
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 233 How ironic

Familiar body temperature Familiar odor, familiar ... fear, roaming the heart!

 Trembling fear panic, all mapped out from those tightly closed eyelashes, even those lips that were treated gently, were trembling.

 This trembling, transmitted to the man behind him, the bottom of his eyes, a hint of heartache, a hint of despair, a hint of remorse ... from now on, no longer willing to fail this woman!

 No longer willing to let this woman feel afraid ... This is his dereliction of duty.

 Robust arms, surrounded up, then from behind, environmental protection to live in the chaise longue on the woman's trembling shoulders, his lips, more and more gentle, that pair of arms, seems to have the power to surge out, bound to protect the woman in the arms.

 Knowing that, her fear ... but, as long as she does not push him away, how can he not covet her flavor at this moment?

 Zhao Zhao opened her eyes wide, blinking ... This man who suddenly appeared, who in the end is ah?

 Her situation is not particularly good, but she forgot, their left and right sides "humming two generals", a left and a right looking at her, at the moment that pair of eyes that have not been tainted by the metropolis of vulgarity, flashing gossip light.

 "Hey hey, that man is your gang leader?"

 Shen Er looked at the little girl beside him like an idiot ... How do you think, this year there is a "gang master"?

 "Right, you are the triads, right? I see you are the triad."

 Zhao Zhao chattered, but did not dare to speak loudly, for fear that his loud voice disturbed the couple under the roof.

 Shen Er got impatient: "What triad, do I look like a triad?"

 And with a look at idiots, he took a hard look at the girl beside him.

 Suddenly, a change of heart occurred!


 Crisp slapping sound, then in this wind and sunshine birds and flowers, at first resounded through the four fields.

 Shen Er hastily raised his head to follow the sound and looked over, his heart, instantly became taut.


 He looked to the eaves of the house was hit with a biased face of the man, the man lowered his head, this slap, obviously hit not light, slightly some long forehead hair, low hanging head, then in the eyes of the shade into a shadow.

 Shen Er heart are erected, "boss ..."

 He wanted to go forward, just raised his footsteps, was under the eaves of the tall and straight man waved his hand, let him not go forward.

 Shen Er could only wait anxiously in the lobby, looking nervously at the pair of men and women, praying ... Boss ah, you can t be a jerk at this time, never, never lose your temper.

 The man slowly raised his head, the woman on the chaise longue, I do not know when, has been panicked and stood up, the hands of the dead catch the blanket that covers her body, nervously looking at their look, he clearly in her eyes, saw the fear.

 His heart ached like a pinprick.

 He wanted to go forward to hold her, just had the tendency to walk towards her, the woman changed her face: "Don't come over!"

 "Little child ..."

 "I told you not to come over!" She screamed, her eyes appeared horrible, that is from the bones out of the "fear".

 "Don't be afraid."

 Don't be afraid?

 He told her not to be afraid?

 With what kind of heart did he ask for her "don't be afraid"?

 "Xiaodong, don't be afraid... "Don't be afraid of me...

 He wanted to say, "Don't be afraid of me," but his throat was clogged, so absurd that he could not speak.

 I've been there before, but I've said "Don't be afraid of me" to the woman I love.

 The woman just stood there, looking at him warily, like he was a vicious asshole.

 Why ... the moment I saw him, the long-lost pain in my heart spread up again?

 It was so silky and dull that it was hard to breathe.

 "Shen Xiu Jin! You go back!" She turned towards him and said in despair, "Why, still looking up?"

 "Little child, I've come, to take you home, go back with me."

 He took another step forward.

 But, like a bird of panic, she stepped back again, to the edge of the steps, and with a cry of terror, her body fell uncontrollably downward.

 The man's face changed at first, and he took a few steps forward, pulling her down quickly.

 "Is there anything wrong? Let me see, let me see where it hurts?" With some clumsiness, he was about to check her.


 There was another crisp slap!

 He looked at the hand that she had thrown away, and on the back of it, a reddish patch.

 "Go away! You go away!"

 Her heart was in a mess ... "You go away!"

 "Xiao Tong, calm down, calm down ..."

 Calm down?

 He told her to calm down?

 Yes, yes!

 She should be calm, take a deep breath, take a deep breath, be calm, deal with him calmly!

 Can't be afraid.

 "Mr. Shen," it took her a long time to control the fear deep in her heart, she wanted to desperately try to make herself normal:

 "If you're staying in a hotel, there are no vacant rooms in this store."

 "I'm not staying at the store, I'm here to take you home."

 "I'm not leaving." She said, forcing herself to raise her head and look him straight in the eye despite being terrified of the person in front of her:

 "Mr. Shen, I won't go with you, this is my home, I'll stay here for the rest of my life.

 If Mr. Shen doesn't stay here, then please leave here."

 She is still afraid ah ... In the end, the gaze that looks directly into his eyes, some of them are weak and shaky, hiding and dying.

 "Little child, don't make a scene ... OK? We go home. There is a late word, I ... love you ...

 "Make a scene?

 Who in the world is making a scene?

 Mr. Shen, you are a big boss who earns a lot of money every day, and I am an ordinary person who opens a bed and breakfast by the Erhai Sea.

 Going home?

 Home, what is it?"

 She in fact, can be more rational and more calm, she knows, she should be more rational and more calm, but also more cold, just like treating Lu Mingchu the same ... do not love, then do not give the opportunity, the heart cold in the end.

 What the hell is wrong with her ...!!!!

 Hundreds of turns in the mind, countless ideas popped up, and another one did not catch.

 But by themselves that thought stung!

 Self by their own stabbing pain ... will be like her life seems to be a joke!

 A few steps pacing, copied up the tea set on the coffee table, and threw it over to him: ''Scram! Shen Xiu Jin! You listen to me well! I won't go with you!

 This place is my home!

 I swear, I will never leave this place for a single step in this life!

 You get out!

 Get out of the Memory Residence!

 The one who is most unworthy to stay in this place is you!"

 Teacups, kettles, trays, all smashed over.

 Hot tea, splashed out!

 She blinked her eyes, blinking back the tears in the bottom of her eyes ... If a person's life is lived only because of a certain person, then it is the biggest joke.

 This was what she hated about herself.

 For the sake of Alucard, for the sake of paying back the dreams she owed to Alucard, her shell of a person lived.

 She was the one who should have died!

 However, three years, why the moment he appeared, it made her already dead heart, once again pain?

 Could it be that her Jane Tong's entire life, her soul was alive only because of this person, Shen Xiujin?

 How ironic!

 "Roll! Roll roll roll! Scram!"

 The man stood there, letting her smash, silently looking at her to see, and then looked at the mess on the ground, and spoke in a deep voice: "Smashed the cup, smashed the tray, smashed the kettle ... smashed happy?"

 The woman's heart was anxious: "No! Smash you, how can I smash not enough!" Said he wanted to pick up something to continue to smash, look around the mess, and then look at the empty hand, a stunned ... the next second Huo Ran Dun down, "oooh oooh oooh ..." even God help him! The hand is empty, want to smash all have nothing to smash!

 The man stood, silently looking at the woman squatting on the ground whimpering, half a long time, low voice: "What do you want to smash, I take for you."