke said covering his eyes.

" I'll kill you! ", Temari shouted in embarrassment as she went for her weapon on the horse.

" This is bad! ", Sasuke exclaimed in a rush as he got out of the water and ran to his horse.

Temari put on her clothes and readied her fan. Sasuke, on the other hand, got dressed and started to ride off on his horse. Temari started to chase after him. Sasuke rode through the banks of the river to the entrance connecting the city and the falls. He rode through the streets with Temari following her and took a sharp right. As Temari followed him, she found that he was gone and that she reached a horse shed.

" Dammit! When I get him next time, I'll make sure he pays. ", She shouted as she rode back to her troops.

From the top of one of the buildings behind her, Sasuke stood up and dusted himself off. He whistled a little and his horse came running towards the building. Sasuke hung from the top edge and dropped down on his horse and rode back to the house they were staying in.

" You were gone for a while. ", Nagato noted with a cup of tea as Sasuke came in.

" I think it's best if you don't ask...", Sasuke told him.

" Get some rest. We need to move when the sun comes up. ", Nagato said as he went back to sleep.

And finally, Sasuke could enter the dream world but the problem was that the blonde princess was in it.

[A/N]: This is an AU fanfic where the characters of Naruto who belong to Masashi Kishimoto are in the Medieval/Samurai era.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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