
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


Late at night, in a cave in the Land of Fire, Kakashi and Natsuhiko were sitting there.

After a day of escaping, they had arrived at the town closest to Konoha.

However, Natsuhiko didn't intend to go in. You must know that they had just snatched the 'head' from an extremely vicious Kakuzu whose strength had already reached the shadow level.

It was still a real grab for someone's head. This tone was probably unacceptable.

Even if they ran fast enough, Natsuhiko felt that someone like Kakuzu, who valued money extremely important, would never let them go, so catching up was inevitable.

The reason why they were able to grab the head was entirely because Kakuzu was careless. He didn't take himself and Kakashi seriously at all.

This gave the two of them a small chance to complete the task.

But if they are really caught up, then they will probably face Kakuzu who is going all out. Natsuhiko doesn't think that just the two of them can face this guy.

Instead of entering the town, he eliminated all traces along the way. He even used a shadow clone to run around for the purpose of confusing the corner.

As someone who has been fighting on the battlefield for almost nine years and who has been in ANBU for almost six years, they are all familiar with this kind of thing.

But Kakashi was still a little confused. He didn't know why Natsuhiko was so careful.

"Captain." He slowly stirred the fast food in his hand and glanced at the ninja dog standing guard at the entrance of the cave. Kakashi couldn't help but asked, "Are you too careful?"

"It's rest time now, just call me Natsuhiko." Natsuhiko stretched slightly, and then said gently: "It's always right to be careful, because who we are facing is not a simple person."

"Isn't he already dead?" Kakashi frowned, that guy was pierced through the heart by his own Chidori!

He didn't think that a person whose heart had been penetrated could continue to live.

The ninja's defense is actually like that. Even if a Senbon hits the vital point, the individual will die directly.

No one is an exception, and no one can take a chance.

"Dead?" Natsuhiko shook his head gently, and then continued to maintain a gentle expression and said: "Kakashi, that guy is not dead."

Having said this, Natsuhiko paused, looked at Kakashi who was about to ask, he smiled and shook his head.

"Are you confused?

In fact, you have just joined ANBU. The normal process should be to familiarize yourself with various intelligence materials first, and then slowly enter the mission.

I don't know whether it was the Fourth Hokage's request or the captain's decision, but you actually followed me directly to perform the mission.

This guy Kakuzu is very dangerous. According to intelligence records, he once faced six elite jounin worth more than 30 million in the black market and wiped them all out.

In that operation, he himself was stabbed through the heart, and the final result was that he exchanged nearly 200 million taels on the black market exchange!

You did stab his heart, but I really don't think a guy like him would die easily. "

Natsuhiko spoke slowly, and Kakashi listened carefully.

When he first heard the normal procedures of ANBU, Natsuhiko specifically observed Kakashi's expression and state.

In this cave, they had all taken off their masks, but Kakashi still wore his traditional mask.

Unfortunately, Natsuhiko didn't find anything unusual in Kakashi's eyes, he was still very calm.

To be honest, he really hoped that Kakashi would have some reaction.

But when it came to the latter part, Kakashi finally reacted. He seemed a little surprised by the strength of this guy Kakuzu.

I was also surprised how this guy was still alive after being stabbed in the chest.

But he also realized that if it was like Natsuhiko said,

Then this bounty hunter named Kakuzu is probably still alive!

Kakashi is not a fool. He naturally noticed that the guy was not serious when fighting, and did not take them seriously at all.

If he was still alive and he thought he had been killed, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Kakashi nodded slightly: "I understand, captain. So you take advantage of his general paralysis to chop off the target's head and then retreat quickly?"

"Yes." Natsuhiko smiled: "Although we encountered some accidents, it will be of great benefit to us to carry out our mission if we check more information when we go back."

Intelligence is the key.

In the world of ninjas, once you know the enemy's intelligence, the other party knows nothing about you.

Then you will have the upper hand and even be able to kill your opponent by surprise.

And what Natsuhiko said was not nonsense, this was real information recorded in the ANBU.

However, this information was divided into various small pieces of information, and Natsuhiko only dared to speak out after he was sure that he had seen this information.

He was not worried that Kakashi would not find these things if he went back to investigate.

Looking at Kakashi who nodded silently and stopped talking, although Natsuhiko's face remained gentle, he sighed in his heart.

Why don't you follow my train of thought and think about why as soon as you came in, you didn't follow the routine and directly participated in the mission?

But looking at Kakashi, he didn't think so,He was too lazy to say too much. The reason why he deliberately guided Kakashi was just to give him a reminder.

That is 'the water in ANBU is very deep, you may not be able to control it'.

The Fourth Hokage has just come to power and does not have a stable team at all. Now the entire Konoha is still under the control of the Third Hokage.

If nothing else, the ANBU still listens to the words of the Third Hokage, and even the head of the ANBU is still the most loyal person to the Third Hokage.

This time period is the most sensitive. Even if the Fourth Generation Eye has good reasons for letting Kakashi enter the ANBU, this also arouses the nerves of the Third Hokage and those in the group.

So impatient?

Do you really want to get the rights to ANBU?

I'm afraid in their eyes, Kakashi's entry into ANBU was not for any other reason, but just a signal.

If this were not the case, he would not have been given a thumbs down by the captain as soon as he came in.

He shook his head indifferently. If Kakashi didn't react, then he didn't react. At most, he could give him some friendly reminders when the time comes.

Natsuhiko is not very interested in the power struggle between the third generation and the fourth generation. Even if he really wants to bet on it, he would rather bet on the third generation Hokage.

After all, this old man still has more than ten years to live, while the fourth generation only has more than a year.

But if it causes some commotion among them in advance, it won't be a bad thing for Natsuhiko.

After all, his family is very much looking forward to the fall of the Third Hokage, and Natsuhiko is also a spy to some extent.

"As an ANBU, I clean up those spies all day long, but you didn't expect it, and so did I..."