
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 90 Boss, help me

Jane Tong's shoulders shook ...

 "What kind of people are in my circle of friends, Jane Tong, you know them all."

 Her heart abruptly contracted!

 Su Meng "uh-uh" muffled grunt, wide-eyed ... No, no! Jane Tong can't drink!

 Su Meng looked at the woman kneeling on the ground, slowly raised her hand, slowly raised it, and held the bottle of whiskey in Yakun, heard the woman's rough voice, and said, "I drink."

 "Well!" No way! No way! Su Meng's eyes widened, desperately trying to reach Jane Tong's side, but the person who grabbed her was too strong. He Wu looked towards her and gave a frivolous smile:

 "Su Meng, I'm sorry for you today, but this is between us and her, so mind your own business."

 "Uh-huh!" Not! It's not like that! She's going to die! Are you going to kill Jane Tong!

 The cell phone rings in her pocket, Su Meng's expression froze, the next second, suddenly changed!

 I don't know where the strength came from, twisted her head fiercely towards the person who grabbed her, while the person stumbled, Su Meng has never been so fast to connect the call, "Boss! Help! On the sixth floor ..."

 Slanting a hand, a slap off Su Meng cell phone, He Wu sneered, "Su Meng, hello, you are very good! Well, it's your mysterious big boss, isn't it?

 OK, a few brothers and sisters will wait here today, I see your boss can put us a few brothers and sisters how to do!"

 Su Meng cell phone is still on the phone, the phone, the man's face indifference.

 Until ...

 "Yakun, let her drink! Let's see, once famous Shanghai Bund Miss Jane, how to fold her proud head!"

 On the other end of the phone, the man's palm holding the cell phone, abruptly tightened!

 "Shen Yi, bring someone with you and go up to the sixth floor."

 He pulled his leg and hurriedly went in the direction of the elevator, Shen Yi was shocked for a moment, hurriedly contacted the others on his cell phone, and hurriedly followed the man in front on one side: "boss, what happened?"

 In the elevator, the man's thin lips pursed, not uttering a word, only the hawk-like fierce eyes revealed the owner's inner emotions.


 Shen Xiujin pulled his leg out of the elevator, pushing open one box after another along the way to find someone.

 Shen Yi's heart moved ...boss was obviously anxious and was looking for someone.


 At this moment is very tense, Yakun play with the cell phone in his hand, squinting eyes kindly smiled: ''Drink ah, Miss Jane wait for what? I can prepare to send a circle of friends.

 I'm sure everyone must have missed you a lot when they heard the news of Miss Jane's release from prison."

 "Wait," Jane Tong blushed and called out to Yakun, a pair of eyes, fixedly staring at Yakun's glance, "I'll drink."

 She knows that she is unnecessary for the Jane family to keep face, but ... Jane Tong knows that she is useless, the Jane family has long not wanted her to abandon her, but she still does not want to because of her, so that the Jane family disgrace.

 "Uh-huh!" Do not! Su Meng panicked.

 Jane Tong can not drink, drinking is gambling with life!

 Other people drink, at most get drunk, Jane Tong drink, that is a trip to the ghost gate!

 Jane Tong looked at Su Meng, smiled at Su Meng, that smile, but Su Meng looked dumbfounded ... original, this fool smile is also so good looking.

 Jane Tong, however, to use this glance, Su Meng this person, into the heart.

 "Okay, okay, it's not a parting of life and death, drink a wine. As for that." He Wu said sarcasm.

 Causing Su Meng to glance angrily.

 Jane Tong cloudy smile, the bottle of wine on the mouth, tilted her head when she said to A deer: I do not die, continue to return your favor, if I die, under the Yellow Springs Hell, you do not think I am useless.

 I ... tried my best.

 A mouthful of whiskey, full of alcohol flavor ... How long has she not drunk alcohol, a choking fierce cough up, a mouthful of wine most of the cough out.

 "Yo, Miss Jane, this wine can be expensive na ~ do not waste ah ~"

 The coaxing coaxing: "Quickly drink, quickly drink."

 Cold mockery of cold mockery: "Miss Jane is too much this wine is not good, Yakun, you should give Miss Jane to get good wine."

 What does it mean that the walls are falling down?

 Did Jane Tong really have that much of a grudge against them?

 More people here were watching the show.


 A loud banging sound, the crowd subconsciously looked towards the door of the box, a long body at the door, backlit.

 Shen Xiu Jin a pair of eyes, did not bother about the other people in this box, falcon-like eyes, in the box shuttle, straight to find the target!

 Seeing the bottle of wine in the woman's hand, his eyes suddenly shrunk!

 Heart for no reason panicked, do not think, like a gust of wind, rushed over, a yank away from the woman in the hands of the bottle of wine, reach out a ring, to her hoop in the arms.

 "Who? Who is it!" Steeply looking up, his eyes filled with blood, morosely tracing over the faces of the group one by one!

 He Wu or not, Yakun or not, everyone here froze ... How could it be him?

 "General Shen ...?"

 He Wu tentatively opened his mouth and called out.

 "Shen Yi, let Su Meng speak." Su Meng was still being controlled, in fact, Shen Xiu Jin this order down, do not even need Shen Yi to do anything, the person controlling Su Meng, immediately like touching a hot potato, directly let go of Su Meng.

 "How much did she drink?" Shen Xiujin's voice was cold, but if one listened carefully, one could hear the nervous worry in his words.

 "Mr. Shen came in time and drank two or three mouthfuls."

 Shen Xiujin's face was still ice-cold, two or three mouthfuls was nothing for ordinary people, but for Jane Tong, his hand, subconsciously went down and landed on Jane Tong's left waist.

 Jane Tong was stiff, did not dare to move, chest hot pain, stomach hot, these two mouths of whiskey, also tossed her uncomfortable.

 Shen Xiujin face cold, a head up, hawk-like vision, in the group of people face, one by one slide over: "Turn back to settle accounts with you, one do not want to run."

 The cold eyes flashed with killing intent, and drank, "Shen Yi, have someone keep an eye on them." The words fell, bent down to intercept the waist to pick up Jane Tong, big steps quickly toward the box outside: "Su Meng, follow me."

 Su Meng hurriedly followed.

 Jane Tong buried her head, let Shen Xiujin hold, but her heart is cold and cold ... She did not say anything, just to Shen Xiujin's rescue, can not be grateful.

 All the way speechless.

 Shen Xiujin even people together, holding sat into the downstairs parked sedan: "Su Meng, drive."

 He hugged Jane Tong and sat on the back seat.

 Suddenly, a check was stretched out in front of him, "Mr. Shen, this is the last half a million. I'm free."

 The man's deep eyes, fixed on the check, how shrewd he is, from Jane Tong's words, guessed most of the things, steeply raised his head, cold gaze, fell on the back of the head of Su Meng, who was driving in the driver's seat.

 Su Meng forehead seeped out cold sweat, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

 Shen Xiujin didn't ask, and she didn't explain.

 Shen Xiujin retracted his sight, slightly sideways, looked at the woman he was holding in his arms, and suddenly smiled, "What did I say? I said, let you for a month, remit five million dollars into that bank card."

 The man lifted his wrist, lowered his eyes and swept a glance at his wristwatch, "22:48, there is still one hour and twelve minutes, you can go and remit five million dollars into that bank card, remember, I want more than five million dollars, what I said in the first place, within one month, five million dollars 'remitted into the bank card'. "

 The man purposely emphasized those last five words.

 Jane Tong steeply understood!

 "You can't!"

 "No, I can." The man's lips curled upwards.

 Jane Tong's pupils contracted and she drank, "You're shameless!" He was counting on her! He was simply strong-arming her! He played word games!

 How can you be so shameless!

 "Put me down!" She called out in panic, "Sister Dream, Sister Dream, go to the bank, you send me to the bank!"