
Chapter 11: Die Farther Away_1

Yang Anshi suddenly felt a twinge of guilt.

Yang Peili frowned and glared at Yang Anshi.

"Now, my mother's head is so hot it burns to the touch, and she's talking nonsense..." Ruxin, crying, actually shed real tears, smearing them all over Yang Peili's trouser legs, "If we don't call a doctor soon, my mother will truly die..."

"If she's going to die, let her die far away from here. I don't have any Silver to waste on you all..." Yang Anshi's guilt was fleeting, and with a wave of her arm, she continued, "All you ever think about is how to be lazy and swindle money. What sin did my family commit to be plagued by such a scourge..." Anyway, that Xu was bought, and those who are bought are no different from animals. If she's beaten to death, she's beaten to death.

Yang Peili's expression twisted with conflict because he also didn't care in the least whether his bought eldest daughter-in-law lived or died, especially since his eldest son was no longer alive and the children were all grown up.

However, at that moment, he was so rattled by Ruxin's stare that he could not utter a single word.

"Father, I beg you to save mother, she's really dying..." Sanni also threw herself forward at this moment, crying with snot and tears streaming down.

"If she's going to die, let her die far away." Yang Anshi shouted again, "Don't bring bad luck here."

"Grandma." Ruxin had stopped crying by then and, raising her hand, wiped away her tears, "If my mother really dies, it'll be as if she were beaten to death. She'll become a vengeful ghost, and besides, if word gets out that a mother-in-law beat her daughter-in-law to death..."

"What are you saying?" Yang Peili immediately glared at Yang Anshi, "Hurry up and get the money."

"Why should I..."

"Because she is a member of the Yang Family..." Yang Peili raised his voice suddenly, thinking to himself what a fool she was. Even if despised, she couldn't just ignore Mrs. Xu's plight. Moreover, Dani was right; public knowledge of this incident would harm the reputation of the Yang Family. Besides, why had his eldest granddaughter become so audacious today? Before, she was only known for stubbornly glaring at people.

"Mother, father is right..." Feng Caie hastily nodded in agreement. Even though she was reluctant to part with the Silver as well, when it came to her son's future, she was willing to give up a little. Moreover, since the family had not divided yet, the Silver wasn't really hers to keep; if spent, it was spent.

Ruxin glanced at Feng Caie with a mockingly curved lip, but it quickly disappeared. Her bold confrontation with old Yang hinged on the fact that the Yang Family, preoccupied as they might be, would not impede Yang Rusong's imperial examination.

Yang Anshi fell silent, and although reluctant, she turned and went back to the main house. Shortly after, she returned with ten copper coins, tossing them to the ground: "That's all there is..."

Seeing there was money, Sanni hurriedly rushed to pick it up, but was held back by Ruxin, who looked at her big sister in confusion.

"Grandpa, Grandma." Ruxin then looked up at Yang Peili, her eyes still red from crying, "Actually, if my mother dies, it would be a release for her... If our family feels that a daughter-in-law's funeral isn't grand enough, then I along with my younger siblings will hang ourselves..." Glancing around, she suggested, "Why don't we do it on the old locust tree in the courtyard? It's sturdy. The branches won't break even if the five of us little ones hang from it for days."

"You wretched girl, how dare you threaten me?" Yang Anshi became even more furious, "I'll show you, I'll beat you to death..." and she started looking for the rattan cane again.