
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 202 Atonement

Lu Mingchu's full-on gangly smile, like this blatant provocation, not the first time.

 "A younger brother? My mother only gave birth to one. How could there be a younger brother?" Shen Xiujin sneered, "Lu Mingchu, the person behind Housekeeper Xia, it's you, right?"

 Otherwise, how could it be so precise and coincidental that when they were about to leave, Lu Mingchu's person, just in time, appeared at the doorway, blocking his way.

 "I know that old dog kidnapped the Jane Family's thousand-dollar lady whose reputation was ruined, but it doesn't mean, it was me, Lu Mingchu, who instructed her."

 "So, you do know who ordered it?"

 "Want to know?" Lu Mingchu laughed: "OK, win me and then say."

 The two men fought, their fists were hefty, no one was a good fighter, to Shen Xiujin, Lu Mingchu's existence was like a thorn in his finger, it wouldn't kill him, but it would be uncomfortable if he touched it.

 And as far as Lu Mingchu is concerned, Shen Xiujin is the person in his life that he most wants to knock down and ruthlessly step on the ground.

 They are brothers, half-brothers, but with each other, they are more like enemies. Lu Mingchu is not willing to clearly are flowing Shen family blood, since childhood, he and this blood brother, shaped like heaven and earth.

 Both of them are moving real, who did not stay hands.

 And at this moment Jane Tong, has taken a taxi, to Hangzhou.

 Whether it is a high-speed train or airplane, or long-distance bus, she did not dare to stay, and even more so, did not dare to easily expose the whereabouts.

 Lu Mingchu and Shen Xiujin were exhausted from the fight, and both of them lay on the ground, panting heavily.

 When Shen Yi arrived with a group of people, what he saw was two men fighting back and forth, and then he took a look at Lu Mingchu's men around him, all of them stood aside and didn't make a move, and then he understood - this was a one-man fight between two bosses, and both bosses didn't need their own men to be involved in a group fight.

 Thus, a confrontation was formed with Lu Mingchu's men. Although the people under the hands of both sides did not make a move, both sides were finely armored bodyguards, and the atmosphere was once tense.

 Until the boss of the two parties were exhausted and collapsed on the ground breathing heavily, the people under their hands, who did not go up without color.

 After a while, Lu Mingchu's phone rang, he took it out, pressed the answer button, put it in his ear and listened for a while, the corner of his mouth slowly revealed a satisfied smile.

 Propped up on the ground to climb up, the footsteps still hear unsteady, but some complacency overlooking still lying on the ground gasping for breath Shen Xiu Jin: "Laozi play happy, today do not accompany you to play, bye ~" said, stretching out the palm of his hand towards Shen Xiu Jin waved.

 Shen Xiu Jin did not go to stop Lu Mingchu, he sat up from the ground, did not immediately stand up, one leg bent knee sitting in place, eyebrows deeply locked looking at the back of Lu Mingchu limping walking hobbling ... He does not believe that Lu Mingchu's sudden appearance, is to "play happy" with him, and to his understanding of the "happy", and to his understanding of the "happy", "happy", and to his understanding of the "happy", "happy", and to his understanding of the "happy". He did not believe that Lu Mingchu's sudden appearance was to "have fun" with him, and with his understanding of Lu Mingchu, this person was not the one who came to look for a fight with him just for the sake of provoking him.

 Narrowing his eyes, he lightly watched Lu Mingchu leave.

 Although suspicious, at this moment, Shen Xiujin is anxious to meet Jane Tong and settle the score with Lu Mingchu, after today, there is plenty of time.

 "Su Meng, which hospital are you in?" Cell phone broadcast to Su Meng there, Shen Xiu Jin stood up and walked towards Shen Yi's car, while a look threw to Shen Yi: "Car keys."

 Lu Mingchu there sat on the backseat of the car, beside his best friend who has just been sitting in the car and never got out of the car, handed him a brocade handkerchief, "Wipe it off, tsk tsk ~ this face, swollen like a pig's head. It's too miserable~"

 "Hehe, you cut the sarcasm."

 "You suddenly appeared in that warehouse just now and delayed Shen Xiujin just to help her win time to escape? ... That phone call you just received, if I'm not mistaken, it was a debriefing from your men, who determined that she had already left s city and called you, right?

 However, don't you think, you for a Ping Shui met the woman, do these, some nosy? Lu Mingchu, does it make sense to do this?"

 Lu Mingchu only laughed ... Whether it makes sense or not, he himself knows best:

 "God said that those who pray sincerely, their sins can be redeemed."

 "Atonement? I didn't hear it wrong! Lu Mingchu, who kills devils in the way of devils and gods in the way of gods, will also have repentance to atone for his sins? Are you Lu Mingchu so boring that you would only do it for a woman you met in passing?"

 Lu Mingchu glanced back:

 "Since I could hurt a woman I met in passing four years ago because of my own selfishness, why can't I help a woman I met in passing now?" To Jane Tong, Lu Mingchu always have a trace of guilt, but only a trace of guilt.

 His side of the friend, light ironic smile ... Lu Mingchu said his own selfish hurt innocent people, this "hurt" but the destruction of a person's life, just to help each other escape from this suffocating city, he Lu Mingchu is ashamed to atone for his sins?

 "Lu Mingchu, you are shameless!"

 "Thanks for the compliment."