
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 296 Protection

Jane Tong's cheeks a trace of wet moistening, is in front of the person on the forehead of the cold sweat.

 Sour nose, heavy pushed him a hand, the person in front of her was pushed by her staggered two steps, "Tong Tong, don't ..."

 "It's okay," she reached out, steadily grabbing the man's arm that was about to hug him up again, and as soon as the big man saw her, he grinned hideously:

 "Was worried about hitting the right man. Or you know what to do. Be good ..."

 Out of the corner of her eye, she swept to the fat man dropped on the ground baseball bat, crouched down and picked up, gulped toward the other side of a flurry of smash.

 The method of hitting people is very rusty, there are no rules and regulations, and she does not know whether she hit someone or not, just at this moment, ten thousand instincts to demand for life, ten thousand wills to resist.


 "Get out!"

 "Don't come any closer!"

 "Told you all to get lost! Can't you hear me!"

 Crazy baseball bats rained down in a dense stream towards Zhou.

 Tearing her heart and lungs, she drank a loud "Get out".

 She forgot, forgot how long it had been since she had resisted so fiercely and directly.

 That year, when she first entered the strange cage, facing the oppression, she had fiercely resisted and fiercely fought against it.

 She had forgotten the exact time, when and from which day she had started to be silent, to stop resisting, to start walking like a zombie.

 And today, as if, it was back to the same person she was before the silence.

 Hands shaking, but the baseball bat pinched deathly tight, a burst of chaotic and lawless towards the surrounding black shadow trying to gather over the smash, some fell short, some materialized, she could not tell whether she hit those punks or not.

 Only, at this moment, each swing of the stick made her gasp a cloudy breath of pleasure.

 She felt pleased, felt that this like rain of sticks and clubs smashed down, how also able to hurt those punks.

 The leader of the gangsters reacted quickly, he was smashed a stick, a mouthful of anger blocked in the heart, back to God "grass" sound, rolled up his sleeves, ready to go forward, a look up, saw in front of the scene of a demonic chaos.

 The woman, like crazy, a random smash, this point of damage, naturally, it is impossible to break them a few big men, just that the woman does not look at anything, the direction does not look, do not look at the people, only to her and the man around a smash, so do not look at anything, do not look at anything, do not look at the people, only to her and the man around a smash.

 This kind of nothing to see the smash and hit, although did not put their brothers and sisters how, but also really because of this not long for the stick, they really dare not go forward to get close to.

 "Ah shucks!" The leader of the gangsters, spat fiercely toward the ground a mouthful of spit, eyes released wolf light, viciously swung the baseball bat in his hand:

 "Who are you bluffing?

 Big guy, one for each of us."

 The fat man finally reacted, rushed up and snatched the bat from Jane Tong's hand, of course, he also received several bat.

 The baseball bat just snatched his hand, the leader of the gangsters immediately smashed a stick over, it was really ruthless, specifically towards Jane Tong's shoulder.

 Seeing that the matter is almost done, a person rushed in the oblique stab, clumsy as a big cow, deadlocked his waist, "Tong Tong, quickly run."

 Shen Xiujin's strength is not ordinary at this moment, the leader of the gangster was held by his waist, unable to move.

 "Tong Tong, run!"

 Jane Tong froze and stood still, momentarily dumbfounded.

 In front of her eyes was the man holding the punk tightly, one side telling her to run.

 Under the feet, as if they were born with nails, they could not move.

 Fatty pinched the baseball bat, actually some can not get down.

 I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but it accidentally blocked the path of the big man.

 S City, the city's night security patrol car, almost every night, regularly scheduled will patrol from a fixed few roads, each precinct has a fixed point in each precinct.

 The sound of the patrol car came from afar, and several gangsters' faces changed at the same time.

 The gangster in the lead furiously glanced at the man who was still holding his waist in a death grip, his face full of urgency, "Let go!" He didn't have time to spend any more time, his hand rose up and his club fell, bang-

 "Let go or not!"


 "Teach you to let go, you phase death ah!"


 Jane Tong as if back to God, I do not know where to fight the strength, pulling his legs and rushed over to the entrance of the alley.


 The big man called out in exasperation:

 "Fatty! Quickly stop her! Be careful that he attracts the patrolling cars-"

 The fat man was agitated at this time, and drew his legs and rushed over, sensitively covering Jane Tong's mouth.


 The big man immediately ran over, "Grass! Didn't you say her leg was broken? Running fast enough!

 Faster, let her run out!"

 While saying this, he swung a slap on Jane Tong's face, "I told you to run! You know how to cause trouble for us! No wonder people look at you unfavorably!"

 Another glance at Fatty: "Fatty, you're a flexible fatty, well done, it's a good thing you have sensitive hands and feet, or else-"

 The lights of the patrol car flashed past the entrance of the alley.

 A few people's hearts palpitated.

 Jane Tong was desperate.

 "People are doing it, the sky is watching." She cursed in vain.

 The big man seemed to be angered by her words and raised the club in his hand, "See how tough your mouth is! Wait! This will waste one of your arms."

 The sound of the patrol car faded away, and the big man wasn't as tense as he had been a moment ago, and had the presence of mind to sneer:

 "This arm of yours will soon be separated from you.

 Why, is there anything you want to say?"

 Jane Tong stalked her neck and reddened her eyes.

 "Don't hit Tong Tong!"

 A strange change, occurred at this moment.

 That in the eyes of several of their gangsters, clumsy man, as if as God's help, holding their big brother's waist, blocking the waist to arch over.

 Strength like a cow, not outside.

 Still clumsy, but the murderer, hard to throw smashed on the ground.

 The wind behind his head, the big man swung the stick raised high, was yanked from behind, and the man clumsily crashed over this way.

 When really, the fight was unorganized.

 But, on the contrary, recklessly crashed over.

 Big man a "day" have not had time to say out, was the whole person knocked over on the ground, fell to the ground at that moment, still a little confused, how he was a stupid big man to subdue?

 The fat man ran up and looked up, but the whole thing was bad.

 In the night, he looked up and met face to face with a pair of horrendous incomparable eyes, crimson crimson blood all over, even more frightening is that in those eyes, a pair of deep black pupils, cold and stern, flashing with a murderous aura.

 In an instant, Fatty's mind suddenly felt it clearly - this person was truly capable of killing!

 That horrible person, however, said to him with a persistent, yet stupidly angry face, "I'm not hitting you! You didn't hit Tong Tong."

 Fatty got a chill down his backbone from that glance.

 He said stiffly, "Thank you." After saying that, he realized that he had said something stupid and was chagrined.

 "Fatty! Don't let them go! Otherwise we're screwed!" The leader of the gangsters had not completely fainted to death and tilted his neck to give orders to Fatty.

 Fatty immediately shuddered in his heart ... Right, can't let go, or else the few of them will be finished!