
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Book&Literature
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Summer Thoughts

Cedric POV

Cedric was waiting for the Hogwarts express to start as he mused about the interesting summer he spent with the Order of the Hippogriff. As the oldest of the group, he thought that a good part of what he would have to do would be to help his juniors, but being honest with himself, Soisen surprised him a lot.

Throughout the summer, he never had a chance to give a lesson. His intervention was more like adding comments or additional information to whatever Soisen was saying.

In a way, he was a sort of adjunct teacher and was more active in teaching the correct casting of various spells and incantations, as Soisen on his own could not monitor everyone efficiently simultaneously.

During the first few meetings, several tests were given to see the general level of each member and ended with a wizard duel. Hermione, Cho and himself showed the best results in the overall average, while others had good points and points to improve.

He couldn't count Soisen, because he was simply an anomaly, in a good way. He was a student about to start his fourth year and his theoretical knowledge was slightly higher than theirs. He was a freaking genius.

As for spell casting, just remembering the duels made him want to cover his face with his hand. They had many friendly confrontations, but it could be considered more of a dynamic practice. This was especially evident when the whole Order faced Soisen to simulate an ambush and they all ended up on the ground without understanding what happened or when.

It was only later when Cedric realized that Soisen was a wizard with talent in illusion magic and altered their perceptions so that they attacked each other while seeing their target as if it were him.

He thought it was a good trick and tried to research the subject on his own to have an ace up his sleeve for emergencies, but he saw that since that branch of magic was used to create enchantments like muggle repelling, there wasn't too much progress in the field.

In other words, the magic that Soisen used was most likely, his invention or one that he altered after devoting a lot of effort, which was why he felt too embarrassed to approach him and ask him to teach him.

But that didn't take away from the fun of getting together with the group from time to time and improving their magical skills. They also went on the odd field trip and picnic that turned out to be enjoyable, in fact, he himself was surprised when near the end of the summer, he and Cho became a couple. Apparently, Cho initially joined the Order for him, but he didn't realize that he himself was developing feelings for the Ravenclaw until he had a revealing talk with Soisen and realized it. While Cho was younger, the power of her cheerfulness and energetic attitude were unstoppable.

The best part of it all? No more having to run away from her "fans" when word got out at Hogwarts that she had a girlfriend!

It may seem petty, but one really couldn't understand how annoying it was to be followed everywhere without giving you space or private time every year. He was too polite, so he couldn't chase people away rudely either.

POV Ginny

This has been the best summer of my life!

When Luna and I joined the Order, I thought maybe we would be treated like children, but nothing could be further from the truth. We are all allowed to learn equally and the only times we were denied something, they explained the reason behind it and after careful thought, they were absolutely right.

A month ago I wanted to learn an attack spell, but Soisen explained that my magic level wasn't high enough yet to be able to use it efficiently and I would get tired too quickly, so instead, he taught me three alternatives, which although less powerful, give me much more freedom in battle. He performs better than some Hogwarts professors and the way he is able to cast spells without a wand is great. I wanted to try it too, but it was too difficult because I was already used to the wand.

For a moment I thought what would happen if Harry and Soisen faced each other - what a surprise when I heard from Hermione that they actually dueled under the gaze of many!

And Harry's performance turned out to be... pathetic, to use kind words.

I mean, did he really end up gyrating like a roast suckling pig, how embarrassing!

I'm absolutely certain that if I had to face Ron or anyone in my year now, I'd knock him out in less than ten seconds. Although as Soisen said, that's really no accomplishment at all and after realizing that, I can't deny it.

My brother is a complete slob and aside from quidditch or food, I've never seen him have any interest in anything nor does he like to move if he doesn't have to. Wait, in fact, he also likes to jump to unsubstantiated conclusions and exaggerate stories.

The version he told me of him facing the troll in his first year with one hand tied behind his back and his eyes closed makes me cringe every time I remember it. Things haven't been the same with Ron and Percy since the Sorting Hat put me in Galegold, but if given the chance to leave and join Gryffindor, I'd turn it down.

I'm glad also because Luna was also able to make friends with more people. While those of us in Galegold House are closer even than Hufflepuff, there are still very few of us compared to the other four Houses. When I asked Soisen for the reason, he said that our House prioritizes quality over quantity. Maybe that's why we get along with everyone.

My brothers, Fred and George, have been providing us with the necessary equipment for practice without probing too much, but judging by the way they exchange glances while smiling, I think they may have their suspicions about my recent "outings with Luna."

At least my parents aren't suspicious and are happy for me to go out with friends.

I thought they would post some joke item, but for some reason, the twins seem rather reluctant to prank Soisen. wonder why?

POV Neville

After checking to make sure Trevor didn't run away again, I sat in the train carriage and looked out the window as I got lost in my own thoughts.

I never expected to be a part of something like the Order of the Hippogriff, my lack of confidence, skill and memory had always bothered me. And not just me, my heart aches when I see my grandmother worrying so much.

Soisen has been very patient with me. Although even Ginny and Luna managed to learn things before me, he would give me tips and notes so that I could practice on my own time, making it as far as I tried.

One day, as soon as our meeting was over, we both stayed behind to pick up and talked about what we hoped for the future. Unexpectedly, he suggested that I become a Herbology teacher after graduation and I admit, I really like the idea. Plants are something that help me show confidence and I have solid knowledge about it.

Even Professor Sprout praises me in that regard, so I think I will seriously consider it.

POV Hermione

This summer has been so rewarding!

I didn't expect Soisen to meet such a kind lady, who would lend us a room over the summer to practice magic outside of Hogwarts without the Ministry of Magic finding out.

I believe her name was Miss Nagini? She had a beautiful choker around her neck.

When I found out that in the houses of the so-called "purebloods" they can use magic without inconvenience while we Muggle-born children are restricted, I was so offended!

That's not fair! If I had known there were places like this, I wouldn't have had to spend the summers before this one limiting myself to reading books. I would have also practiced my spell casting.

Just look at Soisen! His progress is so far ahead of mine that I could simply say we are no longer on the same levels.

As his hired secretary, I've seen some scrolls thrown away from his potions or magical research and felt like pulling my hair out because I haven't been able to understand a fifth of what was written. Only when we are talking about product design does he seem to speak our language again and even then, most of the work is still done by him or Silvia.

Fortunately, we were able to make up for all the lost time these past few years and really catch up on Defense Against the Dark Arts. While Cho helped Neville, Ginny and Luna with some practice, Cedric helped me study while Soisen helped Silvia.

I wondered if this year's DADA teacher will at least be able to teach something?

POV Silvia

I didn't expect to have such a hard time attending Order meetings.

I haven't had any problems studying or practicing, it's just... Argh!

It's all Soisen's fault.

Since last summer, when Hermione was on a trip with her family in France and I met with him several times, I think that's when I started to become more aware of his presence by my side. I had long known he was a shape-shifter, not that he deliberately hid his hairstyle changes, so I thought he was just changing a few things, but it turned out to be all just my impression.

This summer he even gave a growth spurt and is now taller than me by a head!

I still remember when we wanted to do some sport to get in good shape and he took off his shirt at the end to pour himself some water to cool down, revealing his toned and golden proportioned body, all glistening with sweat....

When I managed to resume my thoughts and realized how I stared at him, I ran away in panic without saying a word to his surprise. how embarrassing! Later, the next time we met I had to make up an excuse for my behavior.

And when I confusedly told my mother what was happening to me, she pointed out after laughing for a long while what was wrong with me, causing me to blush completely as she understood my symptoms.

I have been taking a little more care of my appearance since then, subtly. Thanks to Soisen's potion, I no longer need to wear thick glasses and perhaps due to my recent physical development, I also stopped being chubby and have become slimmer. I also took more care with my skin and my red hair, which I trimmed a bit of its length so that it only reaches my back.

The only complaint I have, is that while Soisen seems to have gotten taller, I'm still the same with my height and it doesn't look like it's going to change. It's frustrating, because he was also short in stature and still taller than I was then.

Will I always be short?

But I think I must be doing something right, as I noticed that Soisen is looking at me more believing that I don't notice and is taking the initiative to teach me in the Order's paired study sessions.

That should be a good sign, right?

I can't help but feel happy and a little expectant.

This time I wanted to make a point of view of the others before starting the fourth year and I think I managed to recreate their personalities quite well, what do you think?

Cadenadeaventurascreators' thoughts