
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 24 Do you look down on Jian Tong?

"Shen Xiujin, what you said to Jane Child later was very hurtful. Do you know that?" Bai Yuxing followed behind Shen Xiujin and voiced his feelings.

 "Do I need to consider her feelings?"

 "You're a person who's never been so egotistical and capricious? Treating her like this now, what if you regret it in the future?"

 Shen Xiujin handed a cigarette to Bai Yuxing and smiled disbelievingly, "Have a cigarette, don't think nonsense."


 Would he regret it?

 No way.

 Bai Yu Xing stopped talking, in fact, he also felt that with Shen Xiujin's character, he definitely wouldn't regret anything. Even back then with Xia Weiming's accident, Bai Yuxing had never seen Shen Xiujin regret it.

 "A drink?"

 "I have some things to take care of in the Eastern Emperor."

 Bai Yuxing immediately followed Shen Xiujin to East Emperor in a deadpan manner.

 At East Emperor Entertainment, Su Meng had someone bring Qin Mu Mu Shan to her office.

 "Jian Tong and you are in the same dormitory, she is sick, you didn't notice any difference?" Su Meng sat on the sofa and asked the girl in front of her somberly.

 In fact, she did not have any impression of Qin Mu Mu, only Jane did not come to work yesterday, she went to the personnel department to check the specific address of the staff dormitory where Jane lived, and incidentally, in the staff dormitory registration form, saw the same dormitory Qin Mu Mu.

 Su Meng, this woman, not to say that she has come from a mountain of fire, that is also what people have seen.

 The same dormitory employees, another person did not come to work, body abnormalities, she simply can not Qin Mu Mu will really heart big to a little bit did not realize.

 She could only say that Qin Mu Mu was intentionally ignoring Jane Tong.

 Last night's situation how dangerous, Su Meng to the present is still impressed, in the Jane child's dormitory to see the Jane child, the other party has been burned to a mess.

 If she hadn't rushed over in time, I'm afraid that Jian Tong's life would have been accounted for there. Qin Mu Mu's indifference and disregard, Su Meng does not care, but if it is because of Qin Mu Mu's indifference and disregard, killing a living life ... such a person, she does not dare to stay.

 Su Meng does things, always careful, just now she went to check the relationship between this Qin Mu Mu and Jane child, interestingly enough, from the mouth of the 606 VIP box's private room princess Luna, heard something that made her unexpected.

 Qin Mu Mu is still a little fidgety, Sister Dream as Qin Mu Mu formerly dared not reach the object, and today deliberately called her alone to the office ... Qin Mu Mu thought that she had not done something wrong to be called.

 But at this moment, when she heard Sister Meng mention Jane Tong ... Qin Mu Mu s heart, it settled down.

 It turned out that it was just a routine inquiry because she was in the same dormitory as Jane Child, scared her to death.

 "Sister Dream, I'm not familiar with that woman."

 That female? ... Su Meng raised her head, swept the girl in front of her, her eyebrows gradually raised, and opened her mouth with interest, asking without hesitation, "That woman?"

 Qin Mu Mu looked at Su Meng's expression, and was a bit at a loss for words. But she thought carefully, she didn't say anything wrong, what exactly did Sister Meng mean?

 "Qin Mu Mu, are you looking down on Jane Tong?" Suddenly, Su Meng asked in a bullheaded manner.

 Of course, that kind of woman, who would look down on her? ... Qin Mu Mu subconsciously wanted to answer this way.

 But subconsciously, but also feel that directly say so, and will destroy in the dream sister's heart their own image ... In fact, Qin Mu Mu really is too much to worry about, Su Meng busy people, if not this time because of the things of the Jane child, who will know her Qin Mu Mu is ah.

 Qin Mu Mu organized language in her mind, and then carefully looked at Su Meng and said: ''Those things she did without dignity have been spreading in the East Emperor, how can she lie on the ground and shake ... that while picking up money for the sake of money? Dream sister, everyone is scolding her very, very, very ..."

 Speaking to the end, Qin Mu Mu had a face that felt ashamed even to say it.

 Su Meng taut face, suddenly laughed, such as early spring melting ice winter snow, brilliant some abnormal.

 Qin Mu Mu thought to herself, this time she did not say the wrong thing.

 Thinking of Jane Child, Qin Mu Mu felt unashamed.

 Su Meng smiled and looked at Qin Mumu, "Very how? Very shameless? Or very cheap?" The exquisitely outlined and colorful red lips hooked, completely unable to look at Qin Mu Mu as a person.

 Suddenly converging her smile, Su Meng said mockingly, "I've read your profile, you're a student at S University, right? Do you think that you're out of the mud and not tainted? Do you think that you are very innocent and clean?

 Do you think that this person, Jane Tong, is so lowly that she doesn't deserve to live under the same roof as someone with a clear mind like you, so even though she is sick and she didn't show up for work, you were able to ignore this person ruthlessly and completely?"

 Qin Mu Mu was filled with disbelief and looked at Su Meng ... Dream Sister in confusion, what did she mean by this?

 She was at least a student of S University, she wouldn't even be able to hear whether Su Meng's words were complimenting her or satirizing her.

 Su Meng abruptly stood up and walked to Qin Mu Mu's body, Su Meng's height is there, and then wearing high heels, standing in front of Qin Mu Mu, instantly compared to Qin Mu Mu is very short.

 Su Meng is also mixed in the shopping mall for many years, professional clothes on the body, full queen model, this is not the youthful Qin Mu Mu can be compared.

 "Qin Mu Mu, you think you are noble and innocent? You have high aspirations? Do you despise Jane Tong from the bottom of your heart? Let me tell you, you Qin Mu Mu can't compare to Jane Tong!"

 Qin Mu Mu was unconvinced, "Sister Meng, you're going too far! I worked hard to get into the University of S. I'm a college student from the University of S. Would I be no match for a shameless woman who doesn't even want her dignity? The same are both without money, I didn't do anything for money, although I'm working for East Emperor, but I've always been a waiter, I'm not the same as that Jane Tong who is willing to sell anything for money!"

 "Hehe~" Su Meng sneered, "Don't think of yourself as so noble. With all the rich merchants, businessmen and sons of powerful families coming and going in the East Emperor, just any one of them to apply pressure, how noble do you think you, Qin Mu Mu, can still be?

 That day in box 606, you still remember it yourself, if it wasn't for Jane Tong's soft heart and helping you out that day, do you think you can still stand here and talk about it now?"

 Qin Mu Mu's face went white, she remembered what happened that day, but, but, but that doesn't mean anything, does it?

 "Even if what Sister Meng said about this matter is true, right, Jane Tong did help me out in passing, but I didn't ask her to learn how a dog lies on the ground to please those guests for money ah. In the end, it was she herself who did that for the sake of money. What does it have to do with me?"

 Su Meng was simply furious and happy, unworthy for Jane Child. Take a closer look at this Qin Mu Mu ...

 "Tsk, tsk, how come Jane Child saved a thing like you?"