
The Female alpha

She is only a woman. Meant for other things. Unfortunately, she is the only heir of the Alpha, and there has never been an Alpha Female in the pack's history. A trial by combat for the Alpha position is one option, but from the pack, only males are allowed to participate. There is danger in that process, however, because when a trial by combat for the Alpha position is held, enemy Alphas can also participate, giving them a chance to grab power, all the territory and willing members in a single victorious fight all the while leaving those unhappy with the new leadership with the only other option of exile, losing everything they have. What could she possibly hope to do to break the old, traditional way of how females are seen to be little more than wives and second line supporters of the males in the pack? Some say that if she finds a mate that becomes Alpha, making her a Luna would be an acceptable compromise, but for whom? And even then, what kind of male wolf would accept such a dominant female partner? Probably... none. WSA THEME: Werewolf

PassivePigeon · Fantasy
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11 Chs


As if being the Alphas daughter isn't enough. Where am I ever going to find someone brave enough to stand up to me and by my side? I hope the Moon Sisters have a strong soul mate ready for me.


It's graduation day and the Alpha is reciting the Oath of Duty and Allegiance to Oasis Pack and everyone in the plaza finishing warrior training is repeating it after him.

"I, Jena Abbyline Rork, warrior of the Oasis Pack,

From this day forward,

Swear to defend the pack, its members, and its lands,

In the face of all adversities and from any that wish harm upon us,

By the trade of my life, if it be needed.

Failure is not getting up when thrown down,

Failure is refusing to learn from my mistakes,

Failure is ignoring a command from a higher ranked wolf,

Failure is not looking out for the wolves under my care,

Failure is not an option.

Failure means death."

"Congratulations everyone! There will be a grand celebration tonight. We all know you earned it. And you get tomorrow free so you can mend you headaches!" The Alpha says with a smile and everyone present, warriors, parents, brothers, and sisters start to cheer, howl and whistle.

"I wish I had a funny squared hat to throw up into the air!" Hannah, Jena's best friend says.

"You would just look ridiculous if you did," Jena answers with a smile.

"You girls up for an early drink before the party? I got a special blend of my cousin's fermented cactus brew." Joel grins widely, hugging Hannah from behind while moving his hands towards her chest.

"Sure, why not? Coming hun'?" Hannah moans slightly, then slaps his hands away and Jena can't help feeling a little bit of envy for their relationship. Those to have known they are mates for a little more than three years and they still act like they just found each other.

Her friends remind her of how her mother and father used to be around each other before her mother died in the landslide two years before.

The toll on her father was great, but he appears to have recovered rather fast, for the good of the pack of course.

Or so was the message he tried to relay to the others, through his attitude and his smile.

A smile that sadly never reaches his eyes; except when he is talking to Jena in the privacy of their home, remembering her mother, his wife. Some nights she wakes up finding her father sleeping in the living area, under her mother's portrait, puffy checks and napkins all around, more often than not.

There is nothing much she can do about it, but bring a pillow and a blanket, trying to make him comfortable.

"Hey! Are you listening? Calla to Jena!" Hannah waves her hand at her, snapping her fingers in her face.

"Huh, what?" Jena answers confused.

"You were daydreaming woman; she asked if you are coming," Joel adds.

"Coming where?" Jena asks, trying to focus.

"To have a drink, silly!" says her friend.

"Sure, let's go!"

The blackness is so blissful; there are no expectations, no absurd limitations, no...

"Wake up, youngling!"

Is that Conall's voice? Go away!

"Jena, it's time to wake up, young lady!"

Stop poking my ribs, I want to sleep!

"Your father is coming."

My father is coming. Sleep is good. Wait, my ...

"Father is coming! Where? Hide me!" she blurs out.

"Calm yourself young lady. Nobody is coming but you need to wake up." Conall says.

"Why are you yelling? Oww, my head..."

"Well you shouldn't go to a celebration already intoxicated, missy. Especially on that makeshift brew you youngsters try to hide away and drink."

"Shshhhhh! Not so loud! Shit! I'm sorry Master at Arms; I didn't mean to order you about! Where am I?"

"Well lass, you were slobbering all over the eastern sentry post. I've never seen a pair wolves as flustered as the ones on duty here. They were very happy to see me and I couldn't understand why when they pointed this way and then suddenly heard some noises and disappeared to investigate. Not sure if they were more afraid of you waking up, or the Alpha finding out where you were. Now get up, straighten your clothes and walk it off. Oh, and clean yourself up! You're filthy and you stink; pretty sure you need to burn your clothing just to be on the safe side." He says with a grin leaving Jena, now redder than a ripened tomato, to pick herself up and bugger off.

A few minutes after, the two guards return, looking slightly embarrassed.

"Thank you, sir. That was..." one of them says.

"Unusual, understandable and not something worth repeating to anyone. Am I clear?" Conall let his authority encompass his words.

"Of course, Master at Arms. We wouldn't dream of saying anything..." the other wolf adds.

"About what?" Conall promptly interrupts.

"No idea, sir. Can't remember what I wanted to say." He quickly catches on.

"Exactly! Carry on!"

"Yes, sir!"


After Jena makes herself presentable again, and composes herself to hide the monstrous next morning headache, she begins to look for her friends, finally spotting them by the fountain.

Having and open access water source in the middle of the pack settlement is a sign of great wealth.

Her father always makes a point to walk by the fountain with any foreign delegation, inviting them to have a drink, using one of the many crystal clear glasses found on the nearby stands.

"Some friends you guys are. Why did you let me drink so much and then, why did you leave me alone? I though we were friends!" She says, pouting.

"I'm sorry Jena, I... I mean we..." Hannah tries to explain, blushing.

"What she means, is she got a little distracted, then a little absorbed in the heat of the moment and than she was downright busy screaming my na... Ouch! What was that for?" Joel complains, after receiving a hit to the stomach from his mate.

"That's for being a jerk and trying to embarrass me in front of my best friend!"

"Oh my God! You guys totally did it!" Jena squeals in delight.

"Did he mark you? Did you mark him?" She adds jumping to pull down Hannah's turtleneck.