
the fear of being caught/ English version

fear consumed him, he was very terrified he did not want to face what he accomplished

WWH_You_Know_28 · History
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2 Chs


Warning: The story is going to deal with depression and eating disorders, there will also be 2 versions, one in English and one in Spanish, there will be some rudeness, and if you don't like this type of content, get out!

I am afraid, Very afraid, my crime haunts me, I hear the voices of the past claiming me and demanding that I return to where everything ended tragically, I can't, I don't want to..., He haunts me wherever I go, I can still see his look, his eyes like 2 meat balls watching me with surprise, his mouth open and his thin lips releasing a curse on my person,His skin pale as a paper and his expression of mockery, I hate him.

"I hate him."

"I hate him."

"I hate him"

he thought inwardly

"You're so pathetic"

"Did you really think you could be happy?"

that voice, full of hate and bitterness, he heard it all the time, it claimed him and demanded him to go back and face everything he did, but he didn't do it because he wanted to do it? Or did he?

He abandoned everyone, His family, His real family and he regretted that, but he could no longer turn back, Days ago he wandered around the same place like a soul in pain seeking peace, not everything could be perfect and he knew it, he did not understand why life had to treat him so badly, Maybe he was delirious, he had not tasted a bite of food for a long time, his thin body was no longer enough for more.

"Kill yourself."

"You'll never be enough for me, You should have died long ago."

He couldn't take it anymore, He hit his ears hard hoping not to hear it anymore, A laugh came from the voice who cynically told him.

"You can never get rid of me, I am part of you, don't you understand that?"

-Shut up, damn it!" she said as she screamed.

The voice was still laughing, he was delirious, he was afraid, very afraid....

"I'm so happy mom"

an image wandered through his head the same one that always came to torment him, he didn't know why he always remembered that.

"Don't worry you can leave me

You're going to do fine on your own"

It was another voice, a woman's, he didn't know, he didn't remember very well.

What started as a vague image was now becoming a complete memory.

"Don't feel sorry for me I'll find you again somehow or another.

Greet me happily then."

-! Damn it! Shut up, I can't stand it anymore, shut up, shut up, shut up!" shouted the boy who could no longer stand the voices in his head.

I remember then what I had completely forgotten...

I was only 14 years old when I met you, your grandson helped me up and brought me to you, even though I was dirty you welcomed me with open arms.

Yoon cried out again.

-I was to blame," he gave a loud sob as his voice cracked.

-Hey, calm down," said a man who approached a wounded Yoon who on the ground refused to calm down.

Yoon just kept on sobbing loudly and heartbreakingly, the stranger was looking at him with pity and a soft smile on his face.

-Who are you?

-I am Yoon.

-I'm Nam," he smiled trying to infuse him with a smile.

Hello I am the writer I am sorry if there is not good spelling or if there are spelling mistakes, and if there are gaps, sorry my original language is Spanish, Thank you