
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 239 Mrs. Jian is coming

"Boss, aren't you surnamed Shen?" Zhao Zhao chased after her, carefully asked, "Why do they all call you Jane Tong?"

 In the doorway of her room, the woman stopped, sweeping behind Zhaozhao, the girl's eyes have fear, the eyes rolled over, then understand, in front of this young girl, why a change in the former in front of their own when the naive, but more fear.

 "Zhaozhao, you are afraid of me, right?"

 The woman asked without answering.

 Opposite the young girl's tender face, "Brush pull", red into a monkey's butt, face is full of the embarrassment of being seen through: "No no, boss, how could I be afraid of you. Boss is the best."

 A cold hand, touched Zhaozhao's face, the young girl shivered, carefully raised her eyelids, sneak a look at her boss, but crashed into a pair of dense mournful eyes, deep and helpless, "Boss ..."

 "Zhaozhao, I nowadays, also do not know my name.

 When I was born, my grandfather named me Jane Tong, because my grandfather's last name is Jane, my father's last name is also Jane, I am the daughter of the Jane family, called Jane Tong.

 When my grandfather died, I offended someone who couldn't be offended, and the Jane family lost Jane Tong as a person.

 Then later, they gave me the surname 'Shen', and they said I would be called Shen Tong from now on.

 I don't know what I'm called, and I'm more comfortable with you calling me boss instead."

 Her thumb wiped away the tears on Zhaozhao's face, "Good boy, why are you crying." After thinking about it, she walked into the bedroom and twisted her head to wave to Zhaozhao in the doorway, "You come in as well."

 After saying that, she opened the safe in the corner and carefully took out a file bag from it, "Zhaozhao, what are you staring at, sit down."

 She greeted Zhaozhao while sitting on a chair herself, opening the file bag in her hand, "If one day, I leave this world first, you take this and go to Lawyer Fang Fang of Huicheng Law Firm.

 'Memory Residence' is very important and important to me, more important than my life, in the future, if I'm not here, you can't move and cry anymore, help me take care of this B&B."

 Zha Zhao is no longer naive and innocent, but also heard the wrong flavor, "Boss, you won't be ... leaving here, right?" How did she hear it, more like commanding a will?

 Ah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah, nonsense, the boss lives long!

 Zhao Zhao comforted herself in her heart.

 The woman stood up, "I'll take you to a place," without explaining Zha Zhao's question, she tucked the file bag in her hand and headed for the door.

 "Boss, where are you going?"

 The woman walks in front, walks a little sharply, stumbles a little, Zhaozhao criticizes seven times, "Boss, your feet are not convenient, walk slowly walk slowly walk slowly."

 Following the boss, Zhao Zhao stood in front of the door of the house in the most remote corner of the B&B.

 "Boss, don't you usually keep us away from this place?"

 The woman ignored, the key in the hole twisted, the door will creak open, push open the door, the house is a little dark, press the lamp to turn on the light, all of a sudden, it will be bright.

 Zhaozhao "scared ~" a sound, "posthumous ... posthumous photo ..."

 "Zhaozhao, don't be afraid.

 Her name is A Deer, a very kind and kind girl, as kind as you."

 The woman went up to light the lamp and put on incense, while saying, "A Deer is very kind, so kind that she lost her life for saving me.

 A Deer was lying on my lap and closed her eyes.

 Before she closed her eyes, she was still talking about her yearning for this world.

 She said she loved the sky and land of Erhai and the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the distance.

 Her wish in this life is to open a bed and breakfast by the Erhai Sea, no need to be too big, free and peaceful without worldly disputes.

 She left without being able to fulfill her lifelong wish.

 She saved me with her own life.

 Her wish is my lifelong wish."

 Originally feeling a hint of fear at the sudden entry of the posthumous photo, gradually in the words of the woman's calm and slow statement, quietly dispersed, Zha Zhao again looked at the unfamiliar girl in the posthumous photo, it seems, all feel goodwill and warmth:

 "The boss is a good boss, and Boss A Deer is also a great person."

 At these words, the woman in front of the incense case, but slightly paused for three seconds ... big good man ... she lightly laughed a little, her eyebrows stretched open, "Ah Lu, this girl said you are a big good man, this year, will still use the 'great good man' to praise a person, only Zhaozhao this girl." There was only a girl with a simple and pristine mind like Zhaozhao.

 "Boss, did I say something wrong? Boss A Deer protected the boss, of course Boss A Deer is a great person."

 "No, you're not wrong." The woman put on the incense, lightly wiped her hands, and turned around with a warm face, "You're right, Zha Zhao, if it's possible, I hope that you don't change who you are now for the rest of your life.

 You being like this, it's good."

 She said extremely serious and earnest, but the opposite side of that girl, listening to a face of incomprehension and confusion, the woman thought about it, shook her head ... forget it, can not understand that is the best.

 If you listen to understand, it will become a person with a story ... not good.

 She re-picked up the file bag that had just been set aside and handed it to Zhaozhao: "Zhaozhao, let me ask you, do you like 'Yijiu'?"

 "Like ah."

 "Then I'll ask you again, if I'm not in Yijiu for a long, long time, will you be able to take care of this B&B?"

 "Check in check out I am familiar with ah, the small dining room has Auntie Gui, tidying up the guest rooms has Auntie Zhu, and there are also flowers and grasses in the courtyard Xiao Fangzi will also go to do ah. ... not right ah, boss, you are so strange today oh."

 "Zhaozhao, listen well, if after I am gone, you take this file bag and go to the Hui Cheng Law Firm's Lawyer Fang.

 Lawyer Fang will help you, and together we will handle the inheritance procedures for all the inheritance under my name, including this B&B, and transfer it to your name.

 But Zhaozhao, if you accept this inheritance, then you must do one thing for me.

 It's A Deer, every year, you must burn paper money for A Deer on Qingming and the anniversary of the death, and you must come and clean the place on the first fifteen days of the sewing year."

 "Boss, what the hell are you saying again! What legacy not legacy?

 Boss, why do you want to give me a legacy, why do you want to explain me like a medical prescription!

 Boss! Is it that bad guy today!

 It's because of him, isn't it!

 That man wants to hurt the boss right!

 I don't want it!"

 "Take it easy, Zhaozhao." She wanted to persuade that girl, but this girl was so stubborn today that she had to hold on, "Zhaozhao, if you are so agitated, how can I tell you the reason."

 Hearing these words, only then did Zhaozhao stop, "Okay, I'm not excited, boss you say. Why ah, properly to explain the will."

 "First of all, what about a notarized will, it's normal in other countries.

 You see, I don't have a family anymore, my former family doesn't want me.

 In these three years, you are staying at my hand, I feel relieved that the will is given to you.

 Secondly, the notarized will is not because I'm going to die soon, just because in case, accident, my health is not very good, in case of a short life, then at that time, you see I have no relatives, the estate to whom it, of course, now to write a good will notarized ah in advance. Right?

 Or do you hope, my inheritance are given to those family members who don't want me anymore?"

 "Really? Is that really what foreigners do? Just in case?"

 "Really, lying to you ~you~ are a puppy."


 The little girl pouting her lips is still a little unhappy, but it is no longer making a scene, touching Zhaozhao's head, the corner of the woman's mouth reveals a light smile ... This girl ah so good at cheating, in the future, I hope that she meets a man that she loves and also loves her, and happily lives her whole life.


 Rushing to the hospital car, Shen Xiujin leisurely woke up.

 "Scared me to death, you finally woke up." Xi Chen a heart put down half: "Tell you to show off, after coming to Dali, you haven't had a good rest, these three years, and busy yourself like a gyroscope, do you really think of yourself as an iron man?"

 Shen Xiu Jin raised his hand and touched the gauze wrapped around his head, his thoughts cleared up all of a sudden, opened his lips and opened his mouth, his voice was left hoarse: "He hurt?"

 Although it was a question, Shen Xiu Jin's demeanor was certain.


 It seems to be quite resistant to falling, heh ~ no wonder that your that heart of the treasure decided that you pretend to faint to gain sympathy and play new tricks. Heh."

 Listening to Xi Chen's taunts, the man's heart was gripped by something as if, forcibly holding back what he did not know whether it was a headache or a heartache, he breathed heavily several times before saying:

 "Don't blame her."

 Xi Chen couldn't listen anymore, "Hey, you're sick! You have fallen like that, she looked coldly even if, but also taunted you pretending to faint to get sympathy, said you are playing new tricks. And you still say 'I don't blame her'?

 I think you really did break your brain."

 "I'm not sick. I'm more lucid now than ever.

 Ah Chen, I did use a lot of tactics against her in the past, she doesn't believe me now, and everyone else is able to say that she's not right, but only me, I'm not able to."

 When he said these words, the bitter gall came out, "I once did not believe that karma has retribution, you see, retribution has come."

 "You ..." Xi Chen hated the iron, exasperated, "Well, even if you say all right. Then you should also explain clearly to her that you will fall and get hurt not because of pretending to be dizzy, because you have a big load on your body and no rest for several days in a row?"

 "You told her this?" Shen Xiu Jin's face was ashen, pursing his lips tightly as he looked at Xi Chen, who was intent on being angry with him, "Yes, I said that. I said that because you are looking for her, a few days and nights without sleep, these three years incarnate workaholic, make time to go to various places to look for her. Your body has collapsed, otherwise you wouldn't have easily been pushed down by that bitch Lu Mingchu and hit your head."

 The man's originally dead gray face, at this moment is even more miserable, Xi Chen looked at it, no good mood:

 "Well, don't look like the sky is falling! I did not say! Lied to you."

 The words turned: "You just suffered a head injury, I think it is better to go to the hospital."

 "Do not go, nothing serious, turn around, drive back, today I must take her home."

 Xi Chen sniffed, suddenly serious:

 "Ah Xiu, a few of us, always formed a consensus, the sky collapsed first have you Shen Xiu Jin carry, you now?

 To be honest, even if she Jane Tong is innocent and has suffered so much, even if you have done something wrong again, but I or Yu Xing or not, we help our relatives not to help reason.

 You and Jane Tong, we will choose you without blinking an eye.

 However, because you love Jane Tong more than yourself, Yuhang and I will choose her because you choose her, because of brotherly love.

 But, if one day, because of her, you're ruined while she's fine, guess, Yuhang or I, will we let her go? You also have to know that Yuhang and I, as well as you, the three of us, have never been good people."

 The man was silent for a while and said in a low voice, "Go to the hospital."


 Lijiang airport, Mrs. Jane haggard a lot, just got off the plane, restarted the phone, on a dozen missed calls, clicked in the short message, it is her son to the text message.

 Mrs. Jane roughly scanned, cell phone screen above, clear ask her: arrived, see sister?

 Mrs. Jane pinched the phone, I do not know because of their son's condition or other, always pay attention to the maintenance of Mrs. Jane, the corners of the eyes quietly climbed on the wrinkles, flaccid eyelids under the swelling, she picked up more than 100,000 yuan of visor mirror put on, and became that elegant rich wife, visor under the eyes, but the red circle.