
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 151 Don’t make me hate you

"Splat!" The sound of a crisp slap rang out at first!

 Her eyes were expressionless, "Have you made enough of a scene?"

 The clear and cold voice was very different from the look-alike Jane Tong that Xiao Heng knew from before. Touching the left side of his sore face, his handsome face gradually surfaced with hostility, "Make a scene? Who is messing with you?" He laughed coldly, "Play, understand? Play you, you understand it!"

 Said, face again come up. Jane Tong steeply reached out and pushed, coldly looked at him: "Mr. Xiao, since I think I'm disgusting, then you still want to touch over? Then you are not guilty of cheapness?

 Remind Mr. Xiao of a fact, I Jane Tong regardless of what started, I have a complete 'only love' in my hands, Mr. Xiao, you?"

 And what do you have in Xiao Heng's hands!

 "Even if I do bitch," she raised her lips and let out a light laugh, really this person in front of her really thoroughly annoyed her! Raised her lips and laughed softly, "Mr. Xiao, I just did the bitch, accompanied you Xiao Heng Mr. Xiao slept?"

 And she really owed this person something? This person, however, pushed her hard again when she wanted to climb up from the abyss.

 This person, could know that one word could kill and one word could save.

 "The video is less than a minute long, and it doesn't even take a minute for Mr. Xiao to kill someone." She said.

 If she was at fault, it was only hiding her past.

 But her past, was it really her past?

 And what did he know about it?

 "Mr. Xiao is a busy man, so I won't bother."

 Xiao Heng's blood flowed backward, almost mad with anger, his face grimly grabbed Jane Tong, "Yes, I haven't slept with you, surname Shen has slept with you, Jane Tong, you have 'Only Love', isn't it that surname Shen paid for you to buy it?

 Tsk, on your appearance, really can not see, bed kung fu ah."

 "What did you say!"

 "What did I say? Don't you know? Do I have to say something unpleasant for you to know?

 Surname Shen doesn't do money-losing business, if you don't make him feel good, he'll pay you for nothing?

 A whore, besides pleasing men, do you Jane Tong have other skills that can impress others?" Xiao Heng gave a contemptuous glance:

 "Anyway, bitches love money, so if you have money, you can fuck you. You want money, you say ah, I also have."

 Jane Tong was so angry that she was trembling!

 Xiao Heng hand while pulling out the wallet, feel out a stack of bills, to the air a sprinkle, the side of the angry roar: "Want money, take it," suddenly remembered one thing: "Jane Tong," Xiao Heng bottom of the eyes a hint of lightness: "I heard that you for the sake of money what I heard that you can do anything for money, take off ah, just in front of me to take off ah."

 Jane Tong's hand hanging down at her side, dead pinched into a fist.

 Suddenly picking up a cup of water on the table, she splashed it towards Xiao Heng's face.

 "Xiao Heng, you don't understand me." She said slowly.

 But the man in the midst of his rage heard these words, but he became even angrier, and in addition to anger, there was also strong jealousy: "I don't understand you, so the surname Shen understands you? You have to remember that it was always you who cheated me first!"

 "So, this is what you owe me!" Like a beast ready to strike, under Jane Tong's dismayed gaze, he pressed her down hard on the sofa and tore her clothes: "It's what you owe me, it's all what you owe me, you have to pay it back. Don't you want to have nothing to do with me?


 Sleep with me, as long as you sleep with me, from now on, we will never have any relationship again. How about it?"

 Jane Tong was at first stunned, and then shocked, there was still a trace of pain spreading in her heart, and she had not yet waited for her brain to regain its senses.

 Xiao Heng's voice came again from her ears one after another:

 "To scheme against your own good sister with every intention, Jane Tong, I don't even dislike women like you, how about it? Accompany me for a night's sleep, and you'll pay back what you owe me."

 She looked at the man with a somewhat maniacal look, this face, the memory is all tenderness and sunshine, this tenderness and sunshine, was once the attachment that she was so fond of that she didn't want to wake up too early, she looked carefully at the face in front of her again, and sighed in her heart ... The former gentle big boy that she was so fond of, can never come back.

 "You said that I lied to you and hid my past." Slowly, the woman's rough voice said, "Xiao Heng, I'll say this one last time, listen well.

 I, Jane Tong, never moved to harm Xia Weiming, much less plotted to design Xia Weiming, her death, if I must say that it had something to do with me, to use a phrase from the ancient civilization of Huaxia to describe her death, then, to do more than one thing will lead to one's own demise, this phrase, is more than suitable for her."

 She said, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. This is the truth. You said that I owe you the truth, so now that I've told you the truth, I don't owe you any more."

 After saying that, Jane Tong reached out to push Xiao Heng, but Xiao Heng only saw her rejection, the more she was like this, the more jealous he was, and how would he listen to Jane Tong's words, let alone, to hear the deeper meaning in Jane Tong's words.

 At this moment, his mind is full of: this woman rejected himself, this woman once again rejected himself! He had cherished her so much, had treated her like a treasure, but she was willing to let the surname Shen touch her, but not herself!

 "Don't think you can set yourself aside with a few words, there is no such good thing in this world! Surname Shen is able to touch you, why can't I!" Drinking fiercely, he buried his head and went to kiss the woman underneath him.

 "Xiao Heng! Let go!"

 "You're dreaming!"

 His kiss was rude and brutal, Jane Tong kept dodging, Xiao Heng reached out and caught her hands, trapping them on top of her head, unable to move, he pressed down on her body, looking down at her:

 "How much the surname Shen gave you, I'll give you double!"

 "Don't make me hate you."

 Looking at the determined eyes of the woman underneath, Xiao Heng's heart ached intensely ... unprecedented pain, let him momentarily some dazed, while he was dazed in this brief moment, Jane Tong used all her strength, pushed him away, hands and feet out of the box.

 Out of the box, but still panicked, do not care about the legs and feet inconvenience, stride to open the pace, the corner, "bang" into a wall of people.

 It is too late to say anything, waist tightly hooped an iron arm, the familiar grass flavor of this person's body filled the nose, steeply looked up, into a pair of dark eyes.

 Subconsciously pursed her lips, she did not say anything.

 The man's iron arm hooped her waist, tightly, tightly ... cheeks biting muscles constantly nu, the eagle's eyes, dead on her face, sharp and incomparable, locking her lips.

 A palm suddenly raised, slender palm pouted her chin, thumb in her crimson messy lips rubbed and rubbed, his surrounding, exudes cold anger.

 In front of a little sound, Shen Xiu Jin steeply look up eyelids, looking at the not far away silhouette, eyes abruptly narrowed, cold eyes like a ice blade, toward the front of the person shot over.