
The Fifth House: Galegold

Did you really think that Hogwarts only had four founders? No, my friend, you should not believe what the history books say, because reality always has its hidden cards and sometimes it decides to use them at the most unexpected moment. How shall we say… now? When the unknown heir to the fifth house receives the letter from the famous College of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After an absence of almost a millennium, it is time for everyone to know the truth, whether they like it or not. I do not own Harry Potter or any other universe that will appear except the MC.

Cadenadeaventuras · Book&Literature
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164 Chs

Cloe Cannes

By the time Soisen needed to resume her magical studies after the holidays were over, the store in Diagon Alley was up and running under the name Golden Wind after its successful opening. Nagini would be in charge of the store during her absence and would start looking for or building the greenhouses they would need once Pomona was finished with the study of the plants she was given.

It was also explained to him the possibility of starting to produce a muggle version of butterbeer and they needed to prepare for that.

Although he was somewhat excited about the exchange, he couldn't help but think that the organization was not very professional.

Why was that?

According to what he was told, he would travel via Flu to the nearest town to Beauxbatons Palace, after which Chloe would pick him up to take him to the magic school. Well, you'd think that would be logical.

But... no one told him the full plan. That he would first have to go to Hogwarts a day before to get the artifact from Dumbledore to solve the language problem, after which he needed to go to the British Ministry to sign some papers, from where he would travel with red Flu to the French Ministry and finally arrive at the assigned village.

No doubt he was not informed correctly on purpose!

Hogwarts is clearly connected to the Flu network and he doesn't believe that Beauxbatons doesn't have at least one entrance to the Flu network, is it necessary to go round in circles?

Can't we just be honest and straightforward?

Bloody magical politicians and their magical politics about traveling to other places while burning in spontaneous green fire.

They take all the fun out of it!

At the very least, he was accompanied through all the hustle and bustle. He thought Sinistra would accompany him once he left Hogwarts, but Professor Flitwick decided to impose this duty on himself and be able to see his friend if only for a little while. So two hours later, they finally made it out of the green flames at their destination.

It turns out that when they ask you to let them examine your wand and you say you don't use one at the Ministries, they think you're lying and insist on searching you. Again, what the heck do they examine wands for?

I mean, they could give you one to make the pass and keep three more in your belt.

It wasn't all bad though, Soisen listened as everyone spoke in French and after activating Dumbledore's artifact in the form of a white leather bracelet, he managed to understand everything they were saying and held a smooth conversation as he ordered a drink while they waited for the Beauxbatons Charms teacher to arrive.

-Flitwick! A lady in her forties, dressed in a cream-colored suit with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, approached their table.

-Chloe! Long time no see," Flitwick returned the greeting and after exchanging a few pleasantries, quickly introduced the third member of the table, "This is Soisen Galegold, the student I spoke of in my letters and the one who will be doing the school exchange. Soisen, this is Miss Cloe Cannes, a talented witch and the Beauxbatons Charms teacher who will be in your charge during this period of time.

-A pleasure to meet you, Professor Cloe," Soisen greeted.

-Oh, so you're the one who thought of those interesting magic formulas, I'm already looking forward to getting to it later. And again, thanks for the Christmas present," Chloe said with a smile.

-I'm glad she liked it.

-Now, we should be leaving shortly. Although the students don't return until tomorrow, I think it's necessary to use as much time as possible to help you familiarize yourself with the new place so that you can integrate quickly," said Cloe as she turned and gave an apologetic look. We can try to organize a colleagues' meeting during the summer, it's been years since we've all met at the same time.

-Of course! -Flitwick nodded sympathetically, "It would certainly be rewarding and I'm sure we'd have a lot to catch up on. I'll be in charge of making my famous cupcakes by then!

-I'm already looking forward to it.

Even with the supposed rush, they were still talking for fifteen minutes before actually saying goodbye and leaving. Soisen had to maintain a polite smile throughout, being patient without interrupting the conversation. He sighed inwardly, since he couldn't bring Rada with him or he would have taken her out to play while he waited.

Apparently Beauxbatons doesn't agree to have a pet scarbato in their palace, too many shiny things that can disappear. So Soisen had no choice but to leave Rada with Ann and Ingta.

-Sorry for the delay, although we usually exchange letters by owl, being able to talk face to face is something completely different," commented Chloe as she guided Soisen through the alleys, "Luckily, I was able to park nearby and it won't take us too long to get to Beauxbatons. Here we are.

An inconspicuous but wide square revealed itself to Soisen's eyes, who, looking left and right, found nothing to hop on. Chloe reached out and retracted her hand and opened a door in the air in front of her.

-Come on, get in quickly," the Charms teacher urged.

When Soisen entered, she identified the interior as that of a horse-drawn carriage.

-Disappointment Charms? -he asked even though he knew the answer.

-This is the carriage used by Beauxbatons staff to stock up on provisions from time to time. It has a convenient space spread out undetectably in the trunk, but for some reason, they never thought to use another one in the passenger area," Chloe explained as she climbed in as well and closed the door behind her.

They weren't too cramped, there was enough room for four people to sit comfortably, just a little smaller than the compartments in the carriages on the train to Hogwarts.

Chloe tapped the roof twice and the carriage jolted, giving away its setting.

-Let's do a quick run-through of the general idea for this exchange and if you have any questions, wait until I'm done to raise them, shall we?

-Yes, teacher.

-Charming, I think we'll get along just fine," nodded Chloe as she looked at her hair that she let grow out over the holidays, "However, remind me later to help you get a haircut. At Beauxbatons we pay attention to grooming and unless you want to wear a bun during lessons to keep your hair long, it's best to go neatly trimmed.

-I'll fix it right away," Soisen had no objection and with a thought, the hair was shortened, darkened and moved, adopting a neat, sleek hairstyle.

-Metamorphomagus? Funny, I haven't met one in a while," Chloe looked at the new hairstyle and nodded in satisfaction, "That's it, keep it that way or similar for the rest of the school year. Okay, here's the plan: Once you leave your things in your assigned dormitory, I will show you Beauxbatons to orient you and at the same time, every time we visit a subject classroom, you will be tested in that subject to get an idea of the level you are at, as we need to know that to organize everything to give you your timetable tomorrow. Twice a week I will join you in the afternoon to help you with any doubts or problems you may have, be it in school, studies or personal projects. I will also accompany you outside every month to show you the most famous and interesting places, I assure you it is not something you want to miss. After discussing it with the director, we agree that you can do small business at school, but you must present a list of products that must be approved by us.