
Chapter 186: Will You Be My Special Assistant?_1

Carson Flores and Samantha Tate didn't end up going to the hotel after all.

If Samantha knew that the person at Carson's home was Shirley Miller, who knows how she would have reacted, but it certainly wouldn't have been the indifferent attitude she has now.

Carson decided he'd rather be a gentleman, and either wait until after he and Shirley Miller divorced to truly be with Samantha, or let Samantha know the truth and give her the chance to make the choice again.

Even if he was to be a cad, he wanted to be clear about it.

Carson didn't go after Oscar Miller to find out where he had run off to, nor did he worry about Oscar bringing a large group of people to deal with him.

If the Miller Family came, they would settle it in Polgel; if not, they would resolve it in Seashore.

After waking up, Carson leisurely arrived at the office, only to receive a call from Shirley Miller.

"Oscar Miller has gone back to Seashore."

Carson asked curiously, "How do you know that?"