
Chapter 167 Why is everything going wrong?_1

"I only know that the person's name is Carson Flores, young, around twenty-six or twenty-seven, drives a BMW X5, and that's about it—I'm not clear on anything else."

Oscar Miller looked incredulous, "Are the people of the Browning Family idiots? Their entire family got wiped out, yet they don't know who exactly did it?"

Beau Compton explained, "I asked the survivors of the Browning Family and it was their first time seeing this person. They only knew him as Carson Flores because that's what Mr. Browning called him, but from their conversations, it seemed Mr. Browning and Carson Flores had some unresolved issues. Then Mr. Browning got killed by Carson Flores, so they don't really know what happened."

With confusion written all over his face, Oscar Miller asked, "Start from the beginning and tell me everything. How did the Browning Family just disappear like that? Did this Carson Flores pop out of a crack in a rock or something?"