
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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Rollercoaster - Group of Men - Bumper Cars - Separated

Philip and the group quickly walked towards the bathroom, where there is a private dressing room for when people will change clothes after they got wet on the waterslide

"Quick, get down from my shoulder, Mathilda"

Philip said towards Mathilda and she came down with her eyes swollen. Philip then pulled his hood back and hid the upper half of his face

Mathilda then placed her hands on her waist and struck a triumphant pose

"Heh! That horror house did not scare me at all!"

She had a smug look on her face while her eyes were swelling from the tears

Philip and Natsume looked at Mathilda with dead eyes and Natsuki was giggling. Mei'er only stared at them as she sits on a chair

"Yeah, you did it! I'm so proud of you"

Philip said sarcastically as he almost patted Mathilda's head

"Are you still going to just hide your face with the hood? Shouldn't you buy a amsk and sunglasses like before?"

Natsuki asked while worrying about Philip

"Nah, there's no point. The staff in the horror house has already seen my whole face. That's why they acted that differently and creepy. The girls in the group before us were suspicious when they saw the lower half of my face"

Philip said as he fixed the hood

"It will be about time before the inevitable commotion because of me will happen. Before that, let's have lots of fun!"

Philip declared as he walked towards the door. Natsuki smiled at his declaration and grabbed Mei'er's hand. They then followed him outside

As they went outside and prepared to go to the next attraction, he noticed the girls from before, hiding behind the bushes

"Oh no..."


Natsuki asked


Philip shook his head and just avoided their gazes. They quickly walked towards the direction of the rollercoaster


Several minutes later, Philip and the others were already in the middle of the long waiting line on the rollercoaster

Natsuki and Mei'er didn't come along with the others because Mei'er is not allowed to ride the rollercoaster. She wqs too young and small to fit the seat on the carts

Only Philip, Natsume, and Mathilda came. They asked Mathilda, knowing her unstable emotions, if she would come along with them on the rollercoaster

"Of course, I'll come along!"

Mathilda said as her legs began to shake and tremble again, the same way before they entered the horror house

Philip and Natsume looked Mathilda with dead eyes once again

While waiting in line, it was good thing that no one noticed Philip because the group in front of them are rowdy and playful men who were squirming like worms and occasionally bumps him and Natsume and the group in front of them

Natsume became uncomfortable and Philip noticed it. He pulled Natsume away and stoof in front of her to block the men from accidentally hitting them

For some reason, as Philip stood directly behind them, the men's expressions and behavior changed. It looks like they didn't like what Philip has done

Of course, Philip knew this by reading their body languages. He frowned and prepared for the worst. He'll protect Natsume and probably Mathilda with the best that he can if push comes to shove

Well, he wouldn't worry about Mathilda because she has an ability that he couldn't understand yet. He's worried about Natsume since he doesn't know her ability

It was then that he tried to learn her ability from Vanessa's memory in his mind while talking to Natsume and Mathilda

Philip and Natsume were having an idle talk to each other while Mathilda occasionally opens with her opinions regarding the topic of their conversation

During the idle talk, Philip's mind was occupied by the alarming minute movements of the men and their fluctuating emotions. He wasn't sure how he could feel their emotions and it's taking a slight toll in his mind

He then found Natsume's ability in Vanessa's memory. Apparently, Natsume has some kind of fire ability that burns slowly and calmly. None of them knew what ability Natsume has and the Old Man refused to explain it but Justine was aware of it

He thought that he should ask Natsume about her ability when they get back home. It might lead him to Natsume's problem for him to fix. He's interested on her ability anyways since it's a little mysterious and strange. Also, the stone that Justine gifted her might have something to do with her ability

Several minutes later, it's time for the next batch of people to ride the rollercoaster. The group of men, Philip's group, and the others are included in this batch. They climbed to the station and the men are still rowdy and very naughty

As they arrived at the rollercoaster carts, the group behind Philip's group immediately took the spots on the back. Meanwhile, the men were waiting, until a man went towards Natsume and asked her

"Hey there, wassup girl. Do you want to join us, cooler guys, and leave that loser right there?"

The man asked and pointed towards Philip as the loser. They were wearing bad boy outfits that made them look like more of a loser with their weird black outfits that makes them more out of place

"Sorry, I have to refuse. I'm with them"

Natsume refused which irked the man

"C'mon, we're giving you an opportunity here! It's going to be fun!"

The man tried to wrap his arm around Natsume's shoulder but Natsume pulled away and slapped his arm

The man became angry and instead aggressively grabbed Natsume's wrist. Natsume was shockednand became afraid, she became troubled and tried to pull away

"Ouch! You're hurting me!"

"If only you agreed to come to us, you wouldn't get hurt!"

The man angrily said as he ignored the eyes of other people in the vicinity. The other men in the group smirked and sneered at the man

It was then that the man also felt someone holding his wrist that was holding Natsume's wrist. It was Philip, who is still trying to hide his face with the hood, that held the man's wrist with his left hand

Philip then reached his right hand and went under the man's extended arm and placed it on his chest

The man unconsciously lightened the grip on Natsume's wrist and a small burst of wind exploded on the man's chest and he was pushed back towards his group. The group of men caught him and their eyes widened from surprise at what happened

Philip then immediately wrapped his arm around Natsume's shoulders and back and gently pulled her towards the rollercoaster carts

The park staff immediately set the bars and straps on them as they sat on the middle of the train of carts

Natsume blushed and just let Philip pull her. She also became flustered as they were sitting next to each other

Meanwhile, Mathilda watched calmly on the sidelines, different from her usual behavior that she will immediately lash out to any men that touch her close ones. This time, she just watched

It was because she tried to have self-control and be patient to see what Philip would do. So far, Philip was passed and her opinion on Philip has slightly increased

She then went ahead and sit at the empty seat behind Philip and Natsume. The staff then strapped her in as Mathilda's demeanor is calm and collected with her eyes closed

Just then, the same man, alomg with his group, came to where Philip was sitting. All of them had an angry look on their faces. They surrounded Philip, who was strapped on the cart

"Get out, now!"

"Sir, please calm down be peaceful. Or else, I'm gonna have to call the security"

The park staff called out the group of men. The other people already had a bitter look on their faces, so the park staff had to step in

"Get out of the way"

The man said as he shoved the park staff which made him fall to his butt. The man then returned his attention to Philip. Meanwhile, Philip ignored him and kept looking forward with his hood hiding his face

The man became more annoyed and furious as he reached towards Philip's hood to pull it open

But before he could reach, Philip grabbed his wrist one more. The man flinched, afraid for another forced push coming from him. Instead, Philip looked at him while half of his upper face is still covered

"You're holding up the line here, why don't you go and sit up front and we could start? We're all excited"

Philip showed a sinister smile on his unique mouth which sent shivers on the group of men. They then went ahead and sat down on the rollercoaster carts and the park staff hesitatingly strapped them

Natsume then leaned towards Philip with a shy face and whispered

"Thank you for standing up to me"

"Nah, it's no problem"

"Why did you choose to sit in the middle by the way? Shouldn't the front have the better view?"

"Meh, just a hunch... I'm having a weird feeling"

"I see... Will we be alright?"

"As long as I'm here"


Natsume smiled and blushed

A few seconds later, the rollercoaster started to move and accelerate. Eventually, the rollercoaster reached the highest point and slowly tipped over to a drop


Natsume jolted and held Philip's left arm. Meanwhile, Mathilda started to shaked and tremble as she kept her composure on the face

One second has passed, two seconds have passed, three seconds have passed, the rails and spring creak as the carts slowly tip over the highest peak of the track to gain speed and momentum

Before it tipped over, Mathilda suddenly broke character and screamed at the top of her lungs, which earned some giggles, laughter, and pain from others as they covered their ears while hearing her ear-piercing scream

Natsume held Philip's arm tightly and closed her eyes. Philip, however, wasn't fazed at all as he slightly smiled from the thrill. He took a deep breath to counter the inertia that is being applied to his body

The people from the ground couldn't help but look up and follow where the loud screaming is coming from

In the end, the rollercoaster ride went off without a hitch. It's just that Natsume subconsciously held Philip's hand halfway through the course so she could feel comfortable and her fear would disappear

Philip and Natsume quickened their pace to exit the attraction and Mathilda followed with panic as tears flowed from her eyes again. They did this because it was a chance for them to flee away from the group of men as they stumbled on the stairs and ground because they felt sick

They then arrived at Natsuki and Mei'er, who were sitting on a bench next to the pavement

"Did you enjoy the ride?"

Natsuki asked them. It was then that Natsume released her hold on Philip's arm and walked towards Natsuki. She then nodded quietly with a blush on her face

On the other hand, Mathilda was constantly wiping her eyes that are flowing with tears. Philip decided to comfort her and patted her head which startled her. Philip gave her a smile and Mathilda couldn't react but stare blankly at him

They then immediately left the vicinity but Philip can see the girls from before still following them while acting unsuspiciously. The men also quickly recovered themselves and tried to find then. Philip doesn't know what to do with these people but to run away

Seems fun anyway

Afterwards, it's almost 5 in the evening, they then went to the bumper cars attraction and lined up in a very long line. It was worth it though because it was Mei'er who wanted to go here

Since Mei'er is still a child and she's small, she needs to have an adult accompanying her inside the bumper cars

Mei'er chose Philip and she rode in front of Philip as he drove the bumper cars. Since the arena for the bumper cars is so big, there is plenty of space for the cars to chase each other

Also, since Philip has the Supreme Sense of Measurement ability, he had close calls for when people are going to bump him. He could measure the speed, velocity, acceleration, turn angle, friction, and many more

In the end, everyone else teamed up against Philip and chased him around the bumper arena. Mathilda was gritting her teeth out of spite as she tried to violently bump Philip, Natsume is trying to team up with Philip and fend off any pursuers, Natsuki is in her own world, and Mei'er was raising her hand up as Philip drove her through the winds

Of course, due to the winds, Philip's hood was slightly taken off and people saw his smile. They couldn't take their eyes off of Philip's smile and they instantly became curious of this person's identity

Several minutes later, the bumper cars time limit was up and they exited through the back side of the vicinity

As they exited, they we're greeted by people that was looking at them. Some wete whispering and murmuring, some have their phones out, some has someone calling on their phones, and one girl was casually eating an ice cream cone

Philip's field of vision suddenly started to fade into black around the edges. He quickly regained himself and the odd view disappeared, so was the little girl

"Looks like this is where we'll be separating, Natsuki"

"I guess so..."

"Take care of Mei'er. Also, Mathilda, you're still not allowed to use your ability!"

"What?! No!"

Philip then pulled Natsume's arm and carried her in a princess carry. He then ran across the pavement and slipped through narrow passageways so that the people won't be able to easily follow them

Naturally, the people followed Philip because they've seen a part of Philip's face. Now that they had a closer look, Philip had a lean muscular body and they couldn't help but feel attracted to his body proportions

They never seen someone like this Hollywood, in media, and movies. So, they'll be curious and find more about him. All that they know is that he could be a famous handsome celebrity in disguise

In the end, it was Mathilda, Natsume, and Mei'er who are left behind standing. Natsuki then smiled and asked Mei'er

"Where do you want to go from here?"

Mei'er pointed at the Carousel

"Okay! Let's go!"

Natsuki began to walk while holding Mei'er's hand. Mathilda followed from behind as she already has regained her composure

They were not worried about Philip in the slightest because they know that Philip is a good person and they could at least trust him because he's the Homeowner. That is also the only reason why Mathilda could at least trust him a little