
The Fifth Hokage Is Naruto's Uncle

During the Third World Ninja War, Namikaze Minato and his younger brother Namikaze Mirai dominated every battlefield, and their moniker 'Konoha's Twin Flashes', spread far and wide, instilling profound fear in their adversaries. The 'Blue Flash' with his Magnet Release, returned to Konoha after three years, only to find his brother and sister-in-law dead, leaving his young nephew to live a miserable life. ... Naruto, who was being bullied, suddenly saw a blond figure standing and shielding him with a gentle smile. "Don’t be afraid, Naruto. It's fine now. Why? Because I am here." .... Note: Needless to say, for publishing more chapters. It would depend entirely on the interaction the story receives and the readers's enthusiasm for this book.

Dienekes · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs


Mirai raised his eyebrow, looking at Iwashi amusedly, noticing the growing goatee on his chin. He recalled that Iwashi was probably just a year older than Kakashi. 

Shiranui Genma, with his trademark senbon in his mouth, shook his head and said. "Don't pay him attention, Mirai-san."

Namiashi Raido, with his brown spiky hair, intervened. "We're just glad to have you back, Mirai-san. We never stopped believing you were alive."

Taking his seat opposite to them, Mirai smiled faintly. "It's good to see you all too."

Raido continued. "We weren't able to meet you earlier because we were assigned a long escort mission."

Mirai nodded, ordering his tea and taking small sips. "How have things been with the Hokage Guard Platoon?"

Iwashi grumbled. "We were relieved from that duty after… that night, and relocated to the ordinary ninja forces."

The mention of 'that night' brought a somber mood over the trio. They exchanged glances, their expressions heavy with regret.

After a moment of silence, they bowed their heads, their teeth clenched in frustration. "We're sorry, Mirai-san." Raido said, his voice strained. "We weren't much help that night. We were too weak."

Mirai continued to sip his tea, his demeanor calm. "You don't need to apologize. Knowing your limits is a sign of your maturity and wisdom."

Holding his steaming cup, Mirai felt the familiar weight of unresolved anger and frustration. Blaming someone incapable of making a change for the events of that night seemed pointless. His hatred and desire for vengeance were focused solely on the perpetrators. But what truly infuriated him was how those who should have cared for Naruto had abandoned him, leaving the boy to fend for himself.

Glancing at them with resolve, Mirai added. "You're aware of the impending battle with Kumo. I may need your expertise in the [Flying Thunder God Formation] technique."

Raido, speaking for all of them, responded seriously. "If our presence can contribute to Konoha's peace, we'll gladly assist you, Mirai-san."

Mirai, however, scoffed lightly, setting down his cup with a sigh. "The peace we're seeking is fragile, just a facade. It's a calm before the storm. Until the culprit of that night is dealt with, I'm afraid the ninja world will never truly be at peace. The cycle of conflict never ends. It only pauses momentarily, waiting for the next battle to erupt—probably on a larger and more dangerous scale."

Genma clenched his teeth in frustration, breaking his senbon, his voice laced with doubt. "Who are we fooling then? How can we be of any help? We're weak!"

Mirai's response was calm yet firm. "What are you hesitating about? There isn't any shame in being weak, the shame is in staying weak."

The trio looked at him wide-eyed, before bowing their heads again but lower. Raido spoke seriously. "We've known from the beginning that we aren't anything special. The only reason the Fourth Hokage chose us to be taught by him and serve him directly was our aptitude with space-time techniques, but even that pales in comparison to his."

Taking the reins, Iwashi declared, still bowing his head. "Please train us, Mirai-san. We may never be able to keep up… But still, please let us follow you! So that we may chase after your strength."

In response, Mirai fixed them with a penetrating gaze, his presence and aura bearing down on them, assessing their resolve. "Do you possess the determination, the conviction, to follow someone like me?"

The trio swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of Mirai's stare. but they refused to waver. Together, they replied. "As long as we're able, we will fight!"

Mirai nodded slowly, acknowledging their commitment. "Good." He said with a faint smile. "Then I hope you maintain this same tenacity."


Leaving the teahouse and heading home, Mirai glanced at his clenched fist, reflecting on his journey. After the war, he realized he couldn't get stronger if he stayed in the peaceful Konoha. With Minato training in Senjutsu, he knew he couldn't keep up. So, he immersed himself in new environments, forcing himself to discover the limits of a ninja. He climbed the walls, spending years toiling away.

But he knew he was still far from reaching the top of those walls—the limits of human beings, ninjas like Hashirama and Madara, whose abilities transcended reasoning.

He had come a long way, he thought, but there's still so much further to go. To truly reach those heights, he needs more than just his own strength.

Entering his home, Mirai immediately noticed the scattered, small, and weak bio-magnetic fields in the house. He recognized them as insects, likely being used for surveillance. Outwardly, he continued to act normally, but inside, his mind was churning with thoughts of who had the audacity to spy on him.

Whoever it is, they must be bold—or desperate, he thought, his eyes scanning the room for any other signs of intrusion. 

Quite soon, Naruto returned home, dusty and his clothes dirty, but with his smile shining brightly as ever.

Mirai turned to him with a smile. "Why are you so dirty?" He asked.

Naruto replied proudly. "I won over that idiot Sasuke!"

Mirai patted him on the head, encouraging him. "Good job. Now go wash up."

Once alone in his room, Mirai sat at his desk, reading a scroll while focusing on pinpointing the position of each insect. He confirmed that they weren't normal insects, noting their unnatural behavior and bio-magnetic fields.

Having been teammates with Aburame ninjas before, Mirai was familiar with the clan's insects and their specialization in stealth. He knew that some of those monitoring him would eventually have to return to their host to relay the information.

So, Mirai maintained his routine. He finished a light read, made dinner for the now grumbling Naruto, and instructed him in refining his chakra before bed.

All the while, he multitasked, keeping track of the insects's positions without missing a beat. His technique remained steady, ensuring he never lost sight of their movements as he moved through his evening chores.

This way, he seamlessly blended his normal life with his vigilant monitoring, knowing that sooner or later, the insects would lead him to their source.

Not long after, Mirai, who was seemingly asleep, abruptly opened his eyes and hastily donned his cloak.

With a swift motion, he leaped from the open window, his figure momentarily illuminated by the glowing moon in the night sky. The pale light cast a stoic expression on his face before he vanished into the darkness, leaving no trace behind.

Trailing the flying insects, he pushed himself to maximum efficiency. His pursuit led him to the forty-fourth training ground, infamously known as the Forest of Death. The ominous name was well-deserved, as the forest was a perilous place teeming with hordes of gigantic, poisonous flora and fauna.

Leaping between the towering trees, he muttered under his breath. "Hidden so deeply… what are you desperately trying to conceal?"