
The Fifth Key To The Gate

Sha-kai: " I'm tired of this pain. I'm tired of being cursed, I'm tired of being hunted!" Sha-kai: " it's time for our race to fight back, we won't sit back and be killed like animals. It's time to show the heavens that we are here, and we are here to stay." Sha-kai is Young upper class men highschool student, and in a short time, his normal depressed life was turned inside down, founding out that the world he knew was not so, and to make it worst he wasn't human as he thought. A lot of secrets was kept from him and a lot of unfortunate events happened to him during this period. But all he knew is one thing, he will not just stand by and be killed. He and his friends stood up and face both the heavens, and every demon in hell. What will he do about his new life, Tune in and find out what will happen in the long run of the thrilling adventure and decision making of this young boy.

lucimodeus · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning and got ready for the first day of the first semester of grade 10 in high school, to think that a 16 year old high school kid is having such unusual nightmares, its a shame.

On my way to school for some reason I can't get those voices out of my head

"you're the Key, death is your ally?"

What in the world is wrong with me? It seems with every passing day the dreams are just getting worst and worst.

Sha-kai: "I think I may need to see a psychologist"

voice: "who need to see a psychologist?"

I turned around and looked at the person who respond to my muttering, to my surprise it was a dark complexion girl just like my self with dark cream hair with brown eyes and over them were glasses that neatly fits on them...

Sha-kai: (nervous) "M-Martina, what's up, what do you mean by psychologist. I didn't say anything like that. It's not like I'm crazy or anything."

Martina: "So, you're going to pretend I didn't hear anything you said just now, or for some unreasonable reason I made up in my mind that I heard you called yourself a psychopath or nuts?... Mmmm. is that right?"

Sha-kai: "yes, wait no! I mean no!"

She then passed me and continued her journey towards the schools main entrance. while left saying

Martina: "This is why I left you and went on with your brother because you don't tell anyone things you just keep it to yourself and that's just unfair and boring."

Hearing your ex girlfriend saying proudly that she left you and went on with your twin brother is harsh, plus not to mention she was your first time. Those stuff kinda lit a fire under most people, and unfortunately for me I'm one of them.

Sha-kai: "Well I can't blame ya.... I did cheated on you first right, with my own twins girlfriend, so you and him wasn't a surprise. Though looked what that brought you, only leaving you alone and basically a nobody, because my brother left you right after he got what he wanted and extracted his revenge towards me. So basically your below low, and that's really bad, because nobody wants a twin brother whore"

She then continued walking in an angrily fashion into school. While I sighed in response looking down...

Sha-kai: (sighing) "To think I have the pride enough to call her a whore.. Gosh I'm terrible... haaa, maybe I went a little too far there..."

Voice: " Your absolutely right, your becoming more like me by the second."

I turned around to see this 5'9 dark complexion, low cut wavy hair and brown eyes looking a bit down at me and smirking at me..

Sha-Kai: " well isn't it the guy who said he isn't coming back to school... what's up Zain.? I thought you ran off with that Italian girl?"

Zain: " Well, it didn't work out, they wanted me to do some religious church thing and shit, and you and I both know, we don't do church."

I started laughing from when I heard his explanation while we walked to our classes.

Sha-Kai: (laughing) " well isn't that sad, demons like us can't step one foot into church these days."

Zain: "Heehhehe you got that right my brother, besides, her kitty wasn't all that much good honestly I've had better cats than her that makes my eyes rolled.. so shhhh..."

He suddenly blushes upon the images flushing through my brain of what he meant..

Sha-Kai ~ "Zain!!!"

Zain started laughing as he wrapped a arm around my neck grinning..

Sha-Kai ~ (Sighed) " How awful of a being you can be bro... Damn that was cruel to say about the cute Italian girl man... And stop making me think dirty thoughts so early!!!"

Zain: (Chuckling) " Pft heheheh well aww cut me some slack.. I'm just speaking the truth... Plus can't I tease my best friend who haven't gotten laid in a while hahah."

After he said that we then bumped our fist together as we usually do as I sighed and smirked at him..

Sha-kai: " just because I haven't gotten laid in a few months doesn't mean I'm rusty... ion wanna be like some one who is self acclaimed sex god..."

Zain: " Heyyyy, I really am, just you wait, soon every girl is gonna want my seed. and I'm gonna be the sexiest man alive."

I burst out laughing as I heard his silly fantasies again.

Sha-Kai: "ha right as if that's gonna happen."

We both then entered in school, Mystic High, the one place that no one can give a crap and just fly through the system. Real fitting for idlers like myself and Zain. Just don't give a crap in the world.

A while after Zain and I entered our classroom, as I looked around I notice a few familiar faces, my twin brother Shacore and his present girlfriend Kayanna Kenneth aka. Kay, she was a pale light skin girl, green eyes and long hip length blonde hair with a cute figure of a body, she was no taller thay around 5'2.

Zain: "Seem like he got a new chick after banging your ex few months ago..."

He sighed as I walked leaving Zain at his desk and moving to mine.

Sha- kai: " Well... He starting off the new year lively however I'm so not playing to be a Whore like you both this year.."

Zain look at me and laughed softly as he sat down.

Zain: Yeah right... You been saying that for months every since ya know what happened with Kate.."

Suddenly I froze from the named he called and went silent, I responded back to him with a different tone of voice calm yet stern.

Sha-kai: " Zain... Let's not touch that topic so early as in the school year.. shall we..."

He looked away with a nervous smile.

Zain: Y-Yeah... Sorry man.. my bad.."

I then sighed once again relaxing and kept moving to my desk passing my brother and his knew toy.. to the left of them sat a dark hair girl with light brown skin not as pale as Kay's however beautiful none the less, she had hip length hair however the end of her hair was bleached out, her dark eyes gazed lazy up at Zain annoyed. Her name was Garry- Ann Sky. We call her Sky for short though cause her first name was too long.

Moving along closer to my seat in the back of the class to the corner sat before a brown complexion girl with brown eyes, she was about 5'4,with braided black neck length hair, she was Brethanqiue Bright aka Bre.

As I walked past her we pay no attention to each other until she had to open her mouth..

Bre: " Well.. isn't that Whore.. hehe"

Sha-kai: " Well is that a bitch before me.."

He immediately glared at me as I passed her sitting at my seat behind her look back at her exhausted of her presence..

Bre: " Did you just call me a bitch?"

Sha-kai: " Did you just call me a Whore?"

She softly chuckled as she turned around cracking her knuckles.

Bre: " Hehe you know what.. lemme just ignore you.. the year is just starting.. ion wanna put you in the hospital."

Sha-kai: " You wish you could."

And as I said that the bell rang staring the day off.

Time Past:

Later on that day school dismissed and as usual my twin left without me, he always leaves and go over to dad's house and don't return home after dark, I guess he and our dad have a bond that I will never have and it's only fair I guess, she mom always spoils me ever since she and our dad got divorced a year back.

I sighed as I watched him walked away alone, shading the mask of play boy he puts on at school just like myself...

Sha-Kai: " Haaa... Well life on a whole is just messed up..."

Scary voice: "You haven't seen the half of it,"

Startled out of my mind I promptly started looking around where that voice came from..

Sha-kai: "who said that?"

As I was expecting, no one answered. I then sighed and continued my journey home.

Sha-kai: " I guess the voices in my head is messing with me again.."

Little girl: "Mr. who said what?"

To my surprised there was a little girl standing before me looking in my face and I didn't notice.

Sha-kai: "hmm where did you come from little one?"

she looked at me curious.

little girl: "can you um..."


Her tummy growl and I suddenly let out a soft smile.

Sha-kai: "Well before you answer, didn't your mommy and daddy say you shouldn't talk to strangers?

Little girl: " Mhm... But they also said if I'm lost I must ask someone to direct me to a police station or ask for a call..."

Sha-Kai: " hmm fair enough."

Honestly her parents isn't wrong in advising her that but honestly it's not all safe... And to make it worst I hated the sound of her stomach growling moments ago...

Sha-Kai: (Sighing) " Haaa... I may regret this... Mmm kid how about we get ice cream at the shop a head?"

She responded hyper from the she heard ice cream.

little girl: "yes! I love ice cream please."

Haaa a little girl so cute with her fiery red long hair, sweet brown eyes and light complexion, she almost looked like my younger sisters Destiney and Daisy, other from the fiery red hair and way lighter skin..

Sha-kai: "Two ice cream please"

I took one and gave the little girl one and continued our conversation, as we walked I asked her some questions.

Sha-kai: "hi what were you asking me earlier little one?"

Little girl: "Oh can you follow me home cause I'm scared."

Sha-kai: "Scared of what?"

Little girl: "I'm scared to walk alone"

Honestly.... Is this what the kid wanted... Jeez, now I'm sure gonna look like a kidnapper if I do this but also can't just let the kid go alone....

Sha-kai: "But why?"

Little girl: "Because my older brother isn't here today, he's coming in late from work and I'm scared of the trees. They look scary."

Her family needs to make some arrangements for this kid to get home safely without asking strangers.

Sha-kai: "Well I don't have any choice do I, I can't let kid like your self walk alone." (smiling)

Little girl: (smiling) "Thank you Mr."

Sha-kai: " No problem kiddo"

Honesty who haven't felt that, but I guess it's because she was so little I agreed to follow her home. If only I knew the hell that awaited me ahead