
The Final Devil of the Supernatural hunter highschool

Fifteen years ago, a demon plucked the forbidden fruit and ate it. He is in love with his host, and is willing to abandon his dimension for her. To add insult to injury, he is the one and only, demon king: Orzar His action came at a cause, tearing space and time, creating a gigantic wormhole, connecting our world, to another, to hell. Opening a slaughter field as demons, monsters, spiritual beings. Beings of myth and legend flooded our world. Starting a war between dimensions, millions were dead, and the numbers are still rising. Those occupations that seems like joke and witticism started to become the list line of defense from those beings. Exorcists, priests, taoist hunters stood out, protecting humanity and finally forcing them back to their dimension, temporary. Those who are still left were taught to learn knowledge of such, humanity needed to arm to the teeth to fend off the second invasion, that is happening fast. With Fei being one of them, a what seems like a weakling, but someone with a very complicated and in fact dangerous background...

LReyLei · Fantasy
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22 Chs



Erina snapped her finger, bringing him back from the nightmarish memory that had been hunting him forever. "You alright? You look pale." She tipped her toes to arrive at his eye level, reaching her hand out to touch his forehead. "I-I am alright!" Fei pushed her away roughly, before falling to the ground himself. He is breathing heavily, his eyes wide open, sweats raining down his face. "I, I need some space." With that he dashed into the elevator, pressing the buttons frantically to close it, afraid that she might trail her into it. The moment the door closed, he collapsed to the ground, memories flooded, those that he didn't wanted to think about, yet it kept on coming. He hugged his head and screamed; the amulet slip behind him is a reminder to his identity. No matter how far you run, you cant escape your past.

You are, what you are.

"Huh." Erian seem quite shocked by his reaction, but nevertheless, this just completely proves her theory. There is something unusual about this "Fei". "Darn that kid!" Through the small square window, Mey saw the entire process. "Hooking up with a Helsing, what did he wanted to do?" She rub her hand anxiously, frowning. Anxiety and guilt rushed through her veins and into her brain. "Did he already found out that girl? No, I can't let her out yet. I cant let him break that spell, I didn't kill her, no. It was just an accident…"

"Huh, huh, huh…" Fei dashed into the washroom and duck into one of the empty stalls at the corner. He sat on the toilet bowl, breathing heavily. He hug his head with his arms, trying to stop the gushing images and scenes that kept playing in his mind, toying his feeble soul. He took off his glasses as tears started to flood it, he tried his hard not to cry his voice out. It was a smart move, because the moment he did so, the door of the washroom opened once more. He immediately covered his mouth, trying to remain as quiet as possible as someone entered it.

"Listen to me, girl."

It was the sound of a middle-aged woman, she is asking in quite a threatening tone. "You needed to do this; our cooperation's fate depends on it!" "But I don't wanted to!" Another voice that completely send Fei's mind blown away, isn't this, Miku? Why are two females doing in the boy's washroom?! It was at this moment he realised the colour of the stall wall is milky pink, which means… He is the one who accidentally entered the wrong side! "I don't like him! And my future is not an item to trade with!" "You have to!" The woman insisted, growling. "This is a relationship that you couldn't avoid!" A relation? Did he mean… Morgan Felix?

"Do you wanted it all to be lost? Your pride, your power, money, status, all gone. You wanted to return back to that average girl? Think about the rest of your friends, how will they look on you now then?" the woman continues her "negotiation", while Miku remains quiet. "I didn't like him, he is the type that annoys me, and…" She stammered, stating out her problems. "And I also had someone of my own too…" "Forget it!" The woman snapped; she is losing her patience. "He is already giving you a lottery chance, don't let it go! And forget the boy you like; this is more important!" She roared, Fei could see her grabbing Miku's shoulder and shaking it through the silhouette on the ground. "Understand!?" "Y-yeah." Miku gave him a weak respond, finally agreeing. "Good." The woman adjusted her bow tie in front of the mirror and her coat. "Don't mess up, alright? Meet him for a date at Coffee N Cake, get this settled." She gave him one last warning before exiting the washroom, leaving the desperate Miku and the completely dumbfounded Fei.

"Oh, god…" Miku leaned onto the rim of the sink, groaning in pain.

"We will clear out the café today for a VIP meeting between two cooperation." Just as what Fei expected. This is his first news when he arrived at Cake N Coffee for his shift. "Fei, I want you to perform your tasks just like normal ones, alright?" Mr Lewis ordered. Fei nodded, he seems a little out of zone. "Alright, lets get moving. The chef will prepare the booked orders first, Fei needed to hold out the food accordingly to this list." Mr Lewis handed them a slip of paper, with the order lined up on it. "Lets get moving, alright!" He clapped his hands, the chefs immediately head to work, only Fei was still standing there, his eyes and mind both blank.

What should he do?

He still remember her whimpers and cries at the washroom back then. She couldn't stand seeing her like this, being forced to stay beside someone she didn't love. But then, who he is? He is just a normal joe, even worse than that, actually. The Felix could wipe him out pretty clean from the society like he didn't even exist if he dare triggers them even for the slightest. His heart was strung on a rope, hovering in between decisions. And soon, the clock struck seven, and the main event began. The oak wood door swung wide open as two families step into the café.

"Welcome to Cake N Coffee." Me Lewis himself greeted them personally as these were heavyweight clients. There are six of them in total, Morgan, Miku and their parents. The moment they take their seat, Fei immediately approached and placed down their first dish according to their reservation. A small cup of thickly brewed coffee for the Felix's and a cup of hot tea for the Sofia's.

Luckily Morgan had his eyes fixed on Miku all the time and Miku kept her head low, giving Fei to escape once he got the chance. He head back to the kitchen, closing the door behind before peeking through the window once more. "You sure are a tattle." Billy laughed as he scrub the dirtied pot with a steel wool. "Don't need to hide fella, this is a one-way glass!" Hearing this Fei literally place his face onto the window, trying to fish out the situation.

"The coffee is splendid." Morgan's Father, Modred Felix take a sip out of the beverage in his hand before gasping. "Yes, we serve the best quality here." Arthur nodded, stirring the spoon of the teacup. His facial expression very stiff, and so do the rest of the Sofia's. They didn't seem to be willing for this meeting, not at all. In the other hand, the Felix's are all very easy going, smiling and enjoying their time without any sort of stress and tension.

"So…" After a moment, Arthur finally spoke out. "Regarding your purchase of our company's stock for the project of the Inn amongst the forest of mountain Fuji…" "No" Modred immediately denied without hesitation. "We are pulling out support back." "Why, though?" Arthur asked, puzzled. "Because I've heard rumours regarding that area's feng shui, and sightings of beings around it." Modred reached for his coat pocket and pulled out a stack of images. It was series of shot regarding a very hazy, blurry image of a creature, but it was definite that the creature was a monster. "I-impossible!" Arthur slammed his fist, triggered and shocked. "I had undergo purity rituals! And the land is very clean according to experts! How will it b-" "There is no excuse, Arthur." Modred acted like he is going to stand up and leave, his wife and son followed his act. Seeing this, Arthur immediately reach his hand out and grab his shoulder, trying to let him stay. "Please." He spoke, slightly trembling with a hint of plea. "We can talk about this, for the sake of old times."

"Old times, eh?" Modred turn back with a sly grin, showing his golden tooth. "Then I suppose we shall have a fair trade."

A mass upload just like before, hope this could pull us back from the shithole, cause we are really struggling right now...

LReyLeicreators' thoughts