
The Final Devil of the Supernatural hunter highschool

Fifteen years ago, a demon plucked the forbidden fruit and ate it. He is in love with his host, and is willing to abandon his dimension for her. To add insult to injury, he is the one and only, demon king: Orzar His action came at a cause, tearing space and time, creating a gigantic wormhole, connecting our world, to another, to hell. Opening a slaughter field as demons, monsters, spiritual beings. Beings of myth and legend flooded our world. Starting a war between dimensions, millions were dead, and the numbers are still rising. Those occupations that seems like joke and witticism started to become the list line of defense from those beings. Exorcists, priests, taoist hunters stood out, protecting humanity and finally forcing them back to their dimension, temporary. Those who are still left were taught to learn knowledge of such, humanity needed to arm to the teeth to fend off the second invasion, that is happening fast. With Fei being one of them, a what seems like a weakling, but someone with a very complicated and in fact dangerous background...

LReyLei · Fantasy
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22 Chs


"Hmm…" Fei stood in front of his dorm room door hesitated, heavenly uneasy. He should've just switch rooms, but all this living space for himself… It sure do come at a cost though, living with ghosts. Thinking about this, he become even more shaken, maybe last night it is just a warning, to tell him to get the crap out of her territory? The eye shaped symbol that kept staring at him didn't help though. He didn't quite believe those rumours and garbage talks, but after all that occurs yesterday night and the one this morning, he is unsure himself, too.


The mailman's sudden appearance sure do scare the crap out him. He yelped, leaping back. The mail man stare at his reaction with weird eyes, he let out an awkward chuckle, maybe they are right, he really is a pussy. "Your mail." He handed him an envelope. "T-thanks." He thanked, accepting it. "No problem." The mailman tipped his hat before leaving. After a lot of inner conflict, he entered the house. The door creaks open eerily as he stepped inside, a gust of wind causes it to slam shut behind him, as well as sending a shudder down his spine. He is really regretting his decision, he should've called the police earlier on, or better, a priest.

"H-hello?" He ask out every time he open each and every door in the house to make sure there is no one in it except from him. He'd read stories and news regarding bandits or criminals hiding in abandoned housing, which kind of depicts this dorm 666. Which is oftentimes empty due to the rumours and news spreading wide, even reaching outside the schooling area. But after checking every single corner and rat hole in the dorm, there is no one, he somehow felt glad and disturbed by this fact.

Maybe there is no ghosts after all, he is just making a joke out of himself. Come on, most of them are already cleared out on the Big Extermination, there is no way one is hiding in the dorm of a ghost slaughtering academy. What a clown he is. He thought as he headed towards the kitchen to prepare lunch. But the moment he passed by the dining room; he froze in track. Just like breakfast, lunch is served, hot. "An-anyone?" He called out again, backing from the appetizing food that seems to stare at him menacingly. He tried to make a dash out of the dining room, but the door slam shut by an unknown force, right at his face. Now he is trapped, great.

"I-If you i-insist…" Trembling, he sat down, he didn't want to annoy the spirits, just like what his grandma had told him once. Just like human beings, there too are evil and friendly spirits. Who knows maybe the one staying in his dorm is a likeable one? Maybe they could even start a mutual relationship, hey at least its cooking skill is not bad. "Oh, I forgot." With a mouthful of food, now that Fei remembered the letter handed by the mailman moments ago. He took it out from his pocket and rip it open. Within it is a note alongside a name tag. He flip the letter around and look at the address, it was sent out from Coffee N Cake, doesn't he failed the interview, what do they want for him now? He took out the note and began reading.

"Dear Mr Fei:

I am sorry for the "casual incident" yesterday. According to some anonymity source, they've witnessed an incident at the shuttle bus heading from SKY Academy to Ueno Ameyokocho. With you, being the centre of it, performing a saving act towards a girl who is the victim of the molester. Your action of bravery had deeply touched me. Therefore I am glad to welcome you as an employee of our shop. Alongside this letter is a name tag that you need, the worker's coded uniform will be prepared at the lounge. So be sure not to be late for your first shift today at six!

Manager of CNC: Mr Lewis

After reading this letter, his mind wind blank. With trembling hands, he took out the name tag, platinum black with a layer of thin glass. His name was carved down, tinted with gold. His entire body was shaking furiously, not out of fear, but excitement. "I did it!" He reach his hand high up and cheered, kneeling to the ground, slamming his fist on it. Tears of happiness filled his eyes, looks like karma really does exist, his kindness is rewarded in the best way he could ever imagine. "I need to get prepared!" After moments of celebrating, Fei leapt back onto his feet. "I need to get cleaned first." He rush into his room to grab the towel before dashing back to the bathroom. He cleaned himself gladly, humming leisure tunes, it had been so long since he'd felt so great.

At the dark corner of the house, a shadow crouch down, hiding in the darkness, merging one with it. Seeing his actions, she couldn't hold but snickered. What a cute fella.

"You done with the letter?" Mia asked, sitting on her seat, scooping a spoonful of vanilla sundae topped with rich black and white chocolate sauce. "Yes miss." The manager bowed like a butler, replying her question politely as the two sat in the VIP room prepared just for her. Using the silver tinted spoon with fragments of diamond embedded onto it, she places the icy treat near her mouth. She didn't take a bite out of it whole, though, Instead she just nibble out a small edge, elegantly. "M-may I ask why you wanted to help him though?" He asked carefully, afraid to anger her, even the slightest. "H-he is a childhood friend of mine." Miku replied simply, staring through the glass of the gigantic bay window beside her, staring at the passer by walking down the streets below.

"W-well, he is still underage, and for a posh café like this, there might be risks…" The manager started to state out his trepidation of hiring a barely legal worker, but his words was cut out by her. "I am full." She pushed the golden bowl in front of her away, before leaving her seat. "M-my apologies." He immediately apologized, backing down as she walked pass him straight, exiting the room. "Gah, why am I blushing for him!" After exiting that nagging manager's sight, she pinched her flustered cheeks. "Whatever, he is just my lackey." With those thoughts, Mia entered the limo who is already awaiting for her arrival. She lean onto the car window, zoning out as one crucial question filled her mind.

Did he still remember out promise?

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