
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 171 The pain that has been forgotten

Instead of waiting for humiliation, a man's low, slightly reprimanding voice was in his ear:

 "Next time don't let me see you running in a hurry."

 Shen Xiujin said while putting down Jane Tong's feet, if this woman knew to care a little about her own body, why would he need to give her a face.

 Cold eyes swept her feet again, "Where are the shoes?"

 "...?" Shoes?

 What shoes?

 Jane Tong followed his gaze, also looked over, only to suddenly remember, she got up in too much of a hurry, and at that time, all she wanted was to find this man, wanted to protest with him, wanted to express the anger that had been clenched in her heart for a long time, and then she also did not care to put her indoor slippers on, and ran out of the house barefoot.

 So ... he was just checking her feet?

 The heart again felt absurd ... this person has such good intentions? Have so much concern for her?


 The mattress was light, and a black shadow stood up in front of him.

 "Half an hour to fix her." Shen Xiujin lifted his wrist and glanced at his watch, and after giving the order in a low voice, he turned around and left in a cloudy manner.

 Jane Tong's face changed!

 "Wait!" She barely gave it a second thought as she reached out and tugged on his sleeve.

 Shen Xiujin lowered his eyes to the sleeve, and then followed the hand on the sleeve, his black eyes inches upward and abruptly fixed on her face.

 This glance, deep and profound.

 Jane Tong's heart panicked for a moment.

 "Anything else?" Magnetic sunken voice with innate elegance.

 "I ... I'm not going! I don't want to go!" She was still so firm.

 One hand tugged desperately on his sleeve, as if she had to use the force of the tugging on her sleeve to illustrate her determination, "Don't want to go."

 "Give me a reason." If you don't want to go, you have to have a reason.

 "Just don't want to go."

 "This doesn't count as a reason."

 "I ... am afraid of the cold." She lowered her eyes, her lashes hiding the light in them.

 A soft laugh came from above her head, followed by a hand rubbing her hair, a low voice, said softly, "I want to hear the real reason."

 "... "The real reason ... "I'm afraid of the cold."

 Jane Tong hung her head, the top of her head once again came that man's light laughter, patted her head, reached out and pulled her hand tugging at his sleeve, lifted his foot and walked away.

 Listening to the sound of footsteps, fading away, the summer housekeeper respectfully said, "Sir walk well."

 Obviously, the man was already almost out of the bedroom door.

 Jane Tong panicked and messed up!

 Surging her head up, her rough rattling voice then darkly bellowed, "I just don't want to go! Is not wanting to go not a reason!" She was angry!

 This person, why is never bent on doing anything?

 The man did not turn around, only a low voice, faintly through Jane Tong's eardrums:

 "Little child, don't run away, try, open your heart and get along with people. Once upon a time you, do very well."

 He did not see, the woman behind him, the blood color of the face was drained of half of the miserable white white, the bottom of the eyes infiltrated with fear!

 It wasn't a wonderful feeling to be seen through!

 Especially when it's someone like her, who has long been riddled with holes. Thinking she was hiding it well, but being seen through at a glance.

 That kind of embarrassment.

 Jane Tong's mouth was bitter as she looked at the departing back of the man at the door.

 Butler Xia took a deep look at Jane Tong in the room, turned around and mentioned with the stylist, "Mister always likes women to wear white dresses."

 Jane Tong steeply raised her head and looked at the summer housekeeper ... He did it on purpose!

 The one who liked to wear white skirts was Xia Weiming!

 "I don't like white skirts!"

 On Xia Butler's pale face, he cracked a smile arc, the lines looked like they were deeply embedded in the flesh, staring at Jane Tong, seemingly smiling, but Jane Tong felt his malice from this seemingly respectful smile.

 "Then, Miss Jane is counting on all of you." The old butler said with care, turned around, and the two long legs of the skinny wood sold out.

 Makeup, hair all done, Jane Tong has been very silent.

 "Miss Jane, please change out of this dress." Until that stylist, when he handed her a white wrap dress.

 She almost screamed and refused, "I don't want it! I don't like white!"

 "Ms. Jane don't be so excited, you actually look good in white, Ms. Jane has never tried a white dress right?

 Actually every girl should have a white dress. You try it, I guarantee you will like it."

 "I don't like it! I don't want a white one! Can't you hear me! I don't like white dresses!"

 She was furious!

 If it wasn't for Housekeeper Xia's malicious words, she hadn't felt that the white dress was any better.

 However, after clearly understanding the malicious intentions of Housekeeper Xia, this white dress, in her eyes, had just become something disgusting!

 Why did she have to wear Xia Weiming's favorite style of dress?

 "Ms. Jane!" The stylist's patience may not be too good, and she did not understand Jane Tong's past, did not know what Jane Tong had gone through, at this moment, only felt that this woman in front of her, did not look good, her body was not good, and did not see any outstanding features.

 And at this moment, even more brutally refused to cooperate with himself. In the eyes of this stylist, Jane Tong is climbed up the Shen think they climbed up the golden branch of unreasonably disturbing a woman only.

 The previous attitude of Mr. Shen towards this woman was not very gentle and considerate.

 "Ms. Jane!" The stylist reached out and wanted to force the clothes in his hand, into Jane Tong's hands, the next second!

 An accident occurred!

 Jane Tong only felt that the clothes made her nauseous and uncomfortable, and reached out and waved ... bang haphazardly!


 Two loud sounds, one after another!

 The scene, suddenly quiet!

 Air stagnation general quiet.

 "I ... "Jane Tong opened her mouth, she did not mean to, she just did not want this dress: "Are you okay ... "She walked forward, stretching out her hand, wanting to be her unintentional swing away from the stylist sitting on the ground to pull up.

 In fact, if she said fall, it wasn't a very heavy fall. It's just that this statue maker, the movement of falling down, wasn't very ... nice.

 The buttons of the clothes in front of his chest crumbled off two, revealing half of the glistening white ...

 The stylist looked down at his collar, his face suddenly white and green!


 "Ms. Jane! You've gone too far!"

 Screaming, she stood up, standing up in too much of a hurry ... Stabbing!

 A cracking sound!

 The crowd all froze, Jane Tong also froze, that stylist was in a trance for three seconds, snapped out of it, reached out and hurriedly fastened his jacket dead tight, his face was very bad as he stared at Jane Tong.

 "I ... am sorry ..."

 "What do you need the police for if you're sorry is useful?" That stylist angrily yelled at Jane Tong:

 "What do you think you are? Just one of the women that Mr. Shen plays with!

 In these three years, the women that Mr. Shen has brought over to do my styling, there are eight if not ten! White? What's wrong with white?

 I'll tell you the truth, eight out of ten of the women Mr. Shen brings here wear white dresses!

 Who do you think you are? You think you're an exception?

 There's only one Miss Xia in Mr. Shen's heart, the rest of the women are just stand-ins for Miss Xia, so be content."


 She was struck by lightning!

 Her ears buzzed!

 The hand that reached out to the stylist trembled in mid-air, and slowly, the hand that was originally reaching out to the stylist, reached out to the white dress on the side.

 There is a kind of pain that pervades, you cry not, but the circles of your eyes have a sour, but you really want to cry, but how can not cry, but a burst of bitter mouth.

 There is a kind of pain, you think has been cured, even if not cured, in again and again under the treatment of "antibiotics", has produced the ability to immunize, but the final proof is that you just to "antibiotics" have the ability to immunize, but not to the pain of this bitter! The pain of the pain!