
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 320 She will feel pain when her belief is broken

Jane Tong's heart sank as she looked at the man yanking open the door of the car beside her.... This crash was no accident.

 "Hello again, Butler Xia."

 The old man was even more pale than when she last saw him, especially remembering that the summer housekeeper had been a housekeeper for the Shen family for a lifetime, and the memory was especially decent.

 There was never any smile on that long face, it was perennially slatternly, with a stereotypical aura all over his body.

 But at this moment this old man, no longer have to Shen family as a steward when the decency, his thin torso, like the old firewood in the desert, withered and shriveled.

 Looking at that impressionable and stereotypical face, it was now showing madness.

 "You still remember me!

 It's hard for you to remember me as an old man!"

 Butler Xia appeared to be laughing a bit madly, laughing as the plump bones of people went numb.

 "Seeing this old guy of mine, are you surprised? Surprised or not? Ha."

 "Did you intentionally crash the car?" There was warm blood, dripping down from her forehead, she didn't reach out to wipe it, gazing unblinkingly at the person in front of her.

 In fact, there was no need to ask, when the car crashed over, it was to the death, she glanced sideways at the driver who was also injured and covering his arm, if it wasn't for this driver's good resilience, at this moment, she was by no means just injured so simple.

 "I hit, how?

 Do you want to retaliate?"

 Butler Xia spoke briskly, the bottom of his eyes were all filled with hatred for Jane Tong.

 "Pity, pity, didn't run you over on the spot." With a look of pity on his face, Butler Xia's words changed:

 "Good or good, if I let you die so easily, it would be too cheap for you."

 "Why?" She asked with a calm face.

 Again and again, she was aggravated.

 "Do you still have to ask such a stupid question?


 You still have the nerve to ask me why?

 If it wasn't for you, how would my Wei Ming have died?"

 "Didn't you kill Xia Weiming yourself?" She laughed coldly: "You killed your own daughter with your own hands, when you did it, why didn't you think that it was your daughter?"

 "Shut up!" Xia housekeeper was angered, a slap swung over, Jane Tong could not dodge in time, solidly received this slap, petite face, immediately swollen half of the face.

 But she laughed more and more sarcastically.

 "You still laugh!

 It's you!

 It's all you!

 If it weren't for you, how could I have accidentally hurt my poor Wei Ming?

 If it wasn't for you, how would I have gotten the chance to kill Wei Ming?"

 Jane Tong almost laughed so hard that tears came out.

 Dare he kill his own daughter because she gave him the opportunity.

 "Did I encourage you to kill?

 Or did I bully and coerce you to kill? You were selfish yourself and killed Xia Weiming, this is an unchangeable fact!"

 "You shut up shut up shut up shut up!

 I did that because I had no choice!

 I did it because I had a reason!

 I thought Wei Ming wasn't my real daughter!

 If it wasn't for what happened that night, I wouldn't have done anything to Wei Ming.

 If I hadn't done that to Wei Ming, I would have known later that Wei Ming was not someone else's child, she was mine!

 How could I be so ruthless as to do that to my own daughter?

 How could I be so cruel!

 It's your fault! It's all your fault!

 Let us father and daughter can't she raise my old age, brewing this tragedy of all the source, all is you!"

 Jane Tong could not believe what she heard, unbelievingly looking at the hideous face in front of her, how could there be such a person!

 "You are the one who killed, you are the one who killed Xia Weiming.

 It was you who thought Xia Weiming was not your daughter.

 The one who planted evidence on me is still you!

 I didn't ask you to settle the score, but you hit me first!

 If Xia Weiming is your daughter, you won't do anything?

 If she's not your daughter, you have to take revenge for your illegitimate son?

 Your daughter can't die, but someone else's daughter can?

 I think you're crazy!

 No matter who it is, it's a life. Why is it so trivial in your mouth?

 People like you, if you're not bad at your roots, then your heart's eyes have grown bad!"

 "Ha, ha, ha, it's you, the beginning of all misfortunes is because of you!

 If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have done that thing of killing my own son!

 Today, letting you speak with your tongue, letting you make sophistry, I will avenge my poor daughter's death!

 Even if I give up this old life, I will drag you to die with me!"

 The driver on the side, probably did not expect, a car accident is unlucky enough, actually will hear such a horrible thing, he dared to be angry and dare not say anything.

 Out of the corner of her eye, Jane Tong swept the driver who was full of pale and scared, narrowed her eyes and calmly raised her head:

 "This is a downtown area, there will be traffic police coming soon, at that time, no matter what you want to do, you will be stopped."

 Xia Butler seemed to think of something, violently changed his face, rudely yanked Jane Tong, and dragged him out of the car, "You're reminding me."

 While saying this, he dragged Jane Tong and stuffed her into the passenger side of the SUV he drove.

 "I'll take you with me to Sinking River!" With those words, starting the car, the SUV let out an ear-splitting sound of tires scraping the ground and sped away.

 The car sped, a very scary speed, the surrounding vehicles one by one avoided, lest they suffer from the disaster of the pool fish, they have pulled over and slowed down, making way for this crazy SUV.

 These days, who is not easy, who has a small family, two big, a small family life, also count on their own nine-to-five job, who also do not want to be so out of control car hit out.

 The car is speeding, Jane Tong stomach rolled hard, forced to press down the nausea, mind dizzy, but also forced themselves to calm down.

 "How did you know I called the drop and got in that car?"

 Underneath all the coincidences, it was never a coincidence, even if she knew, the danger she was facing at the moment, she didn't want to die for no reason.

 About is determined, today beside this woman did not live, summer housekeeper also lazy to cover up, cold smile:

 "Someone is squatting downstairs in your building, as soon as you went out, I got the information.

 It is also God who wants to take this life of yours, otherwise how would I be given this opportunity?

 Mr. ... Shen Xiu Jin that bastard sent someone to wait outside your door, not moving an inch, I simply could not find the opportunity.

 Oh, this is also thanks to you, thanks to you successfully tricking Shen San away, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find a chance to do it."

 "Who is someone?"

 "This doesn't need you to know! You just need to know one thing, I'm not the only one who wants you dead! There is someone who is even more sick of seeing you alive than I am!"

 Jane Tong's face was stony ... She really couldn't think of who the "someone" was.

 "Hahaha, you said how pathetic you are, anyway, you can't live today, so I'll tell you one more thing.

 Do you still remember what happened the night Shen Yi picked you up to go see Elder Shen?

 Why do you think it was such a coincidence that after Shen Yi sent you back, the car had just left and you had an accident?

 I tell you, it is your own family, your own family and Shen Yi collusion, Shen Yi confirmed to send you to that remote roadside, your own family to pay off the punks.

 You're pathetic, you might as well have died in prison in the first place."

 Housekeeper Xia wanted to admire the pitiful demeanor of the woman beside her, but only saw a calm.

 "Why aren't you surprised?

 Why don't you ask me who that person is?

 Why aren't you sad?

 You cry! Cry! Cry! I told you to cry!"

 Seems to be Jane Tong's calm anger, summer housekeeper spirit some crazy, every time angry, more step on the gas, the performance of the SUV is very good, running on the road out of a string of streams of light.

 The car was already on the verge of losing control, the cars on both sides of the road, have all stopped, far away to avoid, and even some people fearfully opened the door, ran out of the car.

 In this city for so long, late-night racing young people have, on the basis of money is not afraid of tickets speeding through red lights have, but this clearly do not want to life driving, or the first time.

 If you meet a psychopath how to do, by the time you are hit can only forget.

 Summer housekeeper look crazy, "cry! You give me cry!"

 Slowly, Jane Tong twisted her head and looked at the summer housekeeper with cold eyes:

 "It's my brother, right."

 A sentence that startled the summer housekeeper to let go of the gas.

 Jane Tong had actually always felt that the incident of being attacked that night was too coincidental, and had suspicions in her heart, she just never knew who it was.

 But today, when the summer housekeeper said that night's events, said things her family and Shen Yi collusion, she will be sure of the guess in her heart.

 Remember, before the accident that night, Jane Mo Bai also broke into the company to make trouble, Jane Mo Bai left that look, and that sentence, really does not seem to say.

 Her lips were slightly white, the corners of her mouth imperceptible bitterness, the corners of her lips hooked, did not seem to care.

 She had hoped, instead, that she had guessed wrong, that she had been too sensitive.

 She had also hoped that it would be just as easy to be confused and forget about it.

 Butler Xia was angered even more by this calm attitude of hers, reason flew far away, the more calm she was, the more he didn't want to see her get better like this.

 He just couldn't get used to seeing this woman's calm demeanor!

 Why is she so calm?

 Why is she not going crazy like him?

 Why he has nothing, son and daughter are gone, the real widow and orphan, why the same in the event of this woman, but can be so calm and calm, why only she can be safe and sound.

 Why is she the only one who can be safe and sound, not caring about anything!

 He does not!

 He just didn't want to see her so sensible!

 "You're so smart, have you ever thought that when your grandfather was around, when you were born, the person who kidnapped you, was someone you knew?"

 Jane Tong's eyelids jumped, "What do you mean?"

 "Oh, you're so smart, can't you guess?

 Same age as your grandfather, able to have the ability to do that kind of thing, you know, and I know, don't you know what it means?"

 Jane Tong clenched her teeth tightly, not daring to think about it.


 "It's the old man Shen, the love of your life Shen Xiujin's own grandfather!" In fact, this matter, he was also after Xia Weiming's accident, he occasionally overheard it, and for fear of being detected, he only had time to hear a sentence or two.

 What he knows, is also this one or two sentences, but ... enough, enough to be able to make this bitchy girl not calm!

 In the mouth of her heart, there is a big stone that slammed in!

 Smashed out a deep pit!

 Xia housekeeper's words, what does it mean?

 She wanted to pretend to be confused, nay!

 The Shen family and the Jane family, have a grudge.

 Shen family old man and Jane family old man, have a grudge.

 Other than that, it was difficult to have any other explanation.

 But if this is the case, why ... why grandfather let her close to Shen Xiujin?

 Why did grandfather never tell her about this matter?

 Why didn't even the outside world know that their two families were feuding?

 When I was in Erhai, Mrs. Jane said about the kidnapping at the time of her birth, but she said that the old master Jane's business had become big, and some people were not happy with it, so they played a trick to coerce her.

 But the Shen family so big family business, several generations of accumulation of wealth, is by no means a Jane family can compete, Shen old master how will look at the Jane family, the hatred between their two families, is by no means business like that.

 Thinking of her grandfather's strange attitude towards the matter of her being in love with Shen Xiujin.

 Also recalled the disgust in Master Shen's eyes every time she met him at the Shen family home.

 Grandfather had said that it was not worth it, grandfather had also tried to persuade, but those persuasions, just on the surface, obviously persuade her to give up words, but also in some things, encouragement.

 And yet, in certain things, encouraging her, even, supporting her.

 She then thought back carefully, many times, between her and Shen Xiujin, seems to have grandfather to help, for her to find a chance to be alone, for her to host a birthday party.

 At her eighteenth birthday banquet that year, her grandfather said, "You've grown up, be brave and pursue what you love, my granddaughter should be brave.

 She felt right and was inspired, so at her eighteenth birthday party, she confessed her love in front of everyone, with an open and unrivaled face.

She was confident, her grandfather said, she was the best daughter in the Jane family.

 She didn't dare to think about it anymore, to think about more and more of those details.

 The woman in the passenger seat could no longer maintain that calm appearance.

 That small face, a dead gray, the pain in the bottom of the eyes, seems to pull everything around, all pulled into the abyss, as if she ... was occupied in her life is very important people, hand hard pushed down the abyss!

 Life, those buried by time she had felt some contradictions and strange grandfather, finally, able to explain it.

 No wonder, no wonder grandfather valued her like that, but in the end stood on Jane Mo Bai's side, saying that everything in the Jane family, belongs to Jane Mo Bai.

 What afraid of others to hurt her, so to carry her around to personally raise, but because she this small just born little girl, get the Shen family that Shen old man's "valued" just.

 What careful upbringing!

 In fact, just so that she can be better than around the ordinary rich girl outstanding excellent, because the Shanghai Bund has too many rich girl, not out of the ordinary, how can get into the eyes of the Shen family successor it.

 Her thoughts began to be confused, and she could no longer tell if those good things were really good or not.

 She has been unable to distinguish the memory of those happy things with her grandfather, those piles and pieces of small things, which one is the grandfather his old man from the heart, which one is another calculation, or ... simply everything is false!

 Things outside the car, fast backwards, that non-stop fast backwards scenery outside the car, the woman looked at, looked at, fiercely reached out to pull the car door handle.

 She wants to go backward with those scenes outside the car, backward together with the past years, backward together with the grandfather is still there, she wants to ask in person, she wants to find out, she wants to know, all of this, a few points true, a few points false!

 She wants to rewind time and time, back to when her grandfather was alive, she wants to stand in front of him, she wants to ask with her own mouth:

 "Grandfather, do you really love me?"

 "You're crazy!" Butler Xia wanted her to die not bad, but when he witnessed this crazy scene with his own eyes, his heart still coldly jerked.

 Abruptly changed his face and drank.

 With a heartbreaking cry, the only thing left in the roughly rattled voice was the despair of not being able to see the end of the world with a single glance!

 -- "I want to go back --!"

 She wants to go back, go back to grandfather's face!