
The Fated System

[On a small hiatus for university finals, chapters will return by April 26th!] In the mystical world of Houndouria, magic and power are intricately woven into the fabric of society, dominated by the intricate bonds and contracts with devils, fey, and the forces of nature. "The Fated System" follows the story of Jared, a young man from Earth who, after a heroic and untimely death, is reborn in the body of a 13-year-old in this enigmatic realm and must fight to survive... but with the help of a unique system he realizes he can do much more than survive.

Jeweled_Rose · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

The Professors Tournament

Kendell, Celia, and Coli gathered in their usual study spot, transforming it into a war room for the day.

Maps, team rosters, and strategy charts adorned the walls. The student roster for the tournament was composed of students from classes one through three, with the professors of each class having two pupils each. There were also a few special cases, just like Kendell's, where other faculty could sponsor a student. 

All in all, given the four professors per class, and two students each there were 24 traditional students, and three non-traditional students- including Kendell. Teams were to be composed of three students each per tournament rules.

Kendell opened the session, pointing to a list of teams on the board. "So, we have 9 teams in total. That's us and eight others to strategize against."

Celia, analyzing the list, chimed in, "Obviously, Team Riven and Team Leon are our major threats. Riven's teamed up with two strong Body Enhancement recruits from other professors, making them the best at any strength contests.

Leon, on the other hand, has sided with two of the most powerful freshmen known for their fey contracts."

Kendell nodded, "That team will pose the biggest problem, we have ways to deal with Body Enhancers, however, should Leon's team summon each of their Fey the fight will become a 3 v 6 and we cannot win that easily."

Coli looked thoughtful. "Don't forget Team Mara. They've got that guy who's a whiz at elemental manipulation. Could be tricky. I heard he can use rituals to freeze moisture around him with some devilish power."

Kendell nodded, writing down the key strengths of each team. "Right, we need plans for each. Our flexibility will be our greatest asset."

As they worked through strategies for each team, they discussed potential weaknesses and how to exploit them.

Celia suggested focusing on disrupting enemy formations, while Kendell emphasized using his shadows for both defense and misdirection. Coli's curse would be vital for creating openings. He argued that should they cause enough confusion, Celia could secure them an advantage.

Unfortunately, they had to guess their foe's abilities based on rumor, since they hadn't had the chance to see any other classes fight in either combat practice or in the crisis from the other day since dorms are separated by class.

Their discussion was intense, with each contributing crucial insights. By the end of the day, they had a playbook of sorts ready for the tournament. They called it a night and got some rest while they still could.

The group decided to have a field session the next day that was all about synergy. They practiced in an open area, imagining their opponents' moves and countering them.

Kendell, while weaving shadows and attempting to form new creations, said, "Let's assume Team Riven goes for a frontal assault. Celia, you intercept, while I flank."

Celia, moving with enhanced agility, replied, "Got it. I'll force them to focus on me, then you can hit them from behind. Coli, that's your cue."

Coli, focusing on his curse timing, added, "Perfect. I'll launch the curse right as Kendell strikes. It'll throw them off balance."

They practiced this maneuver repeatedly, refining their movements and timing. Kendell would create a diversion with his illusions, allowing Celia to engage directly while Coli prepared and disoriented the opponents at the crucial moment.

Taking a short break, Kendell mused, "Leon's team relies heavily on brute force. We need to be smarter, hit them where they least expect it."

Celia, nodding in agreement, added, "Yeah, and we can't underestimate Team Mara. Their elemental control is top-notch. We should avoid direct confrontations with them."

As the sun began to set, they felt a newfound confidence in their strategy. They had analyzed every potential rival, planned for every scenario, and honed their teamwork to near perfection.

"We're more than ready," Kendell said, looking at his teammates. Celia smiled with a glint of determination in her eyes. "Let's show them what we're made of. We're not just fighting for ourselves, we're fighting for the chance to take on the True Order."

Coli, his initial apprehension replaced by excitement, declared, "We'll take the tournament by storm. Together, there's nothing we can't handle."

With their strategies set and their spirits high, they headed back, getting their final night of rest before the tournament would consume their lives.

The day of the professors' tournament had finally arrived at Tilanaz Academy. The academy was abuzz with people moving about and setting up the stage for the tournament.

Rituals were being drawn on the ground, obstacle courses being created, and vendors setting up booths around the arenas.

In the center of Tilanaz's grand pillars stood a large arena, a large raised obsidian platform that had chains surrounding the edges. Silver engraved lines covered the arena's floor to create the same ritual circles that covered the combat practice arena.

Large bleachers were set up along the edges and booths stood for placing bets or for getting equipment to allow one to better see the fights.

Behind this was the start of an elaborate obstacle course if it could be called that. The course wove underground and into ritual portals to transport the contestants to the devil's realm where fights or more interference were set up.

On the other side to that stood a large tower full of books, with servants running ship load after shipload of books up it.

Directly opposite that tower stood another that was made of pure, clear crystal. This tower was surrounded by bleachers for an audience to view the trials to occur inside.

However, amongst all this buzz someone's day had started even sooner.

With a familiar buzz echoing in his head, a reminder of the pact he had with Vice Headmaster Lyrathena, Kendell made his way across the campus.

Quietly, he slipped out of his dormitory, making his way to her office. The campus was still shrouded in the cool darkness of early morning, a stark contrast to the fervent energy that would soon envelop it.

Kendell's footsteps echoed softly as he navigated the empty corridors, his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming tournament and his sudden meeting. Arriving at Vice Headmaster Lyrathena's office, he found the door ajar, a sliver of light spilling into the hallway.

He stepped inside, greeted by the sight of the Vice Headmaster sitting behind her desk as always, with her eyes reflecting the early morning light.

"Kendell, you're punctual as always," she remarked, her voice calm yet carrying an undercurrent of curiosity. "I trust you've been preparing diligently for today?"

Kendell nodded, maintaining a composed demeanor. "Yes, Vice Headmaster. My team and I have strategized thoroughly. We're ready for the tournament. And I am more than ready for the individual portion as well."

Lyrathena leaned forward, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And what of your personal progress, Kendell? Remember, our deal hinges on your growth. Show me how far you've come."

Kendell hesitated for a moment, conscious of the secrets he must keep. He couldn't reveal everything, especially not the full extent of his abilities orhow many rituals he had mastery of given his system's involvement.

Instead, he decided to demonstrate a controlled version of his Shadow Sovereign form, but a stronger one than he had used the night of the attack.

Focusing his energy, Kendell allowed the shadows to gather around him, forming a subtle cloak that danced at the edges of his form. He carefully refrained from showing the full capabilities of the form, instead opting for a display that would indicate progress without revealing too much.

He then began to spin the shadows into a miraculous bow with a matching quiver on his back. He took an arrow of shadow out and shot it at the wall, as it approached the arrow split and became a large net with small spikes on it before landing upon the wall.

The Vice Headmaster observed intently, a faint smile crossing her lips. "Impressive, Kendell. You've harnessed the shadows well. But remember, raw power is only one aspect of your development. Strategy, control, and understanding your enemy are equally important."

Kendell nodded, absorbing her words. "I understand, Vice Headmaster. I've been working on those aspects as well."

"Good," Lyrathena replied, standing up from her desk. "The tournament will be a crucial test for you and your team. Use it as an opportunity to gauge not only your strengths but also your weaknesses. Learn from it."

As Kendell prepared to leave, Lyrathena added, "Oh, and Kendell? Be cautious. The attack on the dormitories was not the only one, we have stopped two more attempts since then. These forces won't hesitate to strike again and again. We do not know what they want, so please keep on building your strength. Keep your eyes open."

"Oh and please remember our deal, should you lose today you will be banned from the academy and your journey will be over."

With a grim final nod, Kendell left the office, feeling a mixture of reassurance and caution from the Vice Headmaster's words.

As he stepped back into the now brightening day, the campus had begun to stir. Students and faculty alike were gathering, the air buzzing with anticipation for the tournament.

Kendell joined Celia and Coli, sharing a determined glance with them. "It's time," he said, a resolve in his voice.

The trio headed towards the newly formed arena, where the opening ceremony of the tournament was about to commence. The stands were filling up with eager spectators, and the energy was electric.

Professor Falis, as the apparent host of the event, took to the center of the arena. "Welcome to the annual Professors' Tournament," he announced, his voice booming across the arena. "Today, we celebrate the strength, skill, and strategy of our students. May the best team emerge victorious."

With those words, the tournament began, marking the start of a day that would decide the fate of the trio within the walls of Tilanaz.