
Chapter 533: Brother-in-law (5)_1

In the afternoon, Yang Ruxin started preparing to make soup dumplings, which usually require aspic inside so that when steamed, the aspic melts into a delicious broth. But without aspic at home, Yang Ruxin had to additionally prepare some broth and ladle a small spoonful into each dumpling as she made them, which was a true test of her dumpling-making skills as it was easy to spill the soup this way.

Sanni gave up after trying to wrap one, realizing that cooking simply wasn't her thing; she was better suited for catching fish and hunting birds.

Erni, on the other hand, because of her quiet nature and patience with everything, managed to get the hang of it after wrapping a few.

"Xinxin is really clever, eating a dumpling and coming up with so many ideas," said the Feng Family, who was responsible for rolling out the dough. "I can't do it..."