
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 305 I don’t want to express my gratitude verbally

It was a talk that lasted nearly an hour.

 And all the while, Kane Fellowski stayed at the corner bar, quietly drinking and chatting with the secretary general.

 Only when Jane Tong stepped out from within the glass sliding door that separated them by one door, did the man elegantly put down the cup in his hand and stood up.

 "Let's go, all the way to catch the plane, have not rested, tired, I'll send you back to the guest room?"

 "Kane, wait a minute, old friends meeting, won't you have a drink with me."

 Mifaer leaned against the glass door and looked over with a smile.

 Jane Tong sniffed, her lifted nerves soothed, "In that case, I won't disturb the two of you to catch up."

 This reaction of hers was naturally captured keenly by Kane Fellowski, his deep pupils slightly darkened, he is a smart person, knows what to step back, but also did not insist on insisting on sending Jane Tong to leave together:

 "Also," the man sidelong, to the door leaning Mifaer slightly raised his lips, "just late at night, let a lady leave on her own, is not a gentleman to do." Saying that, out of the corner of his eye, he swept aside the secretary general and hinted, "Spare your secretary general, an extra trip?"

 Mifar was very sensible and said towards the secretary general at the side, "You send this lady back to the guest room and make sure that the person is delivered safely."

 "Yes, sir."

 The person left, and in the large parlor, only two men who were excellent in their own ways remained.

 "Is she the one? The reason that made you go out of your way to owe me a favor and ask me to fly all the way out here?

 Is she important?" Mifar walked gracefully over to the bar and Woody poured himself a glass of whiskey, "Another?" Raising his glass at Kane, he gestured.

 "It's the one I desperately want, the one I want to hide her from the rest of the world." Whether it was important or not, he didn't know. Without affirmation, Kane Fellowski said, "Sam Lu asked me to ask you about that person, is she okay?"


 Heh~ After all these years, you still haven't let go?

 I used to think that it's only Asians who are this entangled.

 But now that I see you, I realize that you're done too."

 Without much explanation, Kane Ferocchi let out a light laugh, "You and Lu Chen are both so self-righteous?"

 Mifar tilted his head back in one gulp to fill his glass, "She's great."

 "I know, she's always been great." Speaking of Jane Tong, Kane looked proud, as if he was being praised for something of his own.

 "Her negotiating skills, they're just awesome, man, who the hell did she learn them from.

 I think the person who taught her such great negotiating skills must be amazing."

 "You rarely speak so highly of anyone, Mifar, and I'm only going to say this once, don't hit on her." Kane's eyes, sank.

 Mifar's mouth twitched, "You're really screwed, Kane. tsk tsk, is this the same Hunter I know?"

 "None of your business, just remember, don't hit on her."

 Mifar couldn't help but roll his eyes:

 "I only marvel at her negotiation skills.

 I've seen quite a few negotiators at home and abroad.

 If we really talk about negotiation skills and only consider them in terms of technique, then she is still young.

 I say she is skillful in negotiation because, while she is skillful, she is sincere.

 She frankly disclosed her intention to cooperate, but also frankly disclosed her side's shortcomings, and at the same time, she fully explained that even with these shortcomings, they still had the determination and ability to deal with every detail. I like her confidence in her sincerity.

 There are a lot of partners who don't report the good news, but her honesty, her confidence in honesty, her analysis of everything, her points and lines are all very convincing, so it's very easy for people to calm down and listen to her insights.

 Sure enough, Kane, you deserve to be called Hunter."

 For some reason, the title Hunter, which once upon a time made Kane feel honored, sounded more and more harsh today, and for no apparent reason, distracted and climbing the hair at the back of his head, Kane Fellowski, inexplicably annoyed, picked up the drink in front of him and slammed it down:

 "If I can, I just want to be her alone Hunter," annoyed, the intention by the heart, the mouth by the intention to open, without much thought, flying out of that inexplicable annoyance.

 Turning around, he then strides away.

 Mifaer stared blankly at the back of that hastily departed ... "God!"

 This one and two, all crazy?

 Knowing it's a grave, but still falling in with a smile on their faces?

 No, no, no, he would never enter the back of these two people.


 Jane Tong's cell phone, when he learned that he was going to meet the top Mifar in this industry, had been completely silenced.

 Back to the guest room, rinse clean, wrapped in a bath towel to sit in front of the bed, resting on the bedside table of the cell phone screen lit up, she then remembered, the phone mute has not been adjusted over.

 Picking it up smoothly, she saw Vivian's name and hesitated for a moment.

 "Hello?" In the end, it was better to press the answer button.

 "Little Tong, why are you just picking up the phone, I called a lot of times and couldn't reach you, almost I was about to call the police."

 On the other side of the phone, Vivian said sharply, Jane Tong quickly apologized, "Don't be angry, I just had something important."

 "What important thing, let you connect a phone call are not time1" Jane Tong is to understand this subordinate, Vivian looks shrewd and capable, in fact, launched the fire, quite scary, she knew that she was in the wrong, and hurriedly lifted out Mifaer to:

 "Mifar. I saw Mifar."

 Over the phone, instantly no sound, one second, two seconds, three seconds ... Jane Tong silently counted in her heart.

 "Mifar ???? Mifar of Dermen ?????"

 Excited screaming voice, from the microphone came out, Jane Tong immediately moved the phone away from the ear far away: "You light sound, my ears are going to be fried."

 "Don't care about that, you quickly tell me, is it that Mifaer from France Demen?"

 "Have you seen Mifar Benzun?

 Is he handsome?

 Did you speak?

 What was said?

 Does he know about Jane's?

 Did you talk about working together?

 Did he say yes?"

 Vivian had just finished a question, and Jane Tong was about to answer when she was hit with a series of questions over the phone, making her brain a little dizzy.

 Having to call a halt:

 "Regarding the matter of cooperation, I want to fight for it, Vivian, Mifar himself seems to be quite interested in my proposal, regarding that project proposal that we discussed in private, I think, you may have to work an extra shift this night, organize the information and send it to my mailbox.

 I have to make a proposal in a hurry."

 "Right, right! Strike the iron while it's hot! President Jane, don't worry, I'll organize the information into a document overnight tonight and send it to your mailbox."

 Jane Tong slightly raised her eyebrows ... Vivian, when she was angry, she was called "Little Tong Little Tong", but when it came to work matters, she immediately turned into "Mr. Jane".

 Naturally, this kind of public and private position and work attitude, naturally is no better.

 However, this kind of conversion speed really made her look sideways.

 "Ah right!

 I almost forgot about the important things.

 Little Tong, the things you explained, that silly ... General Shen he is quite good, you do the program at ease on the Sanya side. Don't worry, he is not naughty, rice also obediently eat, but also do it yourself."

 "... Well." Is that so?

 So she fled because of him.

 And whether she is there or not, in his case, it is the same, dispensable?

 So whether he was sober or not, Jane Tong, was just a dispensable code name in his life, a name with little meaning?

 She changed into her pajamas and walked out onto the balcony, the wind blew on her body, Sanya, not cold.

 She didn't know what she was counting on, and why she had already escaped here, but still suffocated with unbearable, unbreathable pain.

 Can not be good to him, should not be close to him, that morning but personally help him ... that intimate thing, she should not have any more entanglement with him!

 Yes, she did not do wrong, should not have been, soft to him.

 Vivian's efficiency has always been amazing.

 When Jane Tong woke up, she did not accidentally receive an email from Vivian.

 The doorbell rang.

 "Room service? Hold on."

 She woke up early in the morning, too late to change, still in her robe, gently straightened it out and opened the door to her room.

 "Good morning."

 "Are you ... this early?" She looked at the robe on her, still neat, and then at her visitor, "Come in first."


 Jane Tong let out a "hmmm", "Kane, thanks for hooking me up this time. It really helped me out." She headed for the pantry, "What'll it be? Tea or coffee?"

 "Hot boiled water is fine."

 "Hold on." She boiled the water while rinsing the cup next to her.

 In front of the washbasin, a tall figure abruptly appeared behind the woman, and a smell of testosterone instantly filled her nose, "Bringing work into vacation is not a good habit."

 The woman exited the pantry without a trace.

 "This is a big opportunity. Kane, I can't afford to lose, Jane, I can't afford to lose." She looked heavily into Kane's eyes, the depth and heaviness in those eyes, for a split second, took away the man's breath, depressing him a bit, and also for that moment, surprisingly, he could not read the woman across from him.

 Not her words, but her eyes, as if, a gambler, the last scramble.

 The heart was suddenly blocked, pretending not to care, cheeky and cheerful and rowdy:

 "Little Tong, eat breakfast?

 Banyan Tree's breakfast is still very good.

 Even if you have to work, you still need to eat enough to have strength, right?"

 "You wait, I'll change my clothes." It was reasonable, eating well was to have more strength to do things.

 A week after this, she locked herself in her room, always doing the program in hand, Kane will come to her from time to time, something is to call her to eat together, sometimes but see him do nothing, take the phone to play the King of Glory, a fight in the afternoon, just lying on her sofa.

 He also did not disturb her, more often than not, she was not surprised.

 And with her full attention, all that week, all on the latest program, there was no way to take any little time out.

 Vivian no longer called, but WeChat contact, every day the same phrase: he was fine, eating well, good health.

 Taking Mifar was both expected and unexpected. The moment the two sides signed the word, no one saw, that silent woman all of a sudden the whole person is vivid, as if the long awaited thing finally completed.

 It was also the moment when she seemed, for all intents and purposes, to run out of reasons to remain here.

 "Thank you, Kane."

 It really, really helped her in a big, big way, and without Mifar, she might have had to go in a big, big circle.

 And without Kane, there would be no chance of seeing Mifar.

 She bent down and bowed ninety degrees, which, of course, was definitely not enough, but it managed to express her gratitude.

 The ninety-degree bend was met with a large, strong hand gripping her shoulder, and she looked up in disbelief.

 Only the man's handsome and rigid chin was visible, and the man slowly dropped his head, his eyes burning into the woman's, his voice husky and confusing:

 "Thank ... you?

 Jane Tong, I don't want a verbal thank you."

 "I know, you helped a great, great favor, naturally not just verbal thanks. If it's within my reach ..."

 "Hush~" the man stopped the woman's words and looked at her with narrowed eyes, "Little Tong, if you really want to say thank you, I ... only need you."


 Thunder exploded in her ears, and she didn't slow down for a long time, and when she did, she realized the meaning of those words afterward.

 Slowly, she straightened her waist and back, pulled away from his palm, turned around, and left without a word.

 The man's heart was anxious, violently reached out and grabbed her arm, "Little Tong, I'm joking, don't take it seriously ..."

 "Yes?" Her calm face, not waves, staring straight into his eyes, "Is it a joke? Ask yourself, is it?"

 Ask yourself, is it? ... heart violently tightened!

 But the lie can no longer get out of his mouth.

 Couldn't, lie to myself.

Is it a joke? Is it really a joke?

 The man's teeth clenched, "So what if it's not a joke?" Is he not good enough? Is he not better than Shen? He was much, much better to her than to any woman he had ever been to!

 "Not a joke ... " The woman's calm face, slowly overflowed a smile, but not the slightest smile, slowly look up eyelids, looked at the man in front of him: "Then you and three years ago, what is the difference? "

 You and three years ago, what is the difference!

 A sentence, the man hit the body instantly stiff: "There is, three years ago I misunderstood you, but you are not what I thought that look. It's only now that I understand the truest you better."

 The woman lowered her eyes, hiding the self-mockery in the bottom of her eyes ... Her truest likeness?

 What her truest look was like, she couldn't even see it herself anymore.

 Three years ago, he used money to hunt what you want, three years later, he used an opportunity, still just want to hunt what he wants.

 The only difference is that the money back then, became a chance today, if we must say the difference between the two, that is about the man grew up, the game, then more adult.

 The young and foolish man, then directly hit the money, older men, then like less direct things.

 But is there a difference?

 In the end, these hurtful words, the woman did not come out of her mouth, just staring at the man's tough face:

 "That year's money, today's opportunity, it's all the same. Kane, you are an excellent hunter, excellent hunter, always growing, but the purpose of the hunter, then just hunted the prey in the eyes." At that point in the conversation, she knew that he had heard her.