
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Tenshi's Drastic Change - Philip's Intervention - Unexplained Situation - Pureblood Invasion

"Haaah... Haaah... Is it over?"

Sheena asked herself after she pushed herself up from being blasted away from the recoil of the upgraded modified Harp shotgun. She looked towards the crumbled wall where the airstrip can be seen

Several soldiers looked towards their direction in awe and interest. The soldiers are aware that the squadron are undertaking mock battles and training. They are also aware of the existence of Mana and that the squadron have abilities

So, it not new for them when the squadron went overboard and destroyed a few walls or part of the facility. Although, for them, it's unusual that they managed to destroy a wall in the training room because the training room is specially designed to withstand a full contact of a Tsar Bomba. They were surprised that the wall crumbled just like that when a shockwave and a deafening sound occured inside and escaped from the roof opening

Sheena was breathing heavily because she was the one who is most affected by the Harp shotgun blast. The vacuum originated from her and a ringing sound echoes in her ears, even thought there's music playing in the headphones

The situation in the control room came back to normal. There were no injuries, so they continued to watch. What's the difference between having glass panels and not having them?

Although, since Sheena asked that kind of question, Philip was stunned and couldn't believe her

'Sheena, no!'

Everyone knows that asking that kind of question will lead to an unfortunate event to the one who asked it

Just then, as per cue, the rubble creaked and moved around as Tenshi slowly stood up, like a lifeless corpse rising from their grave

The thick pillar of light coming from the sly already disappeared and the faint glow around Tenshi disappeared as well. What came next is that the sky rumbled and dark clouds quickly filled the sky that was completely clear a few seconds ago

Philip was alarmed, he looked up and observed the formation of the clouds. This strange weather formation is definitely caused by Tenshi. He could manipulate the weather and make it clear again, but he wants to see what would happen. Philip was a little excited and looking forward to Tenshi's other personality

The Halo behind Tenshi's back is still manifested, along with the rings of light around her right wrist, left eye, and left arm, but the illumination disappeared. The Halo and rings of light became a solid construct

Her blue-white hair became slightly gray and the seems of her outfit was torn from the force of the pressure and getting caught from the rubble

Tenshi then slowly turned her body around and faced the fallen Sheena. Her eyes became red and the symbols on the white disc were fading away

Sheena widened her eyes and she felt fear when looking at Tenshi


The red eyes stared at Sheena's soul and she felt small in front of her, as if she was in a presence of a diety

Just then the Eight Discs of Heavenly Prayers changed and increased its number to ten discs. The symbols also changed as four of them are blue in color while the rest is red

When Tenshi was gazing at Sheena, she then turned her head towards the Harp shotgun that was embedded on a wall after it was blown away by the recoil of the blast. She then extended her left hand towards the Harp and it flew on her hand, returning to its rightful owner

She then abruptly turned her head towards the control room. Philip was already standing in front of the frame of the glass panels, looking down on her with troubled eyes. Tenshi looked back with expressionless but piercing eyes

Chris, Mark, and the others were utterly confused as to what was happening. They never saw Tenshi looking like this and the ten discs are news to them. Even more when her eyes became red and that she called forth the Harp, when she hasn't demonstrated that previously

Justine was ready to back up Philip in case anything ever happens, while E-1 is still tucked on her chair, trembling, while she pulls her striped beanie down her head from fear and uncertainty


Philip called out to Chris, who is a few feet to his right

"Do you know what's happening here?"

Chris figure that Philip had an inkling of an idea since he called out to him. Philip has no reason to call out for him unless something strange and extraordinary is happening and if he needed something from him

"I think so... But I'm not sure"

"What do you need?"

"I need you to keep quiet about this..."

Chris narrowed his eye without turning his head to look at Philip

"What are you going to do?"

Philip ignored Chris' question and jumped down on the stage from the control room. He was able to land on his feet from a 50-meter drop because of his reformed body and the faint passive he got from the Hero title when Sai summoned him. Even if he's not in Saykrandae anymore, his Hero status should still apply on his body, though the effects are lessened

Everyone was confused as to why Philip jumped down and entered the stage. They panned their eyes on him and decided to watch what he's about to do. This is also their chance to see what Philip is capable of

Philip looked straight at Tenshi, she gazed back. Philip then turned to Sheena

"Get out of here, quick"

Sheena was stunned, but she nodded and slowly pushed herself up while struggling. Eventually, she slowly walked towards the observation deck and Celine pulled her up

Philip then walked towards Tenshi and stopped just several meters away from her. Tenshi was unperturbed by Philip's presence and she doesn't seem to show any emotions after seeing him, almost like she doesn't know him

Although, the ten discs on the solid white Halo behind Tenshi seemed to be vibrating violently. Tenshi looked at these discs and gave them a piercing look. The discs stopped vibrating and froze in place


Philip called out to Tenshi and she quickly turned her head towards him

"What's up? Are you feeling well?"

Philip asked Tenshi. According to his Body Language Translator ability, Tenshi is not she used to. She is like a completely different person. Cold, sharp, collected, and empty, unlike her usual confident, bright, and joyful self

Philip didn't receive a reply and she just stared at him, unto his soul. She then furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side from confusion when she looked at Philip


Philip called out to her again since he received some kind of response. It was then that the floating rings around Tenshi's right wrist began to spin

Philip was alarmed, his danger senses was tingling and the possible vision of the future that he just took a glimpse turned out bad

He raised his left hand towards Tenshi, to which Tenshi quickly raised her right arm, aiming her hand on Philip's left hand

Tenshi furrowed her eyebrows again and looked at her right arm. The rings stopped spinning and started twitching left and right. She then returned her calm gaze back to Philip

Philip stood still. He's weirded out by the situation and the uncanny calmness that Tenshi was exerting

Tenshi then began to walk, holding the Harp on her left hand and her right arm still pointed at Philip's left hand. It seems like she's going for his left hand. Philip didn't move his arm and let Tenshi come to him

A few seconds later, Tenshi arrived in front of Philip and her right hand touched Philip's left hand and pressed it against each other. Her hand is a little smaller and soft than Philip. She then folded her fingers and wrapped around Philip's hand

Philip was alerted, he doesn't know what to do. He just subconsciously closed his hand also because her hand felt soft and nice

After several more seconds of awkward hand holding, Tenshi let out a sound



Philip heard her and waited for her to speak. But contrary to his expectations, Tenshi released her grip on Philip's hand and slinked herself in into his body

Tenshi wrapped her arms around Philip's chest and burrowed her head on his left shoulder. Philip became more stunned. He panicked and didn't know what to do. He could hug her back, but he doesn't want to

But eventually, he fell onto his urge to hug her back because he liked the warmth that Tenshi is giving her. Although he didn't give her a genuine hug, it was almost like he just patted her back repeatedly behind her chest and stomach

Meanwhile, Justine was watching the whole thing. She didn't feel jealous at all nor irritated, she just finds the situation a little jarring and bizarre. Especially that E-1, an Enigma that came from an unknown origin, is scared to her very core as she tried to hide herself as much as she can on the chair

Thunder roared in the sky and it made the city and military facility gloomy. The air is also stagnant and every can feelt hat the mood is dropping rapidly

Tenshi then pushed herself away from Philip and looked at him. She smiled at him with her eyes also smiling. At this point, Philip actually don't know what's happening. Tenshi seemed to be happy but her body language tells him that she's too calm and her body movements are innocent

This is the first time that he inaccurately read someone's body language

As Tenshi smiled four pairs of fangs, with two fangs conjoined together, grew on her upper teeth. She then lunged forward and tried to bite Philip's neck

"Tenshi, no!"

Philip tried to push Tenshi away from him or dodge back, but Tenshi wouldn't budge and she has a grip on his shoulders

"So strong!"

Even with his reformed body that makes his strength exponentially higher than normal, he can't budge Tenshi at all

Since it's futile to resist, Philip let Tenshi do her thing. Tenshi went ahead and bit him on his left neck


Philip shouted in pain since his artery was punctured and his nerves were cut. Philip still tried to pull her head away but it became more painful. His strength and endurance was increased due to Pain Conversion, but the pain somehow kept increasing. He didn't want to hurt Tenshi, so he was careful on handling her

He chose to sacrifice his pain to make sure she doesn't get hurt

Seeing this, everyone in the control room, Satou, and Rue was alarmed and shocked that they had to stand up and take a closer look. They were about to jump down and help Philip but they stopped when they heard a loud shriek


Tenshi pushed herself away from Philip with force that she jumped several meteres back. She clutched her head in pain as blood dripped from her mouth from sucking Philip's blood. Her body convulsed and the Halo on her back rapidly spun with the ten discs

Philip knelt down and held the four holes on his right neck, white lines immediately covered his wound and the holes light up with white light. His eyes were flickering back and forth from dark brown and gold. His neck became too hot that it could boil water. Philip wasn't feeling this because his body is making it cold for him, but the hotness is still there

Philip then looked at Tenshi and he immediately know what was happening to her

"The Pureblood"

Since Tenshi sucked his blood, she also consumed Pureblood because Philip took the Pureblood from Alucard and placed it as his temporary heart. His original blood was then replaced with Pureblood

With this, Philip stood up and walked towards the crouching Tenshi

"After being hit by that Harp, you changed drastically, like your head was hit and you had amnesia. Now, I'm going to find out what happened to you, who are you, or who's behind the scenes"

Thunder roared and lightning crackled repeatedly in the sky. Raindrops started to pour down and it became torrential rain that it became zero visibility. Wind also blew forcefully inside and outside the facility. Fog then began to spread inside the training room

Philip manipulated the weather to hide whatever he is about to do to everyone. Since the roof is open, the torrential rain came inside and blocked everyone's vision and made them slightly wet

Philip then went ahead and extended his two right fingers, the forefinger and the middle finger, on Tenshi's forehead and touched it

Earlier in the meeting, Philip was only able to seek Tenshi's origin by looking at her. Currently, it's the perfect time to properly use Origin Seeker by touching their forehead, directly into their brain, and into the core of their soul, connecting to the past

It was then that Philip's vision entered hyperdrive and swirled into darkness

Silence filled the area