
The Fiend's Resurgence

This isn't just a story—no, it's far more than that—it's a true story based on the life of Mandrew. And? It's based on true events. At this point... you have two options. You take the red pill and learn the hard truth... or you can continue taking the blue pill, living in blissful ignorance. If you still can't make a decision at this point—this story clearly isn't for you. And if you're easily offended? Then once again—this story isn't for you. But for the chosen few of you who dare take the red pill, Mandrew's journey involving: pro RLCS champions in Rocket League; military covert operations; mercenary heroes and villains; and even the most top secret of operations and files lie just beyond the 'Continue Reading' button. Now, hurry along with whatever choice you've made. This novel features numerous notorious beings, such as: 'The Three Fiends,' 'Mandinga,' 'White Boy Summer,' 'The House of Manchini,' 'Sam Hyde,' 'Joe Rogan,' 'Sleepy Joe,' '#0009,' and 'Mohammad Rajab Wali a.k.a. Mohammad Khanaqin.' *** Among the pinnacle of the Rocket League community stood Mandrew, nicknamed the Harrowing Fiend for his frightening, near demonic, reaction time. Just a hair's breadth away from winning RLCS, a tragic defeat accompanied by the betrayal of his closest friend sends his life tumbling down a road of pain and sorrow. Saying goodbye to Rocket League, he leaves his esports dreams behind before being drafted for the military. But now, after four long, arduous years... an opportunity presents itself. Will he return to the league and break through his old obstacles? Achieve victory in RLCS? Reclaim his former glory?

Shotgun9494 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Delexi on the Other Side

Eight months prior.

A small but lively apartment building.

"Ai," a sigh was heard, followed by a voice seething in anger, "All of you are ass!"

If Mandrew was here, he'd recognize this voice as belonging to Delexi, one of his teammates from The Three Fiends and a best pal overall.


Delexi cried out, pounding his fist onto his wall and indenting a large hole as his knuckles smashed against it.

Ever since that loss, nothing in his li

"Ah! Fuck!" he cried out in pain.fe was going right!

No, it wasn't that loss, but his departure from Mandrew's team! He was filled with nothing but regret, even so, what could he do now?

No matter how much he tried calling Mandrew, his calls were never returned. It was like he vanished off the face of the earth.

Even when he tried contacting Mandrew's family or the police, they all told him he was out on a vacation. But... where?

Delexi called bullshit on that. Something happened to Mandrew and everyone else was feeding him government lies. He knew it... he could feel it in his gut.

But so what? There was nothing he could do even if he knew something was wrong... After all, who was going to listen to a loser who didn't even have a single RLCS win under his name?

That's why Delexi continued working hard, training and doing his best to compile a new Rocket League team that could defeat Mandinga and win the RLCS! Only then could he garner the public's support to find his missing friend, Mandrew! And maybe... just maybe... he could save Hoah Nill from Mandinga's control!

Both Mandrew's disappearance and Hoah Nill joining Mandinga were strange matters, and Delexi understood the truth deep down inside.

"No matter how hard I've tried, I still can't compile a winning team."

His forehead wrinkled as he frowned, his gaze focusing on the calendar.

Time was short, and the next RLCS tournament would be coming up soon, and he lacked both a good team and any support to actually get his team involved.


Three resounding knocks sounded on his apartment door, and Delexi found his heart pounding in fear, soon turning to fury.

Who the fuck dared to disturb him!

Whoever it was, they were going to pay the price!

Just a few steps from his door—


It swung open, its hinges broken as it crashed onto the wall.

Had he been any closer, he could've found himself crushed!

Heavy footsteps followed; several armed men with their faces covered hurried in, raising their weapons at Delexi.

"What the fuck?! Who the fuck are you guys? Did you dox me? That's illegal! Just wait until the cops catch your asses!" he cried out in fury, paying no heed to their weapons.

One of the men pulled a scarf from his face and chuckled lightly, "Dox you? Your profile picture is of you, you used your real name as your username, you have your location in your bio. It specifically reads: My name is Walter Hartwell Delexi. I live at 308 Negra Aroya Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104."

"You see? We didn't have to dox you to find you, Mr. Delexi."

Delexi froze, but the fury in his heart was stronger than the fear of their weapons.

"You're right... I did have it in my bio... but that's because I'm going to kick your asses."

Without wasting a second, he lunged forward, bashing the man's skull in as he fell to the ground and grabbing a pistol off of his waist, raising it as he caught the others off guard.


He fired four shots, killing another two and injuring two more.

"You bastard!" One yelled out, pistol-whipping Delexi across his face and sending him tumbling onto the ground.

"Fuck! We actually lost three of our men from just some dude?" Another fumed.

Delexi wiped the blood from his lips, "Heh. I'm not just some dude, I'm your fucking nightmare. And as long as I'm alive, I'll haunt you."

Heavy steps resounded as a cold and sharp-eyed man entered the room.

"Nuke Boomsma!" the armed men respectively bowed.

"Hm." he nodded, "We lost three men, and another two have been injured? Disappointing."

He shook his head, continuing, "Delexi, I've been following after you for a long time. From your Reddit history, to your failed RLCS applications, and of course, to your daily life in general... I've been following everything you've said and done. You pose a great danger to our master plans, so we'll be taking you with us."

"Hehehe," one of the men chuckled, "You'll be experiencing true hell in no time. Nuke Boomsma is known for his torturous punishments!"

The others laughed out menacingly.

"Enough. Rorke, drag him away. Everyone else, clean up this mess. It's time we get going."

"Of course, sir!" Rorke smiled sheepishly, knocking Delexi out with a chop to the back of his neck before dragging him off into the darkness.

In the background, two voices were suddenly heard over the mic.

"Delexi, you there?"

"Bro! Our plays weren't that bad! Quit calling us ass!"

Nuke Boomsma smiled, picking up the mic with a sinister glare in his eyes as he spoke word from word, "PC. Master. Race."

"W-who the fuck are you! You're not Delexi!"

"Wtf! Are you kidnapping him? I'll call for help."

"Hahahahaha! This is a good Reddit post, thanks for the free karma."

Nuke laughed like a demon, dropping the mic as he stepped on it time and time again in a crazed madness, shattering it into pieces.

After blowing off some steam, he was finally calm, "Alright, let's get going."


It was cold and damp, Delexi opened his eyes and found himself in a very dark and empty room, vacant of even the most basic of luxuries.

"That wasn't a dream?"

He went to stand up, only to be pulled back instantly alongside the rattling sound of a chain.


Wrapped securely around his right arm was an old chain; it was too tight to break free from.

"Yo! WTF?! This is actually illegal, you bastards are going to pay for this!" he cried out in alarm, his heart pounding in fear.

Just then, the lights flickered on, revealing his surroundings.

He was sitting in an old gaming chair, and his right arm was bound by a chain to an old gaming desk. Below his hand was an old razer mouse, several splotches of blood staining it a crimson red.

There was a monitor in front of his eyes, and to his surprise, it was an 8k monitor! And the PC below him was glorious! It absolutely had to be priced in the twenty thousand price range!

A door opened behind him and an arrogant laughter followed as Nuke Boomsma made his way in.

"Delexi, oh Delexi, I'm a rather nice guy, aren't I? You could consider yourself to be a prisoner of war, but even so, I still give you such a beautiful pc! Tell me, aren't I the greatest?"

"Pri-pris-prisoner of war? I never fought in a war though! What are you talking about—no way... I was right..... Mandrew's disappearance, it all makes sense! He was certainly pulled into some plot and as his former teammate, I have been pulled into it as well!"

"You're sharp, I like that." Nuke smiled, "Now, let me make things clear. This beautiful PC has but three functions installed. My favorite game, League of Legends; my favorite site, Reddit; and another site in case you use it, Twitter."

"No... No... NO!!!!!" Delexi screeched out at the top of his lungs.

Why give him such good equipment, but such a bad list of applications!

And where was Rocket League?! What would he do about RLCS?!

Lastly... even if this was a good PC... he was a console player at heart! At the very least, give him a controller instead of a mouse!

Nuke Boomsma looked Delexi in the eyes, sighing gently.

"Tears in your eyes already? Why so sad? Just accept your fate. Here... let me help you..." he smiled cynically as he said, "I want to play a game."

Nuke pulled out a strange electronic pad of sorts, connecting to Delexi's PC as he booted it up manually.

Slowly and torturously, he booted up League of Legends in front of Delexi's horror-stricken face.


He cried desperately, but his screams were of no avail; Nuke had already created an account for Delexi.

Screams echoed out alongside the constant clicking of a mouse, and soon, hours—no—days had passed.


Days later.



Click. Click. Click.

An arm that was all-but bone clicked away at a mouse. Connected to this arm was a skinny, malnourished body.

Looking at his face, it was Delexi, but there was a frightening lack of resemblance to his former self from a few days ago.

His eyes were without any sign of consciousness as he purely acted to the game's demands.

He was... indoctrinated....

"My name is..." he mumbled under his breath, stuttering in an attempt to remember, "my name is... my name is... my name is Delex-.... Delex-... Delexyi...."

Nuke Boomsma entered the room with a smile; his indoctrination was fully completed.

He was no longer Delexi, for he was now Delexyi.

Yi was a champion of League of Legends. He fought with a sword and was the only champion Delexi was allowed to play over the past few days… 24/7 as a matter of fact.

And now, he was a one-trick Yi.

"Heh. I will kill his fascination with Rocket League and in turn ruin any chance he has at returning to RLCS. This will prevent any miscalculations in my master's grand plan!"

Nuke clasped his hands together in Evangelion's Gendo pose, his eyes glowing with wicked thoughts.

And there were another two setups not too far away from Delexyi.

Bjorne-Rel Boole, who was the younger brother of Price Boole, had also been captured.

And lastly was Redkuhn, who had unknown affiliations—if any at all— with The Three Fiends.

All this time, the three of them were being forced to play League of Legends while being supervised by a demonic man who went by the name of ExterminatenKill.

This demonic man would critique every move of theirs, punishing them to browse twitter and farm reddit karma time and time again depending on how bad their mistakes were.

"You missed a cs!" his heart-stopping voice would reverberate within their minds, slowly breaking their mental fortitudes over time.

The worst mistakes were missing a cannon, messing up a gank or countergank, failing to get an objective, and various other League of Legend mechanics.

Delexi was the first to lose his mind, while the other two continued to hold strong, learning how to put on an act as if they were fully invested in the league.

Nuke Boomsma was pleased with his and ExterminatenKill's work as he nodded with a smile before turning to leave.

He couldn't neglect his own league time after all!