
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 132 Mr. Shen, don’t you want me?

"What the hell do you want to do!" Jane Tong clenched her fists in death, this person, in the end, what else did he want from her, "Mr. Shen, look carefully! Look carefully! My whole body, what else is there that needs a big shot like you to go through all the trouble!"

 "You say! As long as you say it, I'll give it all to you!" Inexplicably barging back into her life, "Mr. Shen! I'm not the same Jane Tong from back then! You have to understand this!

 I really can't think of anything that can make you such a big shot that everyone fears, go to such great lengths to surround yourself with me, in the end, what is it that you see in me?"

 From yesterday until now, do was pulled onto the car by Wei Sisan, went to that bullshit banquet, and saw the person who shouldn't have been there - Xiao Heng - in that shit house!

 Xiao Heng's stabbed in, and before she could pull it out, her elder brother, who was her blood relative, stabbed in a second time in quick succession!

 And then what? And then this man, inexplicably appeared in front of his own, inexplicably a series of actions, she could not see, also do not want to see.

 Even if it is livestock it, even if it is to take her as livestock ... that also want to let her take a breath ah, even if it is a butcher slaughter livestock, there is no knife stabbed in, the knife did not pull out, the second knife has been stabbed in again ... has been messy enough!

 I'm not going to be able to get the money to pay for it!

 Shen Xiujin, why do you want to add to the chaos!

 You scold me, you hit me, you despise me, you sarcastic me! Just don't inexplicably get up and barge into my life ... I beg you!

 Just please, don't toss me ... Enough! Enough!

 She hung her head, her voice was rough and crunchy and repressed, and suddenly a light laugh came from her chest, "Mr. Shen, when I think about it, all I have left is this stinking skin ... If Mr. Shen doesn't mind, you take it."

 It does not matter, the soul is dead, what do you want this stinking skin?

 Slowly raised her head, slowly looked across the room, slowly raised her hand, everything seemed to be in slow motion, "Prick la!" Cracking sound, she stood right in front of Shen Xiu Jin, undressing her clothes in public.

 Shen Xiu Jin's heart ached, wanting to go forward to stop her, but the moment he touched her gaze, his feet were nailed and he couldn't take a step.

 One by one, she in front of his eyes, gradually no clothes cover, revealing that a real thin carcass, she did not cry, even a drop of tears in the eye socket are not, but has not belong to the age of the person, the numbness, "Mr. Shen, you look carefully, I'm on this body, what else do you think there is some fun? You can take them all. I'm just sorry that this body is incomplete, missing a kidney."

 Shen Xiujin's gaze, has been watching Jane Tong's eyes, he not only can't move his legs, similarly, also can't move his eyes. Until she said "missing a kidney", his gaze lurched, then moved downward inch by inch, landing on her left waist.

 "Stop playing around, take whatever you want, and when you do, don't bother me again." Numbly, she closed her eyes with a look of resignation ... She told herself: it doesn't matter.

 Da da, da da ... footsteps are getting closer and closer, the person stood in front of his own face, even with his eyes closed, Jane Tong also clearly perceived, hardened his head and clenched his teeth.

 Something covered her body, she shuddered and opened her eyes, silently scanning the suit jacket covering her body.

 She lifted her head again and looked at him, her eyes not moved but, more desperate ... with what she knew of this man, what was it that required him to go to such lengths to play this game with himself.

 Slowly raised his head, and quietly hung down, and then raised again, three times repeatedly, finally, heart a cross, teeth a bite, reach out to the hand, eyes also do not blink, on the ring in front of the man's neck, at this time, she was trembling.

 "Mr. Shen, you don't want me?" This sentence uttered, her neck reddened a large area, indescribable shame filled her heart, this sentence, or she had once seen other women say it to a middle-aged man in a guest's box.

 Only she herself, but how can not imitate the woman at that time the red lips lightly skimmed the delicate ... but in her case, but has been more than kneeling to make her difficult.

 Shen Xiu Jin pupil micro unaccountable sudden contraction, throat a movement, and he also clearly perceived, the lower abdomen suddenly hot, heart secretly said a "damn", but does not move to pull Jane Tong from him, and stretch out the long fingers, one by one, will be the shirt buttons button tightly, the color of the light to open the mouth: "Past five minutes, you only have ten minutes left, organize luggage."

 Jane Tong was stunned, the pupils were a little disoriented: "Why ... all I have left is this body, but why?" Why did he push her away after she took such initiative?

 She really couldn't think of anything else that she was able to give him. What he wanted, if it wasn't this body, then what in ... the world was it?

 She just froze in place and stayed in a trance-like daze for ten minutes.

 The man beside her didn't bother to rush her.

 "Time's up." Only saying these words, Shen Xiujin reached out and pulled Jane Tong into his arms, and in the next moment, his arm moved down and tightly encircled her waist, forcefully leading her out the door.

 Steeply, Jane Tong came to her senses from that trance, her face turned white, and she struggled: "I'm not going, Mr. Shen, I'm not going, okay, I live alone, it's fine, really. Please, I don't want to move there."

 She refused to go, but how could she beat a man with this little strength?

 Begging for mercy didn't work, and she was so angry that she cursed again, "Shen Xiujin! This is arbitrary coercion! It's breaking and entering! It's kidnapping! You'll be sentenced!"

 Before she could finish her sentence, a cell phone was handed to her, "Take it, call the police."

 "..." What tricks have been used, begging for forgiveness or not, ambush or not, or yell at him, he is not angry ... This person, sensible terrible!

 "In the end, what do you want to do?" What tricks are used, what tricks do not matter, Jane Tong unprecedented sense of powerlessness, and finally drooped, incomparably disheveled asked, rough rattling voice, less begging for forgiveness when the humility, also less scolding when the gasiness, only infinite despair ... "Shen Xiu Jin ... I'm so tired. Please ..."

 Please let me go.

 She was exhausted and desperate, like being locked in a small dark room, surrounded by darkness and no light, you simply do not know what is in this room, what is on your side.

 The Shen Xiu Jin at this moment was the one that made her have this kind of fear.

 The iron arm that confined her waist, faintly and inexplicably trembled ... for her sentence "I'm so tired, please ...".

 She did not say what she begged him for, but he clearly understood what she begged herself for.

 Shake his head: "No." The moment he realized that he had moved towards her, he could no longer loosen his hand and let her go.

 Only at this moment Shen Xiujin did not understand that when sand is grasped in the hand, the closer it is grasped, the faster it leaks. Perhaps he understands this, but subconsciously believes that Jane Tong, should be his Shen Xiu Jin.