
The fight against fate!

After a long fight Sasuke and Naruto defeat Kaguya and they finally face each other for their last fight. Hoping to finally bring Sasuke back Naruto pours all his chakra in a final rasengan and so does Sasuke in his chidori. A few seconds before the clash Sasuke whispers under his breath "Kaguya, help me finish him."

Imperial_Leaf · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Mount Myoboku – part 2

Mount Myoboku – part 2

"I can become a god? How could it be that simple."

"Naruto, don't forget that even Kaguya can't truly understand the chakra of origin. Only you can use it and also understand it. After you fully comprehend it you will be able to receive the information of your own chakra, chakra that holds the secret of chakra."

"How can I understand it?"

Gamamaru rose from his seat the made a hand seal and pressed on his own chair. A part of the stone disappeared and behind it a path uncovered.

"The sage of six paths once told me that for someone to be able to train in the chakra of origin he needs to understand each phase. Because of this he created his own training place, but he was only able to reach the ninth level at the end of his life. He also said that even if he had immortality he wouldn't be able to access the last layer. Go inside Naruto, once you come out you will be able to obtain your true powers."

I looked at Gamamaru and then at the path. I felt a strange attraction from that place. I started walking towards it but I stopped when I was next to Gamamaru.

"Gamamaru, would I be still me once I come out?"

"Naruto, now you are wise, you should know that becoming wise means changing yourself to be able to accept the world and also yourself. You never truly accepted yourself, you were always afraid of your power. You also only tried to see the good in people, and ignore the bad. Now you no longer wish to do so. Once you finish your training Naruto, you will no longer worry about this. This is the only thing that I can say."

I could see a profound meaning in his words. But I didn't have the time to hesitate.

"Thanks, I'm off. If Kaguya and Sasuke come here I will try to help no matter what."

"Don't worry Naruto, the sage of six paths felt that such a time may arrive so there is a way to completely close the entire mount Myoboku from this realm."

"Then its good. Say goodbye to Fukasaku and Shima, and also apologize for me to Gamabunta and Gamakichi."

"Go, Naruto."

I left in the dark path that was descending towards an unknown place. The stone also covered the path I entered. I walked for a few hours until I arrived in a cave. Inside it at the center there was a huge tree, higher than the highest mountain and wider than Konoha itself. From it the same chakra that I have was slowly pulsating.

"Why didn't I felt It earlier?"I got close to it and touched its surface. All my chakra started leaving my body faster than I could regenerate it. I tried to get my hand of the tree surface but I couldn't. It felt like it had the same attraction as Tenseigan. I gave up and instead tried to give all my chakra to it to see what it was trying to do with it. After one or two days at the end of my chakra I finally could break free from the tree. I feel on my back exhausted. The tree started glowing ominously. A dark light was devouring the space around me. From one of the branches a liquid started gathering and then fell on my head. A drop of chakra resembling a rain drop. Once it touched my head I lost conscience."

I opened my eyes. I don't know how much time passed. I was on top of a sea or ocean of chakra. I could feel its immensity through my own chakra.

"I guess this is the place where I have to train myself."

Six months passed. In the silence of that place I had to change the entire chakra nature in that space in different forms. First I had to change it from one element to another. It was hard at the beginning but after a while I was able to do it as easy as breathing. When it came to the yin and yang release, I had to understand that Chakra can achieve a different nature depending on a person feelings and wishes, they had the power to create something from nothing and also return everything to nothing. Because of this I had to condense the chakra from the entire ocean in just one drop and then I had to return the one drop to the immensity of the ocean.

The death path of chakra was simple as it meant burning the chakra to a certain degree. When I did it I felt a sharp pain in my heart like someone important to me was dying. I was happy to see that I only had to change it slightly to accept it. The last of the nine paths, life, was harder as I had to create something physical from the chakra. I decided to create a body for Kurama. I made it to resemble his usual form but made it smaller, about three meters high but with a body that could use the 9 chakra natures with his tails to a certain degree. I changed its normal reddish color to a black one with a flame on its forehead. After that I found Kurama inside me I sent some of the chakra to wake him up. He was startled at first because he didn't understand where he was but after feeling me he calmed down.

"Naruto, what happened?"

He looked around feeling a discomfort.

"What is wrong with you Kurama?"

"Nothing, just that I feel the presence of Haguromo, but it's also different. A lot stronger, so strong that it can't even compare to the one Haguromo had."

"I'm the source of that."

"What do you mean?"

"I prepared a body for you, would you like to have once again a physical body?"

"What? How? Where?"

"Calm down Kurama, yes or no?"

I laughed a little at his impatience.

"Of course!"

I took his chakra with also his life core and placed in the body that I created. I had to adjust the chakra so it won't refuse the body for a while but in the end everything connected.

"How are you feeling?"

"This is great Naruto, it feels a lot more powerful, just how …"

He looked at me for a second before fear filled his eyes.

"Calm down, its me."

"What happened to you Naruto?"

I used some chakra to send him my memories from the end of my fight with Sasuke until now. After he received them he fell asleep. One hour, two, three, even days. I got a little worried but after ten days he finally opened his eyes.

"Now I understand what happened. Are you alright Naruto?"

"What do you mean? I am alright. What about you? It took you quite a while to obtain my memories."

"You already changed a lot. I am not capable to even compare myself to you."

"Well, its alright. I'm glad that you are ok."

Somehow now I felt even closer to him. I could know what he thinks, what he feels, and I knew that I could trust him even with my life. He was now my brother. Strong emotions started to make me tremble as I got close to him and hugged his head that was lowered at my level.

"I missed you my friend."

He closed his eyes and put his head on my back.

"I also missed you Naruto."

After I stayed like that for a few minutes I took a little distance from Kurama facing him.

"Now I have to master the last path. It will take longer so I need you to protect me if something happens."

"Don't worry Naruto, I will protect you with my life."

After he sat on a stone plate that I made with the chakra around me I put my head on his fur and feel in a trance trying to understand the last path. He put his tails over me and also started thinking of his new abilities. Strangely, I felt a lot more relaxed now that Kurama was with me. It felt like it didn't matter that all my friends died. I could accept it. Once again, I started training.