
The Fifth Hokage

The First Hokage and the Second Hokage are brothers. The Second Hokage and the Third Hokage are masters and disciples. The Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have a half-master-disciple relationship. Inferring from this, the Fifth Hokage...Natsuhiko: Yes, it's me! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please Note that this fanfic is translated from the original which can be found here https://book.qidian.com/info/1028867086/. If the original author want this taken down just comment in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just translating this fanfic which has around 300+ chapters to just earn some coffee changes. Please do support in patreon.com/Nemesis956 where you can find 5 advance chapters for this fanfic.

Nemesis_2466 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


The kunai that was fused with Natsuhiko's chakra was fiercely inserted into the chest of an 'Iwa Ninja'.

Then he directly broke open his chest and stabbed the person behind him with scarlet blood!

"Damn it!"

A man dressed as an Iwa Ninja cursed loudly, and he immediately raised his ninja sword to resist. However, his defense was in vain in front of this blue kunai.

When the ninja sword in his hand collided with the kunai, cracks appeared in his ninja sword in an instant. As the cracks spread rapidly, his ninja sword also broke at this moment!

If a ninja next to him didn't have quick eyesight and quick hands, and directly grabbed him and pulled him to his side, the kunai would definitely penetrate his chest!

The middle-aged captain didn't react at the moment. One second he was still in a certain death situation, but the next moment it was reversed. The excitement was too strong.

But after all, he is also a qualified ninja, especially when he is still fighting. Naturally, he cannot just lie on the ground and watch, even if he is seriously injured.

He climbed up with difficulty, glanced at his men around him, and couldn't help but sigh.

There are three of his men, a standard ninja team, but one person has been killed at this moment, and the other two, including himself, are seriously injured.

"But fortunately, reinforcements are coming..."

The middle-aged man secretly thought that the next moment, two white-haired men wearing black and white helmets and white animal masks suddenly appeared in front of him.

The two of them looked young, but the chakra fluctuations in their bodies made the middle-aged captain secretly dumbfounded.

"Anbu? These two young men are not simple."

Nartsuhiko didn't know what the captain was thinking. He glanced at the current situation and then directly drew out his Ninja Sword.

Kakashi was also standing beside him, also alert to all this. He didn't take action, obviously waiting for Natsuhiko's order.

This made Natsuhiko nod with satisfaction. Kakashi was a very proud guy. In the original work, he was not obedient at all in the ANBU.

When facing an enemy, even if his captain told him to stop, he would kill them with Chidori without hesitation.

Kakashi's current state has shown that he trusts him, which is a good thing, so Natsuhiko directly issued the order.

"Leave one to two alive and deal with all the others."

"Yes, Captain."

Kakashi said indifferently, and the next moment he turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed directly towards the 'Iwa Ninja'. At the same time, a jumping arc of electricity appeared on his wrist.

And Natsuhiko didn't stop at all. He rushed to the side of a 'Iwa ninja' with just a teleportation technique, and then slashed at him without hesitation!

His speed was so fast that the gains brought to him by the fruits of basic attributes were unimaginable. In addition, his mastery of the teleportation technique made it even faster so that no one could detect his presence.


The light of the sword flickered, bringing up a splash of blood. Natsuhiko separated the corpse of the 'Iwa Ninja' in front of him with just one blow, using a clean and neat technique.

Without waiting for his enemy to react, Natsuhiko suddenly turned around, and then his ninja sword struck out again, slashing at the other person with a sound of breaking through the air.

At this time, these 'Iwa Ninja' all reacted, and they immediately attacked Natsuhiko, but at this time Natsuhiko had already killed another enemy.

The ninja sword slashed across the throat of the 'Iwa Ninja', not too lightly but not too hard, just enough to cut through his aorta.

His blood flew past Natsuhiko's mask, and before he even landed, Natsuhiko turned around and held the oncoming Ninja Sword. At the same time, several kunai were thrown at him.

Faced with this situation, Natsuhiko didn't panic at all. The moment those kunai hit his body directly, his body turned into smoke.

A piece of wood fell to the ground at this moment.

"Substitution technique? Be careful!"

A 'Iwa ninja' suddenly realized that something was wrong, and he immediately shouted loudly, but the chakra whistling behind him had already condensed!

"Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet!"

"What? Using water escape where there is no water?"

The water escape quickly condensed into a giant dragon and slammed into these 'Iwa ninjas' in this small monitoring point!


This surveillance tower was obviously no longer able to withstand the battle between Natsuhiko and the others, and it collapsed when his water escape was rampant.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Natsuhiko directly caught the middle-aged man and a seriously injured Konoha ninja.

As for the other surviving guy, his injuries were relatively minor and Natsuhiko would not care about him at all.

Landing firmly on the ground, he quickly threw out a few kunai so that the enemies could not rush up immediately, and then formed another seal.

"Water Release·Water Dragon Bite Explosion!"

Along with the surge of his chakra, a huge whirlpool of water rose from the ground, and many 'Iwa Ninja' who had not yet gained a foothold were directly knocked away.

And as the water vortex continued to rise, they finally gathered into a huge water dragon at a height of more than ten meters.

The water dragon let out a roar, and then hit the ground hard!

Those 'Iwa Ninja' who were knocked down by the previous whirlpool had no time to get up and escape. At least three of them were killed directly by Natsuhiko.

The remaining two people escaped, but the water waves formed by the dragon water hitting the ground had surrounded them, and they had to stand on the water to fight.

It's just that such a combat environment seems to make them a little uncomfortable.

"Not somewhere with water?"

Natsuhiko looked at their state, and could not help but raise his eyebrows. There were very few people in the entire ninja world who were not adaptable to such a fighting environment, but it was not impossible.

For example, the relatively arid Kingdom of Earth and the severely arid Kingdom of Wind!

Natsuhiko had roughly guessed where the people in front of him came from, but two people were still a bit too much for him, and he only needed one survivor.

It is true that people can take their heads back for examination after death, but such examinations can only look at some things from the past, and many more flexible information cannot be tortured out.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, living mouths are the best choice for Anbu or even general mission teams.

Unless there is really no other way, you can only go back with your head.

Looking at the two extremely vigilant people in front of him, Natsuhiko felt his own chakra, and he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

He is now very balanced and strong in all aspects, but he also has his only flaw, that is, his chakra is really not enough.

"But it doesn't matter, because..."

Natsuhiko bowed slightly and made an offensive posture. At the same time, he put his left hand behind his back and slowly began to form seals.

"It's about to end."

Body Flicker!

The next moment, the little chakra on his body surged fiercely, and his figure disappeared without a trace in an instant. When he appeared again, he had already come behind a 'Iwa Ninja'.

The Iwa Ninja didn't react at all. By the time he felt a stinging pain in his neck, his consciousness had already begun to blur.

At this moment, there was only one sentence echoing in his mind.

"So fast....."