
Chapter 76. That had to hurt.

Happily devouring a substantial breakfast, she heard the conversation unfolding around the table. The matter they were discussing was alarming enough to bring together three opposing forces in the same place and time.

Her first reaction was fear, then surprise came, shortly after it was fear again and finally she was so enraged that the wolf had growled at her to calm down.

Both, Melida and the Magician, had very delicately suggested that she come out, that the subject would only hurt her pregnant sensibilities. After an icy look both, witch and wizard, -which led the wolf to snort with amusemen- kept their opinions to themselves.

She attacked, fury boiling her blood over the poor breakfast dishes. The others continued their strategic discussion with studied indifference and as if there were not a very pregnant woman carving her anger over a piece of undercooked meat, which after the first moment of disgust had looked and smelled too palatable for her senses.