
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · Urban
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331 Chs

Chapter 118 Kane’s Difficulties

Lu Chen and Kane, too, were stunned the moment the gate opened.

 But in the next second, Lu Chen smiled and said to Xiao Heng, "Kid, you can do it, fast enough." His impression of Jane Tong was what happened in the box that day.

 An intriguing smile surfaced on Kane's more beautiful than a woman's face:

 "We meet again, Ms. Jane."

 Xiao Heng and Lu Chen simultaneously looked surprised.

 "You guys know each other?"

 Xiao Heng turned his head and asked Jane Tong with a smile, "When did you know Kane?"

 And at this moment, Jane Tong's hands and feet were trembling slightly.

 Never in a million years had it occurred to her that these three would be very good friends.

 What's more, she hadn't thought that Xiao Heng would bring her to meet his own good friend.

 Jane Tong asked herself, if she had known, would she have come?

 Wouldn't ... The answer was clear and unequivocal.

 Xiao Heng thoughtfully pulled out a chair for Jane Tong: "Sit down. Don't be so nervous, Lu Chen and Kane, are my friends, don't look at them look bad, people are actually quite good."

 Jane Tong's face was ashen, she smiled reluctantly and sat down as she was told.

 Lu Chen joked, "Playboy Xiao Da Shao, when did he also know the word considerate?" Then he said, disliking Xiao Heng again, "Also, what do you mean that Caine and I don't look like we get along well? Do we look like people who don't get along well?"

 "Kane, right?" Lu Chen said, then twisted his head and touched Kane on the side with his elbow.

 However, he found that Kane had been staring at Jane Tong with great interest.

 Lu Chen frowned, "Kane, don't stare at Ms. Jane like that, you're scaring people. Be careful that Mr. Xiao is looking for you to fight."

 Kane laughed lightly, "Oh yeah?" Wanderingly, he asked to Jane Tong, "Did I scare you, Jane 'Miss'?"

 That "Miss" was especially meaningful when it came out of Kane's mouth.

 Jane Tong's face turned even more ashen.

 Xiao Heng abruptly focused on Kane and smacked his lips, "Why do I feel that you have designs on my girlfriend?" Xiao Heng does not like Kane staring at Jane Tong like this, also do not like just Kane that a "Miss Jane"... also do not know if he is not too much heart, how to figure out the wrong taste.

 Kane tsk two sound, look up eyelids, corner of the eye glanced at Xiao Heng a glance, in a moment, interest in the appeasement up, and faintly swept to Jane Tong, indifferently said: "rest assured, I have no interest in this type."

 Lu Chen was on the side, sweeping a sideways glance at Kane ... What is wrong with this guy today? The sentence sounds a little strange.

 Xiao Heng flashed a trace of dislike under his eyes, glancing at Kane, then reached out and covered the back of Jane Tong's hand, hooked his lips, shushing up: "What do you want to eat?"

 "Where is my ... restroom, I want to go to the bathroom first." If again under Kane's "burning" gaze, she was afraid that she would not be able to hold out for long.

 "Go out and turn left."

 Xiao Heng's words had just fallen, and Jane Tong had already "brushed and pulled" herself up and hurriedly walked out.

 "Looks like it's really urgent." Caine suddenly popped out another sentence.

 Xiao Heng snapped and glared at Caine, "What's wrong with you today! Seeing me make a girlfriend, you're envious and jealous?"

 "Heh~ Do I need to?" Still envious and jealous? To whom? That woman?

 Kane rolled his eyes, "You're being paranoid. I'm going out for a smoke."

 With that, he pulled out the chair and stepped out of the box with his long legs.

 Lu Chen rounded up the situation at the right time, "He's eating dynamite today, don't pay attention to him."

 Xiao Heng pursed his lips and said nothing, obviously unhappy.

 After a while, abruptly raised his head, "How do you know the little child?"

 Lu Chen was silent for a while, but did not directly say how they met, inquiring about Xiao Heng: "You are boyfriend and girlfriend? Then you should know, where does she work?"

 "I know, East Emperor. So you're saying that you and she met in East Emperor?"

 Hearing that Xiao Heng already knew that Jane Tong worked at East Emperor, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, since Xiao Heng already knew, there was no need for him to hide it, so he told the events of that day, briefly, and of course, omitted some of the bridge.


 Jane Tong walked into the bathroom in a panic. There was some confusion in her head. She very much did not want to go back to the box now.

 But Xiao Heng's call came through.

 "Immediately good, immediately go back." Sighing ... hiding was not an option.

 She had just opened the bathroom door when a strong force barged in, and with a 'bang', the door was unlocked.

 "Shhhh~ You don't want it to be known that you and I are locked alone in a private place like the bathroom, do you?" By the ear, a familiar voice, pressed against the earwig, slowly rang out.

 Jane Tong trembled, the arm between the waist and abdomen, increased the force: "So cold ah ... Jane 'Miss', I did not think that your tactics are so clever, deliberately attracted my attention, and then hanged to Xiao Heng that multi gold handsome Xiao Da Shao."

 "I didn't." I didn't intentionally draw your attention, much less save my heart to hook up with any man and parcel Xiao Heng.

 "Tsk tsk ~ mouth say no, like ... body say don't," said Jane Tong's ear郭猛然一痛, she pain wrinkled up her eyebrows, that person's teeth, heavy bite on her ear郭, that person lightly laughed and said, "you see, the The man said with a light smile, "You see, if it hurts, just shout it out ~ is it like you guys in this business, wearing a mask on your face, you've gotten used to being insincere at all times?

 Obviously very painful, can act as if nothing happened, oh oh oh ... is not like a certain island pillar industry 'action movie' in those 'actresses', obviously very uncomfortable, but a strong cry of 'I don't know what to do', 'I don't know what to do', 'I don't know what to do', 'I don't know what to do'. but shouting 'Yiku yiku yiku' one after another?"

 Jane Tong desperately restrained herself from punching Kane's stunningly beautiful face ... fists clenched and unclenched.

 "You know what, Mr. Kane. There are some people who, not that they won't cry out in pain, but that crying out in pain when it hurts won't get them cared for, but will instead provoke a beating." She was talking about those three years of her life:

 "So I would like to ask Mr. Kane, are all those people who just hold back from crying out in pain to get one less beating wrong? Was it that they were just being insincere?"

 Kane obviously froze for a moment, but then, on his stunningly beautiful face, a sarcastic smile appeared:

 "Miss Jane seems to be particularly good at feigning pity. You say this as if I hurt you, and if you cry out in pain, I will beat you up again."

 Jane Tong lowered her eyes ... People who don't have that kind of experience won't understand. Some people say, seventeen days, develop a habit. If seventeen days can develop a habit, then ... three years?

 Then, to understand is to understand, not to understand is not to understand, then there is no need to say more.

 "Mr. Kane, you should let go. Mr. Xiao just called to tell me to go back quickly, if I'm over here for too long, I'm afraid Mr. Xiao will seek me out."

 "You're threatening me?" Kane half-raised his eyebrows, "Fine, just call Xiao Heng, when he comes, it's just as well to ask him to see your true colors."