
Chapter 4 teasing at its best

Lana removed her fingers from Ambers now spread ass, Amber whimpering at the loss of contact "w-why d-did y-you s-" before finishing her sentence Lana shoved 1 finger in Ambers now soaking pussy without any effort and without moving it. Amber desperately began dipping herself into Lana's finger moaning at the sudden surge of pleasure. Lana removed her finger and slapped Amber through her face. "did i not tell you to keep still you fucking slut!" embarrassed and slightly shocked Amber barely replied "i-im s-so" "did i tell you to speak kitten?" Amber kept dead quite with a fear of getting hit again. Lana smirked and said "mhm that is what i thought" "now for being such a naughty girl you are going to get punished and from now on you will answer to me as master or daddy, do i make myself clear?" Amber still on her knees almost suffocating herself with the sheets kept silent. "ANSWER ME NOW!!" "Y-yes u-understand." "yes who" "yes d-daddy" Amber replied choking on her response. Lana was actually blushing at Ambers obedience. "good girl i see but you are not getting away with ur disobedience just yet." Lana got up off the bed and told Amber not to move or she will regret it. Lana left the bedroom and started walking to the kitchen thinking to herself how could her client get to her more than any other." could i be falling for her? Nah i dont think so." Lana washed her hot face off with some cold water, grabbed a big chunk of ice from the freezer and returned to the bedroom where Amber lay in the same position before Lana left. "you like being blindfolded baby?" Amber barely replied "y-yes daddy." Lana grabbed the red silky blindfold from the bedside table and made sure she tightened the blindfold just enough so that it wouldn't slip off. Amber slightly moaned from the rush of thoughts she had after being blindfolded. Lana gagged amber with a purple and black gag. "would not want u to be more disobedient i can barely control myself. Before the ice melted Lana put it between her teeth and trailed it around the edge of Ambers soft warm pussy lips. Amber muffling out sounds whilst Lana chuckles."mhm you like that dont you." before the ice melted completely she trailed the last bit of melting ice from her perky ass along her inner thigh running down to her ankles before licking it all up again. Amber still muffling soft sounds due to her gag but not to loud incase Lana hears her. Lana trailing her finger along her thighs on her way to her clit digging her sharp claw like nails into her clit. Amber jolted at the sudden pain but remained silent. Lana quickly added 2 fingers inside of her giving it a few pumps before taking it out again out of

pure lust and being impatient. Lana then licked her fingers making sure that Amber knew what she was doing. She grabbed a red 7inch vibrator from the table and placed it between Ambers lower thighs. "now kitten this is 7 inches if u behave and take it all up till 12 inches i will reward you if not well then you will just have to see." Lana switched on the vibrator and trailed it up to just below her pussy and pulled it away again. Amber tried to remove her blind fold through her handcuffs. Lana then tightened her restraints further and removed her gag so that she could breathe again. Lana shuved the vibrator into Amber then put again. Lana pulled Amber into a kiss passionately searching for her tongue Lana put her legs between Ambers legs. Amber slowly started to grind against Lana's leg moaning at the pleasure she so desperately desired. Lana removed her blindfold and moved away. "now you are going to see how i tease you and it is all your own fault." Lana jumped from 7inched to 10 inches and turned it up to max speed and put all the pressure she could on Lana's clit. Amber started screaming out in oversensitivity almost on the verge of crying. Lana gave no mercy towards Amber so she trailed her tongue up from her thighs just missing the spot Amber wanted Lana to be so badly latching onto Ambers erect nipples,bitting and twisting them vigorously. Amber screamed out in pain but also in pleasure. Again Lana moved away from Amber completely and told Amber to sit up straight. Amber obediently complied with Lana's wishes and sat up straight. Lana put the vibrator between Ambers legs and told her not to cum. Lana began to messily make out with Amber slowly dragging her nails from Ambers chest towards her throat then digging her nails into her throat choking her with one hand and flicking Amber's nipples with the other. Amber began to shake which meant she was about to explode. "dont u dare." Lana stoppee everything at once which made Amber cry because she wanted to cum so badly. Lana grabbed her thick leather belt and began to lash her inner thighs, her ass and her pussy till she bled. "i warned you babygirl that is what happens when you dont listen to your master." Lana so filled with blood lust began to lick up all the blood that leaked from Ambers torn skin moaning at the taste. Lana looked at Amber with blood dripping from her mouth and lustful eyes" beg" "e-excuse me?" "if you want something you are going to beg for it and clearly." Amber sat there for abit and whispered "i w-want you t-to f-fuck me - till i c-cant w-walk for days." "what was that my flower?" chuckling evily. "I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME SO HARD AND SO ROUGH THAT I CANT WALK FOR DAYS! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW" "very." Lana removed Ambers restraints and then grabbed a 12inch dildo and slowly began to remove her own clothing knowing that it would kill Amber. She then slippee into the strap on and flipped Amber on her back spreading her legs wide open. "just remember you askee for this baby" chuckling evily whilst smirking once more. She rubbed the tip of the dildo on the edge of Ambers pussy. "beg remeber" "ughhh fine p-please." "please what?" "please f-fuck me with that big plastic dick of yours d-daddy." Lana quickly shoved the full length into Ambers tight wet pussy. "f-fuck ddaddy that hurts." Lana grabbed Ambers ass and then increased her speed so that what once was pain became pleasure. The whole bed was shaking and all you heard was wet sounds and muffled moaning throughout the room. Lana grabbed Ambers neck and left hickies from her neck all along her chest till her thighs then increased her speed again still holding Ambers neck both reaching their climaxes Lana told Amber to choke her with all that she had. Lana of course obeyed her master and choked Lana and a few seconds later they were both shaking from pleasure as the hot sticky liquid came squirting out both of them. Lana fell beside Amber panting heavily quickly gaining her breath then cleaned up Amber's mess moaning into her because she tasted so good Lana couldn't stop devouring her which led to Amber climaxing for the second time. Lana then kissed Amber pushing her own cum into her mouth so that she can taste her self. "ffuck i taste ggood." "yes yes you do baby." "now fix the mess that u made." pointing to her cum filled thighs. Amber started to clean up Lana rolling her eyes at how tasty Lana tastes. Lana moaning at the sudden touch of Ambers tongue in her core came for the second time and Amber cleaned it up and wiped it across Lana's flawless stomach. "give me five minutes daddy i will get you back for what you did to me." kissing Lana she fell asleep on Her chest.