
The Favored Margaret

Margaret is a perfect young lady, the fiancée of the first prince, Douglas, and the future queen. Until one day, she is abducted by Dermat, the heir to the enemy kingdom. This dangerously radiant man, like a lion, violates her in front of Douglas. Margaret, humiliated, fails to elicit any sympathy or remorse from her fiancé. In the subsequent developments, Margaret discovers that she has the ability to foresee the future. In the future, all outstanding men around her will fall in love with her, including Douglas, the fiancé's brother, and Dermat, the future powerful king of the enemy nation. Margaret looks at her elegant and handsome fiancé in the carriage. This future supporting male lead speaks to her in a cold and arrogant tone, "Even if that happened to you, I would still marry you. I don't think you have anything to be sad about." Margaret indeed doesn't feel sad. She has decided to become a disobedient and rebellious woman.

c_l_dd · Fantasy
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160 Chs

Chapter 99-home

"Act Four, Home."

As the voice of Leviathan resonated, Margaret felt a slow, dreamlike sensation wash over her.

It seemed as though she had spent years accompanying Charlotte, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. The devil had become some false fancy, albeit one that had materialized.

"A cozy memory, wouldn't you agree?"

The devil sneered, its tone insincere and exaggerated. "Little Charlotte had a good mother. Tell me, what do you think of this mother?"

It seemed to forget that Margaret couldn't speak.

"Shame I didn't get to meet her. Her soul must be quite delicious..."

The hoarse, monstrous voice faded away.

The scene before Margaret shifted once more. Charlotte, soaked and bullied, struggled to climb out of the river, trudging home with heavy steps.

Thin fabric clung to her body, outlining ample breasts and a slender waist. From afar, giggling girls looked on, their faces contorted with disdain.