
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Secret Organizations - Six Fingers - The Old Man's Threat - Breakfast

In an incredibly dimly lit room, lights were turned on along the edges of the room and the stairs that leads to a layered desks and chairs towards its sides. The height of the desks increases diagonally like the ones in a senate court

The room is as large as a small stadium that is circular in shape. There are no lights present except for the LED lights that is deeply imbedded on the corner of the floors and stairs. The room gives the atmosphere of a large cinema

The room is designed so that anybody that entered inside, won't be able to see anyone but only their silhouettes

At the bottom of the circular room, there are ten pillars that has a large circular table in front of of the ten chairs

Behind the pillars, there are hundreds of silhouettes that are already sitting. Their eyes are plastered on the large circular table and they're waiting for the individuals that belong in front of the pillars

Several minutes later, six individuals entered the room at the same time and went towards one of the seats

The dark chairs then glowed and exuded a yellow light. The light was still dim that it illuminated the outlines and basic appearance of the individuals. Although, their faces are still blocked by the darkness through everyone's eyes, except for the same individuals

Three chairs that are unoccupied glowed and exuded a red light. It meant that the seat is currently not possessed by anyone and it's available for taking

There is one chair that exuded a blue light that meant the individual is either absent or missing

The first individual in the first pillar wore a white robe that is heavily outlined by gold markings. The hood is worn at all times and striking gold feathers are adorned across the hood

On the individual's face, a white cloth is wrapped around around his face and reaches down towards his mouth. The white cloth has gold cloth interweaved between them

On the gold-white cloth, a symbol of an eye inside a triangle and inside of a circle is plastered on it

The individual also holds a black book that seemed to be decaying with the same symbol molded on the cover of the book

"First Finger. Illuminati. Father of the Eye" The voice of the head of Illuminati resounded across the circular room

The individual started the annual introductions since he is the First Finger of the Secret Organizations. The individual's name was undetermined and refused to reveal it but his position

On his right, the individual that is in front of the second pillar wore a very black vest that was impossible to see if not for the yellow light on the chair

The man also wore a peaked cap on his head that completely covered his eyes with a thick visor. Along the surface of the cap, a symbol of an eight-layered silver octagon is plastered

He also wore black gloves, black pants, and black shoes. Across his neck, shoulder, and waist, is a pure silver Aiguillette that is hanged proudly

The man exudes extreme discipline and conviction while he stood up straight

"Second Finger. The Octagon. Supreme Marshal." The man spoke with a firm voice that can make anyone tremble just from hearing it. He also refused to reveal his name. Instead, he only revealed his military rank

On his right, in front of the pillar is a man that wore a full body armor that is made out of undiscovered metal. The metal was very flexible and bends as easily as the breathing of the man. The metal is gray and black in color and turns white as it flexes and bends

The armor was never close to a full tight body suit but an armor that is close to what medieval knights wore. The armor also seemed to be very light as it did not make a sound from movement

The face of the man is covered by a mask, made of a different material from the armor that he is wearing. The mask had no eyes, nose, and mouth holes nor an indication that there are facial features. The mask is adorned with tiny gems, lines, and curved that seemed to mysteriously follow a specific pattern

The man also wore a helmet that is similar to a Valkyrie, made of the same metal as the armor

"Third Finger. Area 52. The Founder." The man spoke with a voice as low as the deepest trench. The ground rumbled just from his voice

On his right, in front of the fourth pillar is a very tall man, or rather a large man. The man's height is easily measured as 10 feet. The man wore a large hat. The hat is a fusion between a Pirate Hat and a Black Sombrero that has an actual skull sitting on top

The man's hair grew up to his waist. His hair is not messy, dirty, nor ruffled but clean and straight. The man doesn't have a long bushy beard but a sleak moustache

The man looks fat but only it's because of the several Pirate's Jacket that he wore on top of each other. The jackets number more than twenty

On his waist is a gun holster that holds ten Blunderbusses with different designs of each. On his left waist is a large cutlass that is on its sheath

The cutlass exudes a faint blue light that is being contained by the silver sheath

"Fourth Finger. Pirate Armada. Pirate Sovereign. Captain Void Star" The man introduced himself as Void Star, the captain of the Pirate Armada of the Secret Organization

Void Star also revealed his position as the Pirate Sovereign. This means that Void Star has already become the 12th ranked mastery of a Pirate class in the world. Void Star might have lived for more or less than one hundred million years for him to achieve this strength

On Void Star's right, in front of the fifth pillar is a man on his 20's. The man wore a black sweater with a black t-shirt underneath and a black jeans, black shoes, and black gloves

His black hair flutters in the air even though there's no wind flowing in the room

The man wears a white smiling mask with black eyebrows, black moustache, black goatee that goes across from the lower lip to the chin, flushed cheeks, and black eyes

"Fifth Finger. The Anonymous. Head of Anonymous. Anonymous." The man said in a cheerful yet mysterious voice

On his right, in front of the sixth pillar and the final individual at the large circular table, is a woman with blonde hair that is tied in a bob and braids and stern silver-white eyes

The woman wears a simple full heavy armor that protects the most crucial parts of her body. On her breastplate bears the insignia of a dragon that spread its wings. She also has a long red cape that resembles that of dragon wings

"Sixth Finger. The Roundtable. Knight King Candidate One. Aether Pendragon." The woman introduced herself as Aether Pendragon with a strong voice

As soon as Aether finished introducing herself, the Six Fingers turned their heads towards the seventh seat and expected for someone to be present in that seat

They saw the seat exude a blue light so they ignored it and sat down at the same time

The silhouettes behind the Six Fingers are the audience for this meeting. They are also the leaders of different Secret Organizations and aims for the empty 8th, 9th, and 10th seats

There are Secret Organizations such as Gemstone Paragon, Informare Patronus Providere or IPP, Seven Sins Cult, Brainwashing Agency, Sharp Investment Trades, Stock Speed Exchange, Drug Manufacturing Company, Underworld Origination, Plaque Doctors Association, Pureblood Vampires, Jiangshi Makers, Witches Covenant Academy, Marionette Puppeteering, Carnival Execution, Fortune Seers, Youkai Hunters, Mercenaries Guild to name the few that has the potential to take the remaining seats

There were several minutes of silence inside the dark circular room. Anonymous had his feet on the table with his left hand behind his head while looking through the internet in his compact black smartphone, the Supreme Marshal had his body straight and exudes intense discipline all around him, while everyone else sat straight with their eyes closed

A few moments later, Void Star broke the silence and spoke first

"All right, tell me why we gathered here after several years?"

"As the First Finger of the Secret Organizations Division, I called this meeting because of a worldwide anomaly." The Father of the Eye spoke as he placed the decaying book on the table without opening it

"Does this have to do something with the Mysticism Age?" The Founder asked with confidence

"Perhaps, but it's highly unlikely..."

"What do you mean?" The Founder asked with confusion from the Father Eye's indirect answer

"There has been a couple of concentrated bursts of unknown energy that covered the whole world these past couple of days. The source of the bursts originated in China." The Supreme Marshal said with a firm voice. He has been monitoring the bursts in The Octagon ever since

"Did it come from that Mystical Academy?" Aether asked

"If that it is the case, then there's no point in conducting this meeting, right? It's probably the work of that Headmaster guy." The Founder mentioned

"I highly doubt that." The Father Eye said making the Founder look at him

"Those bursts of unknown energy has the same frequency and wavelength from the one that covered the Earth and the moon for the first time four years ago. So, it is highly unlikely for the Headmaster himself to cause these bursts of unknown energy" The Supreme Marshal said while looking at the papers that he pulled out of his black vest. He took over the meeting since he also know what was happening, the same as Father Eye

"Ah, it does have something to do with the coming of Mysticism Age." The Founder muttered

"So... Whoever is causing these bursts of unknown energy... Are they dangerous? Do we need to eliminate them?" Aether asked with firm determination in her voice

"It depends on that person's goal and priorities..." Father Eye said

"Are we going to meet this person ourselves?" Void Star asked

"If that person is the one responsible for starting the coming of the Mysticism Age, then we all must meet this person." Father Eye said in a wary tone

"He is that strong, huh..." Void Star's eyes wandered around for a bit before looking down

"But the question is, do we know the identity of this person?" Aether asked with curiosity

Neither Father Eye nor Supreme Marshal answered Aether's question. Instead, they turned their heads toward the Sixth Finger

Anonymous had five smartphones on his right hand. Each fingers work with each smartphones. On his right hand is a laptop that projected a hologram

As Father Eye and Supreme Marshal turned to Anonymous, he broke the smartphones by smashing it and closed the laptop. He pushed the laptop across the large circular table towards the center

The laptop then projected a hologram of an individual with his full body view and basic information, as well as his background and his everyday chores since he was born

"Who is this?" The Founder asked

"This is Philip and he's the one who has been causing the bursts of unknown energy throughout the world. For some reason, I can't find his surname nor his family name. It's all an enigma. But everything else is shown." Anonymous read out Philip's information that he copied from the laptop to another smartphone


Name: Philip %=h

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Religion: B̶a̶p̶t̶i̶s̶t̶ Atheist

Nationality: Filipino

Home Country: Manila, Philippines

Height: 5'9 feet/175.26 cm

Weight: 130.7 lbs/59.285 kg

BMI: 19.3 (Normal Weight)

Blood Type: A

Eye Color: Light Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Family Members:



Number of Hair on Head:




Past Diseases/Sickness:





Friends Made:







Amount of Food Taken:








Number of Times Masturbated:









Abilities: Pain Denial, Emotion Manipulation




"According to my findings, he only has the Pain Denial and Emotion Manipulation abilities. There are no indications that is similar to the bursts of energy." Anonymous said after reading most of the information provided

"Ehem." Aether coughed from the absurdity of the information that was gathered for their target. "Anyways, how did you find these so fast? Especially his abilities?"

"About five days ago, he was abducted and taken by the Headmaster. I followed them and ended in the Mystical Academy. I have never found anything else after I was mysteriously cut off when Philip left the Headmaster's Office." Anonymous said with wariness in his voice. He was confused and scared as to how he was cut off in the middle of his information gathering

"Where is he now?" Father Eye asked

Anonymous browsed his smartphone for a few seconds and broke it immediately. "He's in a mansion at the south of Los Angeles, California."

"Are we really doing this?" Void Star asked with excitement

"Yes. We have to find answers." Supreme Marshal said with conviction

"If he is the one who caused the coming of the Mysticism Age, then we have to take him and use his powers." Father Eye chimed in

"The coming of the Mysticism Age boasts the potential that can change the world drastically and improve the development of the world by several millenia." Supreme Marshal said in a cold tone

"That person probably possesses the secrets to the universe or a descended God. We need to gain his favor to grant our goals and wishes." Father Eye said in a determined voice

Aether had a complicated yet firm look on her face, Void Star only has his eyes closed, Anonymous had his arms crossed while unmoving, and the Founder only looked at the two with a straight face, even though he has a mask on

The other leaders of the Secret Organizations behind them clamored and murmured. They wanted to contact their close aids in their home headquarters about the existence of Philip but they can't because of the room they're in

"Do we need a voting process? Who here has an objection?" Supreme Marshal asked as he started exuding a dreadful aura. He stared at the remaining Fingers with a red light shining behind his visor. It's as if a devil is looking straight at their souls

No one objected, in truth, all of them agreed to meet Philip. Only Aether Pendragon had mixed feelings. Her soul was telling her that she shouldn't agree to this plan

"No objections? Very well, we should meet him right now"

Supreme Marshal was about to stand up and conclude the meeting when a voice reverberated to their right

"Alright, I'll have to stop you there." An old voice filled the entire room with his overbearing presence

The Six Fingers were filled with shock, fear, and dread the moment they heard the voice. It was like an F-1 tornado swept all of them. They looked at the seat that has a blue glow and witnessed it turning yellow. Yet, they didn't see anyone on that seat

For the seat to turn yellow, the respective individual must be in front of the seat before sitting

"Seventh Finger." The old voice resounded, everyone that heard the voice were incredibly surprised. Some were filled with excitement for them to be able to finally see the enigmatic Seventh Finger

However, the Six Fingers could only look at the seventh seat with fear and dread. This is because the first sentence of the voice were exclusively directed to the Six Fingers and his words were filled with power higher than them

"Old Man." The old voice introduced himself as the Old Man. The Old Man then faded in on his seat and proceeded to sit down. The appearance of the Old Man was shown to the Six Fingers but not towards the audience

The Six Fingers went quiet after the Old Man showed his presence willingly

The story behind the Old Man being an enigmatic presence to the Secret Organizations is that the being that created the Secret Organizations personally saw the Old Man

The being did not see the Old Man directly but only on the corner of his eye. The being became obsessed of the Old Man and placed him as the Seventh Finger of the Secret Organizations

The Six Fingers and the other leaders of Secret Organizations knew of the existence of the Seventh Finger. They didn't know the organization or name of the Seventh Finger. They only know because of the existence of the seventh seat, which exudes a blue light

Now, the Six Fingers were witnessing the first appearance of the Old Man and couldn't help but sweat profusely and behave properly. They were also hesitating to speak in fear of offending the Old Man in a shape or form

Even Anonymous removed his feet from the table and sat properly

To other leaders of the Secret Organizations behind the Seven Fingers, they couldn't see the Old Man. One leader stood up and shouted, "Where is the Seventh Finger?!"

The leader was immediately met by death as all of the Six Fingers instantly flicked their arms towards that one leader which made the leader disappear like a bubble

"That was the leader of the Sharp Investment Trades, isn't he? Such a shame to meet such an end." The Old Man shook his head in disappointment

The Six Fingers heard the Old Man and immediately pulled their arms and tucked it close to them. They were like tamed beasts in front of the Old Man

The audience noticed the demeanor of the Six Fingers after the seventh seat exuded a yellow light. They decided to become extremely quiet because the highest positions of the Secret Organizations seemed to be fearful of the Seventh Finger

"Why aren't you all talking? I just came here to stop what you're going to do?" The Old Man spoke with a scary tone

At this moment, Father Eye took the courage to speak towards the Old Man as his position as the First Finger

"Is Philip that dangerous of being for us to meet him?" Father Eye asked in extreme wariness. He chose the correct question to ask and decided not to pry for too much information

If the Old Man showed up just to tell them to stop meeting Philip, then the Old Man already knew the existence of Philip

"Nevermind the fact that Philip is dangerous... You weren't meeting him at all! You dare even exploit him after you gauged him if he's weak or a disaster!" The Old Man spoke which made the room rumble

"You know what?! I don't want to be here anymore!" The Old Man stood up

"Just let me warn you, Six Fingers, never lay a hand on Philip. Don't investigate him, don't observe him, never associate the Secret Organizations to him!" The Old Man said with a strong tone. The Six Fingers were heavily sweating

"I'll let it slide for you, Fifth Finger!" The Old Man pointed at Anonymous which made him tremble

"If I found out that any of you laid a hand on him... I'll destroy you along with your organization to its very roots!" The Old Man warned the Six Fingers with wide glowin eyes. He looked at the Six Fingers like he was a demon lord glaring at their souls

"That includes the leaders behind me! If they laid a hand on him, you all will be annihilated!"

The Old Man then disappeared from their presence and the seventh seat exuded a blue light, indicating that the person that belonged to the seventh seat was missing or absent

As the other leaders of the Secret Organizations saw the seat change from blue light to yellow light, they began to clamor and murmur once more

All the Six Fingers immediately stoof up from their seats and released all their combined auras. Their auras suffocated the other leaders behind them and made them unable to speak

"As the First Finger of the Secret Organizations, I forbid you all to talk about the meeting that transpired here!" The Father Eye's voice shook the very souls of the leaders

"As the Second Finger of the Secret Organizations, I forbid you all on revealing any information about Philip to anyone in your close aids or agents!" The Supreme Marshal slammed the table and shouted with an angry and firm voice

"As the Third Finger of the Secret Organizations, I forbid you all from making contact with Philip in any shape or form!" The Founder spoke with clear calm voice

"As the Fourth Finger of the Secret Organizations, I forbid you all from observing Philip's every move!" Void Star spoke with a loud overbearing voice

"As the Fifth Finger of the Secret Organizations, I assure you all that if all of you disobeyed the First Finger to Fourth Finger's command, we will all eradicate your existences, your families, your very organizations, and all of your connections." Anonymous said with a voice full of sinister tone

"As the Sixth Finger of the Secret Organizations, I assure you all that war will happen and destruction will fall if you all disobeyed our command! I asked you all to follow it truthfully!" Aether Pendragon said with a firm determination and conviction

All the Six Fingers then disappeared from their seats and the lights on their seats turned off, following the blue lighted seat and the red lighted seats

They escaped from the meeting primarily due to fear from the Old Man. His threat was way too genuine and his display of power was greater than all of them combined

The remaining leaders of the Secret Organizations was left behind and they were released from the overbearing and suffocating aura of the Six Fingers. They were overwhelmed by their threats and commands and decided to obey them. While other leaders were unfazed and others didn't want to obey them

Eventually, they were annihilated by the Six Fingers but that's a story for another time


After several hours, the Sun rose from the east and doused Philip's room with morning sunlight through the windows and balcony doors, in between the curtains

Philip woke up feeling very light. He opened his eyes and he could see very clear. It was different grom his usual blurry vision. This time, he could see the very corner of the table and fibers of the cloth, if he focused his eyes

He turned his body around and faced upwards. At that moment, someone knocked on his door

"Who is it?" Philip asked in confusion and curiosity. He was confused because the timing was impeccable when he just woke up and someone knocked on his door

It was as if he was being watched during his sleep

"Sir Philip, it's time for breakfast. Do you want me to enter with the cart or leave the caty outside?" A woman's voice was heard

Philip's confusion became worse. Breakfast was one thing and he could just go to the dining area and eat with everyone else but, a cart?

'Is it one of those carts that has food on it and delivered to every room like in those fancy and expensive hotels?' Philip thought to himself

"Uh, come in with the cart?" Philip answered enough for the person to hear

At that point, the door opened and a metal cart entered the room with a good-looking maid pushing it. The maid was nervous and fidgeting as she entered the room. She also avoided Philip's gaze

"Today's breakfast is sunnyside up eggs, bacon, and a toast. There is also an option of garlic rice and ham." The maid said while presenting two dishes

Philip noticed the maid was fidgeting. It was probably because of him, since his body was reformed. He had to admit to himself that he became very handsome. He thought to himself and tried to do one of the classic jokes in anime

"Is there a third option? Perhaps..." Philip didn't continued the joke as he found it embarrassing and awkward, but the maid continued

"Perhaps it's... Me?" The maid said with a blush as she began to shake and fidget in front of Philip

Philip couldn't believe the joke work. So, the maid is that kind of person. He even thought that these scenarios only work in manga and anime

Yet, Philip was dumbfounded by maid's actions. Was she expecting this? Or she wanted this? Just because he is handsome?

Philip highly doubted it and thought there was someome controling the strings. Although, his Body Language Translator told him otherwise and the maid's feelings were genuine. He just couldn't believe it. It was too good to be true

Philip had a crisis

'To be a good guy, or a bad guy? No, neither! I am neutral. Very neutral! I'm the Embodiment of Neutrality!'

Philip thought to himself as the maid was waiting for Philip's answer. Eventually, Philip stood up and went closer to the maid. The maid flushed and covered her mouth with her slender hands

"You know, as much as I want to eat you... You need to take care of your body and don't let anyone take advantage of it! Especially if they are a stranger! If you really want to do it, maybe next time? Okay?" Philip tried to be as neutral as possible. Accepting and rejecting the maid at the same time

The maid blushed even further and tears formed at the corner of her eyes. Her eyes became glossy and she felt pink around her

"Okay." The maid muttered in a low voice. "I'll take my leave now"

The maid took a few steps back and bowed slightly. She hurriedly took the cart and exited the room while shaking and fidgeting still

"Ah, my breakfast!" Philip reached for the exiting maid, only to stop to avoid the awkwardness of the situation. He forgot to choose his food and the maid also forgot to leave the food in his room

Or perhaps it was a misunderstanding that the maid thought that Philip actually wanted the third option, which is her, and didn't leave him any breakfast. He'll take her another time

Philip was stunned in place after the whole situation when he just woke up. He didn't have this encounter his whole life and didn't know what to do. He just sat down back to his bed and tried to wake himself up more

Meanwhile, outside of Philip's room, just beside the door. The maid passed a person who was leaning on the wall

It was Mathilda, who had her arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed after hearing everything that transpired inside Philip's room

She then scoffed and walked away like nothing happened