
The Favourability System in the Apocalypse

Genesis was like any other otaku who was ambitious when got transported to another world but his life in other world was also filled with the sorrow and suffering because at got transmigrating in the start to live like a common person under the fear of monsters with his father as family. But when he awakened his gold finger as Favourability, his luck turned even more grim because many other people who target his system turned his life worst than hell. But he activated the 'Outerversal explore' feature of system by some help and start visiting worlds of various terrible novels made by unknown novels. -------------------------------- Will Genesis be able to become to strong to survive and who is that person who is after him. For every gift there will be an additional chapter.

Fantasy_Bringer · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 26- Soul Slipping

Next day when I wake up I suddenly felt a great discomfort inside me which was so unbearable that I wanted to kill myself to get rid from it.

[ Dong! Spiritual invasion has been detected. ]

[ Dong! To make the host's soul safe, host will be sent to a lower order novel world which is dying due to a mysterious disease. ]

[ Host will return to this world at the same he left when source of invasion have been found or completely stopped. ]

I was compeletely dumbfounded at how the hell did this thing happened. And how would solve this Mideast problem.

When I was in the mid of my thoughts.Many system notifications kept appearing.

[ Dong! System will randomly draw identity and trait for host this time as this is a emergency situation. ]

[ Dong! Preparation and process is completed for sending host to another world. ]

[ Dong! Sending host to low order world, 1%.. 57%.. 99%.. 100%.. ]

I got suddenly hit and lost all senses by the wave of dizziness for what I felt was a ten seconds but in my hazy sights I saw many flash's and figures of monsters whose appearances can be anything else but ordinary.

The senses returned and I found myself in rundown room with all kinds of messy stuff and psychotic writing all over the walls in unrecognized way.

The I looked at the system window that appeared.

[ Dong! Host is suggested to read through all the unread and new arrived system notifications. ]

[ Dong! System will leave to solve the soul invasion problem. ]

I quickly started reading through system notifications of unread notification first and a big list appeared in front of me.

[ Dong! Unread and new notifications panel. ]

[ Dong! Host got trait of Unspoken Understanding (Passive Trait ) for this world. ]

[ Dong! Host got 'Justice lord' skill ( triggered Skill ) for this world ]

[ Dong! Host got 'crazy idiot' identity for this world. ]

[ Effect of identity- all people think you are me mentally retarded and will call police on ever seeing you. ]

[ Quest of this World: World is suffering a big disaster and in need of some help if you decided to help it. It will support you completely unlike other worlds who will resist your existence because of being from other world. Host have to capture someone or something wo or which is causing this disaster then either destroy it or control it.]

As I finished reading this, a new notification came increasing my headache.

[ System will leave in 1 minute but host is informed that host can still access the usual stuff like checking descriptions or using skills. Host can not buy things from justice shop except from those things that you bought previously in previous world. ]

As I read this notification, one minute was already completed and screen of system turned blank but in next moment it appeared as usual but many key functions were missing.

[ Dong! 'Unspoken Understanding' trait have activated its passive effect ]

Suddenly I started feeling a sad feelings from my surroundings like it was everywhere, this was so natural like it was always there.

'Is this really what I am thinking it is?' Thinking this to myself I tried opening the description of trait, and description appeared.

[ Unspoken understanding ( Trait ): This trait let the host feel the emotions of alll entities to some extent. If host have strong mental power he can resist this passive effect of trait. (Remarks: This trait can overwhelm the host and made him go crazy. So, be strong minded, Hahaha, feel the pain of the world.) ]

Reading this I realized this sad feeling may be coming from earth itself or nature.

I ran outside but still trying to been in stealth as to not be seen by other people which happened because of the this identity's fu*king effect.

This was not a much of a modern part in which I was living if I go by the standards of the other worlds I have been in till now. I got outside from the human made structure and placed my hand on the plant outside which was looking peculiar in my eyes.

A sudden rush feelings started flowing inside me.

"Help, help, others of our kind are suffering, please anyone help." That plant was constantly feeling the helplessness emotion along with this plant thought.

Somehow I was feeling the same intense emotions of that plant, for some reason it didn't felt strange to me but natural like it was always like that.

'What is it that you want help with? Tell me? I will try my best to help you?' I said inside my mind.

'Huh, Human. How can you understand us? Are you one of those chosen ones whose legend is passed down in nature? Anyway, you have to save my people that your people are destroying. They are in forward direction.' It conveyed its message to me.

I quickly moved in that said direction and saw some people cutting down the trees with axes. If it was before I would have ignored it as normal thing even though in past also knew that it harm environment. But after seeing that plat having consciousness in this world, I was disgusted by those people cutting down the trees.

I quickly came in front because I sensed that those trees were special and have consciousness like that plant from before.

Those people was stunned by my presence.

"Hey, it's that crazy retard, hold him he have to be sent to the mental hospital." One of those people said.

I just stood between trees and people as it is without even flinching or moving.

They tried to come and grab me and send me mental prison because of my identity, but by using the many complex martial arts move I made a light work of them and made them faint. In this fight, at first I disarmed them from axes and then restricted their movements and using chop like attacks that Wiss angle used in dragon ball anime. This made them faint.

I looked toward the trees and a green liquid was coming out of their cut parts. Normal person would think it's tree juices but I know that this was same as blood is to us.

I was guilt ridden because if just used more offensive martial arts I would have saved them from facing more pain way quickly than now.

I embraced a tree with my arms like it is my own child who got hurt. Although I don't how it feels to become a parent of child in two life's but still these feeling was nearly on that level.

[ Dong! Justice lord ( trigger skill ) have triggered ]

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