
The Fear of Nothing

A man who fears death finds there is a way to escape it. He must step into danger and harm to chase his desire for immortality. While he fights the conflict of fear and desire on his journey, he draws dangerous attention that will threaten life itself. Is he destined to become immortal, or will he fall as so many others have?

MeisonMc · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

December Announcement

Greetings, my faithful and new readers.

It's good to speak to you. I hope you've enjoyed "The Fear of Nothing" thus far. I am here to let you all know that I will be trying to write and publish a chapter every day for the month of December. Party! This is mostly for me. I want to push myself to write more and improve my skills in time management. This will be a good test of my abilities, and it will be a good thing for you as the reader.

There is no promise that I will follow through and publish every day. I am just stating my intention.

As for the months following December, I will decide whether to continue a more frequent posting schedule at the end of the month. It will be based on if I can handle publishing every day and how well the story does. So, if you want me to keep it up, I suggest helping me by voting for "The Fear of Nothing."

Best Regards to all my readers,

~Meison McWeeb