
The Female MC And Me

Do you like super soldiers clad In power armor? An MC who's not a f*cking virgin and doesn't go the entire book without f*cking the female lead? Then this book Is for you. In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by chaos and societal breakdown, Dracula, a seasoned and coldhearted supersoldier, crosses paths with Hope, a former delinquent who finds herself In the future, their encounter leads to an unlikely alliance born out of necessity. Dracula, with a troubled past and an unfeeling demeanor, harbors a penchant for violence and an innate ability to survive in this hostile environment. Hope, grappling with her traumatic experiences and unexplored depths, finds herself thrown into a world that demands resilience and adaptability. As the two embark on a perilous journey marked by danger and uncertainty, they navigate a landscape teeming with adversaries and moral dilemmas. Driven by their individual pasts and coping mechanisms, they form an unusual bond amidst the chaos, gradually unearthing emotions and connections neither thought possible in their own realities. Through trials and conflicts, they grapple with their inner demons and gradually unravel the complexities of their relationship, blurring the lines between survival, loyalty, and unexpected affection As they face the challenges of the post-apocalyptic future and the past, they discover that their alliance might be the key to each other's fortune. Update-1 chap per day(1-chap 1300 words give or take 100)

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61 Chs

In Death We Live

"Alright you know what to do"

I barked because we could already see the village In front of us.

"In Death We Live"

All of us muttered under our breath as we did our AIs synched with each other causing our thoughts to be connected.

This was also one of the features that made us so effective on the field of battle.

We didn't even have to communicate because we knew what the other members of our squad thought.


Chen shouted as he saw a missile exit Infantry operated missile launcher.

As he did without changing course he stepped on the grass pedal while Lock adjusted the 50 cal and pulled the trigger.

Before the missile could Impact us the 12.7 mm bullets accurately Impacted the warhead of the missile.


The missile exploded In a fiery display and we drove right through It.

"Do you want to burn my skin off or what you narrow-eyed s*it?!"

Lock cursed as he started swinging the 50 cal left and right while pulling the trigger as he delivered precise short bursts that shredded the hidden hostiles to pieces.

Only for the three of us to snicker because we knew that this kind of magnitude of explosion and level of temperature couldn't possibly harm our augmented skin that was Impervious to small-caliber weaponry.

Suddenly Chen yanked his wheel to the left while pulling the brakes causing the armored car that was already being pettled by lead to come to a screeching halt.

As It did I slammed open the doors, took cover behind the door, and started putting two 7.62 mm bullets Into the bodies of the all-black clothed hostiles.

Because they were wearing armored vests I accurately hit just above their armored vests and put one Into their faces for good measure.

Just like we were trained to do In the special forces core.

"Lock give us covering fire"

I ordered more out of habit which was drilled into us before we became OISTs than necessity because we all knew what I was thinking.


Lock roared back as he continued to suppress the hostiles with mechanical precision.

While I grabbed the armored doors and yanked them off, while Chen and another member of my death squad did the same.

We started advancing deeper Into the village through the fresh corpses littering the place while firing our rifles as we used the doors as makeshift riot shields.

As Dracula and the two other OISTs walked past the corpses with puddles of blood underneath them.

An eerie transformation unfolded, unbeknownst to them, a peculiar phenomenon stirred beneath the lifeless exteriors.

Sinister black veins and arteries, akin to a spreading contagion, snaked beneath the still-warm skin of the corpses.

The still forms convulsed violently, only to abruptly cease their motions.

Then, an unexpected resurgence—a sudden twitching of their limbs, and their once lifeless eyes snapped open, now consumed by a profound darkness.

"Changing mag!"

I roared as I sank the shield Into the ground while expertly pressing the mags release button with my right gloved pinky causing the spent mag to drop to the ground.

While with my left gloved hand, I pulled doubt a fresh one and Inserted It into my rifle and after that released the bolt.

Only to spin around while bringing my left forearm In front of me, thanks to my Instincts and the shared senses provided by our AIs synchronizing.

"Don't let the f*ckers bite you, we're not taking any chances!"

I roared as I looked at the black blood-stained teeth that were doing their best to bite off the flesh from my face.

Without hesitation, I pulled out my pistol strapped to my right hip and put 3 rounds Into the f*ckers face that already had a bleeding hole In it.

As I did the black rotting blood full of stench of death splattered onto my face and that seemed to finally do the trick.


"Sir I got my eyes on the target permission to fire over"

A sniper with Draculas head visible In his scopes crosshair hidden In a two-story mud house with his partner next to him looking through a specialized binocular said Into his headset microphone.


Came the crisp command In g*rm*an.


A 12.7 mm bullet exited the fire suppressor with a subdued gust of flames and muffled sound.


Although I managed to sense the bullet coming at me I still failed to detect It early enough without my power armors advanced sensors to evade It completely.

The bullet Impacted the tip of my forehead and bounced off to the side, causing the sand to get flung Into the air by Its Impact.

In response, I grabbed my rifle, aligned It according to my holographic crosshair, and pulled the under-barrel grenade launchers trigger.


The dumbfounded sniper and his partner watched In disbelief as the bullet ricocheted off their target's forehead only to see the target pull the under-barrel grenade launchers trigger.


The sniper cursed out as he sprung to his feet only for the 40 mm HE grenade to Impact the roof above them and explode.

The red hot shrapnel, the kinetic force and roofs debris Immediately killed the two militants.

But just like others It didn't take long before the V cells I'm their bodies took over.

Just like they did to other who kept suppressing them 24/7 by using V cell Inhibitors.

But once they died the Inhibitors I'm theyr bodies could no longer suppress them.

So It didn't take long before their mangeled corpses burrowed themselves out of the ruble and started madly runing towards the nearest living target.

While completely Ignoring their safety, the two zombies jumped out from the second roof.

As they did their legs broke but despite that the animated corpses stood up and continued to limp or crawl towards the OISTs.


"This Isn't possible!"

The schoked officer cursed out loud as he held the tablet with dozen of body cameras live video feeds.

He clearly saw the bullet ricochet of a humans forehead It was simply not scientifically possible.

Unless one had metal for bones or In they're case ceramically coated skeleton the ones that their newest super soldier prototypes sported.

"Don't tell me that someone else managed to create their own supersoldiers without V cells?! Or did they somehow got their hands on the countess blood?! F*CK who the f*CK Is It?! Is It the s*viet's? Y*nkees? The short eyes?!"

The histerical officer kept mumbeling to himself while bitting his glowed thumb, until finally he couldn't take It anymore.

"Kill them!"

The officer barked to the two meters tall militants covered from head to toe In black advanced armor that barely left any gaps exposed.

"Javol komendant"

Came the beastly voice that sounded more like a wild animals growl through the black advanced alloy gas mask covering the militants faces.

As they grabbed their closed MG 51 bipods with their left hands and raised them up while walking towards the door.

"Ill show you what our w*ffen-ss made of"

The officer said to himself while smirking because he was 100 percent confident that theyr undead soldiers that were a huge overall Improvement from the ones used In WW 2 would come out on top.

Not only each and every one of the were selected from best of the best but they also retained their conciuosness thanks to the cybernetic Implants In their bodies.

Which was mainly thanks to the microchips that kept sending electricity through every part of their brains.

Which In turn allowed them to retain their conciuosness after their conversion compared to their predecessors that would become mindless monsters upon being Injected with a serum made out of V cells.

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