
The Film Emperor is Married for Revenge

Revenge is easy, only if you have the right partner. Popular Male Idol Devy Jane experienced falling down from the height of his career to the lowest point of losing everything. It all started to go downhill when his beloved half-brother designed countless of schemes. Not only his career, even his family, friends and his long-time boyfriend have long since turned their back on him. He wanted revenge, but what could a good-for-nothing has been do? No one even knew when the once popular male idol Devy Jane died in the cold and dark alley the night his beloved half-brother dominated the big screen. When he opened his eyes again, he was back to the time when his first ever man-made scandal exploded. Knowing that in a year his life will end in a cold and dark alley, he accepted the only helping hand that extended in the previous life and until now, no matter the cost. Isn't it just marriage? Bring it on, Mr. CEO.

AstridGreene · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: Devy

I hummed as I walked on the side of the road, out of the community of villas owned by different wealthy families and now my former home. I stopped when I felt the wound on my forehead bleeding again, and fumbled for a tissue or a towel to wipe it. That was when a hand appeared in front of me, offering a plain white handkerchief. I was hesitant to use it, since I sure wouldn't be able to return it afterwards.

"It's okay. Use it." The man softly said which made my head look up in a flash. It seems like I heard this voice before, but I didn't know when. Seeing I had no intention to take it, he moved closer and pressed it on my wound making me flinch. "Shh. Don't move, it's going to be fine."

"I-I'll do it, thank you." I took the handkerchief from his hand and pressed it on my wound carefully. I observed the man from the corner of my eyes while doing so. He was wearing a dark black suit, with a neat inner shirt and tie. He was a head taller than me, considering I'm already five-feet-seven. Unlike my lean and petite body, he was broad and his slightly whiter complexion matched his tar black hair and eyes. Both of us were polar opposites, for I have darker skintone and light brown hair and eyes.

He must've noticed me staring at him so he smiled and moved to guide me to his car, "I'll take you to the hospital, your wound needs to be cleaned and dressed."

I turned away when he tried to get closer, "I'm fine. I don't need to go there. I'll pay you back for the hanky."

His eyes darkened a little and held my hand firmly, "No need to pay it back, but you need to see the doctor. Let me take you there, and I promise to leave after you're treated."

"I can't! I..." How am I going to tell him that if the people or paparazzi see me in the hospital all bloody, I'll be the talk of the town again. My first black material hasn't died down yet, do I have the guts to add more?

Seeing my panicked state he didn't force it. "Are you perhaps hiding from somebody?" This guess made me freeze. It's not totally correct but the thought is there. I do need some time away from people to think things through. This is my second chance at life, I want to give it more focus and plan well. "I have a place where you can stay temporarily. If you're not sure where to go, you can live with me for a while."

I furrowed my brows hearing that offer. Is this the new way of abducting for human trafficking? I scrutinized him thoroughly and found that although he dressed simply, all of the things he wore were worth more than the value of all the clothes I'm wearing combined. He doesn't seem to be a scammer, and the car parked beside us is a limited edition luxury car which was just released in the market three months ago. Not to mention the obedient driver waiting at the driver's seat, all cars that can enter this compound must be registered and are owned by people living in this area. That means this man won't stoop too low trying to sell me, and just plainly wants to help.

"Well. I need a house to live in for the time being, I can pay for rent, and do household chores. Even just a small place will do."

His left hand never let go of mine and took the backpack with the other hand instead, pulling me to the side of the car. The driver was alert and opened the door for his boss, while his boss guided me to sit on the backseat and sat close to me. He placed the backpack neatly on the car seat and fastened my seat belt which made all my hairs stand up.

We're in the back seat, do I still need to wear a seat belt? What if he's doing this to immobilize me? Look, he's not even wearing one!

I scanned our surroundings as the car started to move and noticed we were going out of the compound. "You don't live here?" I tried to sound normal but my heart's already hammering inside my ribcage.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair, "I have a villa here, but I only came to get something..." His hand stayed for more than a few seconds before retracting, making me miss his slightly obsessed expression, "I stay in my condo near the company. It's close to the city center, and just a few minutes drive away from where I work so I prefer living there."

I nodded absentmindedly, it seemed sensible. But there will be many people around in that area, won't I be noticed? Does that mean I'll have to stay inside the condo for a few days like a hermit and only go out when the rumor dies down and vanish from the hotsearch? But what if my green tea half-brother makes up another of the back-up schemes and release it one after another? How long will I stay hidden then?

I felt a hand holding my hand firmly and looked up to see his concerned look, "You can stay as long as you like, and I have guards stationed around the complex. No one will find you there." I must have dazed off for a long time, making him notice my apprehension.

"Thank you," I murmured quietly and tried to retract my hand but it didn't budge. Eh?

"You're freezing. You're barely wearing anything. Don't you know it's cold at night outside?"

I looked away to see the heater on in the car, and he started massaging my hands devoutly to warm them up. I observed the driver's reactions and saw him driving ramrod straight like he's in a different world. I couldn't decipher from his expressions whether this is a normal thing for his boss or not.

After half an hour, we reached the City Z's colorful night lights and skyscrapers. We passed by may buildings, and the most attractive was the tallest R&D Company. It was the dark horse among the local and international companies. It rose more than a year ago and dominated the entire business industry with it's chain of hotels, real estate and even the entertainment industry. It's CEO must've been a very voracious investment appetite, and he seemed to have accurate grasp on the business ins and outs. I heard this company offers the best benefits and salaries for its employees. Maybe someday I can try my luck in there.

"You like it?" There was a hint of expectation in his voice.

Maybe he noticed me staring at it for a long time, so I nodded softly, "Yeah. It's... a good company."

Furthermore, I have attachments on R&D.

In my last life, no one stood by me to help. No one extended a hand to pull me out of the mire. But this company... they tried to find me and offered me help. Though at that time I evaded it because of their only condition going against my principle, it made me feel warm thinking about it now. They were the only ones who chased me to help me. Say, if I accepted their offer before, would my life still end in that dark alley alone in the cold?

Now, you're wondering why I didn't accept their help in the previous life? There's really a valid reason.

The owner wants me to marry him. In exchange for all the help, I am to become his wife. I am an independent and prideful being, and going downhill never changed that. I felt like I was seen as an item they'll pick up because they need me, that's why I declined strongly. Besides, won't the rumor of me doing hidden rules come true then? My solution to my problems is to sleep with a man and be a kept man? No one who works hard and with a strong will would want that. Besides, they didn't tell me the reason why the owner must marry me. And any way you look at it, it's all wrong. I'm just a twenty-three-year-old young man without any idea and thoughts about marriage and stuff. More importantly... how do I know their CEO isn't a pot-bellied old man? I have taste, how the hell I got in the entertainment industry if I don't?

"Good company," he repeated like a parrot, smiling widely. "Would you like to have a look inside? I can schedule a tour for you. Just tell me when."

My head whipped so fast that I startled him, "You work there?"

He sat straight and proud, eyes shining and I could even imagine a tail wagging behind him so fast and the ears upright. "I own it. It's mine."

I choked with my saliva. This...? This was the man who wanted to marry me?

The image of an old pot-bellied man in my mind started to crack, replaced by the image of a strong, tall and handsome CEO in his late twenties sitting in front of me. "You... Are you Reese Lyon?"

He grunted in approval, the imaginary tail wagging so fast that it made me blink rapidly. Silence reigned in the car as he waited for me to react. I collected myself and shakily grasped his hand for a formal handshake, "I'm Devy Jane."

His hand held mine firmly and smiled, "I'm Reese Lyon. Just call me Reese."

I didn't answer and just stared at him quietly. I wanted to pull my hand away but he started warming it up once again making me acquiesce silently. He did it so carefully, making me have a hint of regret running away from his help the previous life. But then again here I am now, under his wing. Fate works mysteriously. It's enough that I met him the first day I returned in time. Otherwise, I may end up in a more serious predicament.

Say, Mr. CEO, won't you propose marriage this time? I think I may accept it on a whim.

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