
The Fault in our Scars

Hey! Want to know something thrilling about secrets? Everybody has them. Everyone has a something they'd rather keep in the dark. A secret if you may... some have grave consequences but don't they all? They truth will set you free! What a joke... just ask Castro where 'his' truth will get him. Even better find out what he did after realizing his son's... Wife's ... What happens when they all see the scorching rays that grace us each day... Just how free will these 'good' people feel? Join me in this tale of unravelling the great mystery behind the Castro name, as we unlock doors better left closed. Join me as I bring the wonderful beings in my mind to life. It will be worth your while, 'Author's promise.'

Call_me_Latty · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter Three: I'll handle it.

Author's pov:

"How's business doing?" Michael asked, oblivious to the drastic mood change his inquiry had caused, turning the once cheery one sour as silence consumed the room once more; with only the sound of cutlery rubbing against the rough melanin surface of the item holding their meal heard.

"It's had its ups and downs... though we finally sealed the deal with the Santos." Lucas replied his tone firm with a clear presence of slightly suppressed annoyance; knowing exactly where his dad was steering the wheel to.

Shifting in his seat to get better access to the fine wine he just couldn't get enough of, Liam yet again topped his glass. Taking slow yet long chugs of the red liquid before daring to meet Michael's challenging eyes with his own feral gleam; letting his fierce orbs answer the unasked question... in laymen's terms; he 'let them do the talking.'

Ignoring the 'give it a rest' look Mrs. Castro was throwing his way; one that promised severe repercussions, the old man proceeded to poke the bear.

"Anything you want to tell us Liam?" Came the dreaded question everyone expected… almost everyone at least. One that would most likely lead the warm family dinner to a rage filled close.

Mr. Castro hoped his son would actually take the bait this time; own up and not be the hard headed, authority questioning brat they raised but as anticipated the younger male simply bore the most aggravatingly confused look he could master. Releasing an exhausted sigh, Michael loosened the death grip he had on his table knife allowing blood rush back to his oxygen depraved knuckles that had taken a rather disturbing pale- ish "heard Loud's son was brutally attacked, poor fella won't manage to walk the carpet... any idea who might have done it?" He questioned, downing the last contents of his glass before directing his narrowed eyes at his smug faced heir.

"Beats me." came Liam's reply, their little stare down still on as Liam kept his innocent facade going a little longer. His forest green eyes glued on his old man; seemingly entertained by the green vein running down his father's temple at the act he put up, "serves him right." He snarled, pulling the chunky 'specialty' served to him off his fork, before dropping his façade and embracing a witchy smirk, Castro couldn't wait to wipe off.

Earlier that day...

Author's pov:

"Li- Liam!" Trevor cried, putting all his weight on him as he clung onto his ally's arm; aiming to slow the raging beast and hopefully prevent him from ending both their careers.

He knew telling him was a bad idea but knowing Liam, finding out from a different source would have been dire; the 'different source' being none other than Madeline... their colleague.

The woman basically knew everything; from the reason the senator pulled out of politics to that who stole the office lunches... how she gets her daily scoop still remains a mystery. All he knew was that his phrasing would be way better than that of his unfiltered colleague.

"Fucking stop!" He growled, now jogging –wobbling pathetically beside the 'charging bull'... knees about to give out as heart beat rose tremendously with each passing step. His chest clenched painfully as his lungs fought or rather begged for much needed air.

Liam would kill him, he knew this; you could see it in the focused murderous gleam he held, the sheer force in his balled fists… If that wasn't clear enough, the huge- ragged puffs of air he exhumed through gritted teeth must be proof enough! If this were an occurrence in a different setting, the scenario would have been quite comical; witnessing a pink head launch themselves on a moving calamity is certainly not an everyday treat!

Trevor's adrenaline finally kicked in, his terrified eyes catching a glimpse of the huge 'INDILA CORP' building a few feet from reach. He would not let this be the end of their career! He couldn't. With an exasperated growl, he pushed ahead, his steps firm as he maneuvered his way around Liam, coming to a halt right before him.

"Stop! Please s- stop… I- I can't-" He yelled, arms stretched before him, using the sheer force he had left to keep his friend still. Liam could feel the tremor in the pink head's tips as his green eyes met Trevor's oceanic swirl. The more his eyes roamed his adorable friend's, the harder it got to contain the scream he felt bubbling inside him. The sweat drenched being before him was nothing short of an angel.

How could he sit still? Do nothing! When someone- that jerk! Dared to hurt his Konny? What did he expect him to feel?- He couldn't breathe! Trevor was the only being that seemed to get him; without a single care of the reputation that preceded his name. He befriended him when the whole world seemed to be against his entire existence. Tre was always on his corner… just the thought of him hurt crushed him. He would kill that bastard if it was the last thing he'd do! Damned be anyone that dared to stop him.

"Move!" Liam growled, his fists trembling beside him from having to restrain himself from crushing the 'tiny obstacle' keeping his prey from him. Tre's chest heaved viciously-urging his raging heart to still enough for him to speak.

Turning his focus away from his worried mate, Liam squinted at the door but a foot away from reach, seeking his quarry past the clear glass frame. 'Who is the quarry we speak of?'

Dalton Loud; son of the great Fin Loud. The kid was always a bit of a showoff… okay a chock-full one, thus the sight of him tottering about ramming his win up everyone's faces didn't come as a shock to the young Castro but the sight before him was one none of the males could fathom.

At the other end of the frame, clad in a raven ' Ambo designer' three piece suit was none other than the conniving freak begging to have his ass handed to him. Why else would he have his killer smile out? Flashing his pearly whites in attempt to woe his next victim?

That's not what enraged Liam though. No, his cause of infuriation wasn't the fact that Loud was being his normal fool hardy self but the mere fact that the guy actually seemed happy… HAPPY!

'How dare he thrive at a time like this!? Had he no shame? '

"Move!" He spat, venom evident in his husky tone as his fist met with the door barely missing Konny's head, and effectively gaining the attention of his target and the miss getting swept right off her feet. You could just about see the cold sweat that broke off Loud's temple as his eyes locked with Liam's murderous gleam. *Uhmmm- Queue the drums!

"Dalton!!!" Growled the raging male, a crazed look of sorts masking his frame as his signature yet sinister smirk took its stance. He disliked the brooding male, no doubt there but nothing could compare to the sudden buzz that consumed him on seeing the panic stricken –almost paralyzed look on his adversary. If that alone felt this exhilarating… he couldn't wait to test how much better having his hands on Loud would feel.

"I need you to move, Konny. Don't make me hurt you!" Liam growled, his voice hoarse from having been pushed through gritted teeth. each fist meeting the glass stronger... faster than the first. Thick blood coated his knuckles but the guy kept going, a clear indication that sensible Liam, if we can even call him that was far gone, now his caged demons were in control. Our Liam was now fully consumed by rage.

This rid him of all ability to reason, leaving room for only one thought... utter destruction. Crossing Liam was simply embracing demise but messing with people he cared for... loved! Now that was a one way ticket to hell, simply signing your own death wish... so what do you think would happen to that who was dumb enough to go after his friend and not just any friend but his Konny; a guy he considered family... Well you're about to find out!