
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Book&Literature
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164 Chs

Goodview Potion

The next morning, everyone was talking about at least six different versions of the story of what happened to the troll in the Great Hall, all wrong and far from reality.

"I can't believe Harry and Ron got points!" exclaimed shocked Hermione, who, for reasons unknown, was sitting at the Galegold table instead of the Gryffindor one. "While I appreciate you coming to find me, you did absolutely nothing while I was being attacked!" She," she complained, "You were the one who brought down the troll and they awarded you less points than those two!

"Welcome to reality, where you discover that the points have no real value," Soisen told her, earning an expression from the girl as if she had just told her that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

Apparently, the event that should trigger the birth of the golden trio went downhill due to her intervention. As a result, Hermione remains angry with Harry and Ron, which will deprive them of 99% brainpower in future adventures, while being saved in a life-or-death situation has brought her closer to Soisen.

Meh, one more friend can't hurt.

"Good morning, Soisen!" You are well?

"Good morning, Sylvia. All right —he returned the greeting and introduced the girls— Silvia, this is Hermione and vice versa.

"I'd love to," Silvia replied as she shook Hermione's hand.

-Oh my God! Hermione exclaimed. "You're the soap girl!" I love the vanilla-scented version of the cat.

"Thank you," Silvia and Soisen responded at the same time, to the bewilderment of the witch.

—We both did the business —Silvia clarified— I make the soaps…

"Then I loved them…" Soisen continued.

And then we sell them! x2

As the three of them discussed which scent went best with which shape and defended the reasons while striking down the opposing reasoning, the Weasley twins approached the table.

"Mr. Galegold!"

—Our favorite returning customer!

We've heard the news...

"And we're grateful to you for saving little Ronnie!"

"Besides not hitting him...

—How about a 10% discount on the next order to celebrate? Soisen suggested.

Thanks are great, but practical is useful.

Fred and George looked at each other and shared a moment of intensive exchange of microgestures of their exclusive language as twins.

-Deal! —they agreed.

"I won't be polite then, next time bring me three times as much." I'm close to something important and I need to calibrate the proportions.


"See you on Saturday for the delivery."

-What are you all talking about? Hermione asked interestedly as Silvia turned around, expressing the same question with her gaze.

"I'm optimizing a potion and the twins kindly act as go-betweens supplying me with the ingredients." It's almost ready.

—But… for potions you have to follow the recipe to the letter!

"Well, since I'm creating a completely new potion, there's no recipe to consult. Don't worry, I have professionals supervising my work.

Hermione and Silvia gasped.

How long had they been in school learning Potions? Two months?

And here thinking that the enchanted soap was already an incredible project...

—Wait, you said you were optimizing it —Silvia paid attention to the detail.

—Oh, it already has the desired final effect, but it is not a pleasant process and it needs to improve some details.

The "Buenavista" potion, as he called it, when drunk, destroyed the defective eyeballs like a punctured balloon and made new, healthy ones grow. She was now experimenting so that instead of that extreme process, she simply readjusted the defects of the eye.

After all, a smooth and less unpleasant process will be useful when it comes to selling the potion, right?

—By the way, there's a Quidditch match next week —said Silvia— which team are you going to support?

"I'm not going, I don't like Quidditch," Soisen dismissed without a second thought.

The danger and rules of the game were ridiculous and a waste of time. You have to know that the longest game recorded is three months because the searchers could not find the Snitch.

Nobody thought: This is getting out of hand, we better use common sense and stop.

The only thing he will do related to that magic sport is bet when Ireland and Bulgaria meet, since he knew the result.

He'd rather spend the day looking for the treasures at Hogwarts than see that.

Also, Potter didn't make the team because of his intervention in Flight class and Quirrel won't try to kill him with the Texas rodeo curse.

Where will the fun part be?