
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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Perfect Mentality - Project: Angela - Magic Homunculus Creation - Timeline - Core Part - Field of Emptiness

Ars Magna, also known as the Great Art or Greatest Art, is one of the most powerful forms of alchemy. It is a power that allows the user to turn their thoughts into a reality with no limitations, as long as their words and mind are stable and clear

The method for obtaining the power of Ars Magna is to harness the potential power of the Philosopher's Stone and manipulate its concept with the mind

Perfectly controlling Ars Magna requires a clear and stable mind

A Perfect Mentality

This shouldn't be suitable for Vanessa because her mind is unstable and prone to drastic change because of all of her experiences in alchemy, which corroded her being

But her experience, comprehension, desire, and goal are enough for Philip to bestow the power on to her

To clear Vanessa's mind, she had to experience something life-threatening or extreme pain, that's why Philip had to pierce her neck with the Atomic Needle, where most of her nerves are located

In addition to that, the Atomic Needle possesses an amount of energy comparable to hundreds of nuclear power plants, several fusion reactors, or almost the innate energy of the Sun. This allowed for the Atomic Needle to jog Vanessa's brain and stabilize the quantum force and stability in her brain

This is also made possible with Fate Control, because whatever was making Vanessa brain unstable was quickly denied and erased

Not to mention, the Atomic Needle technically came from the Philosopher's Stone and Vanessa, in turn, harnessed the potential of the Philosopher's Stone

Of course, everything happened instantly and this made Vanessa lose consciousness and abruptly fall to the ground with her eyes still open. The green and red coloration in her eyes swirled together like it was mixing together but it couldn't. It was like oil and water

The Atomic Needle was still inside her neck and red sparkling ashes disperses away from the end of the needle

Just then, the Atomic Needle dissipated and a red glint formed at her iris and faintly flashed

She then abruptly pulled her body upwards as she caught a deep breath. She pulled her steampunk mask off and the veins around her face can be seen clearly where reddish light crawled over until it reached her eyes

Her once brown eyes turned permanently red while surrounded by a ring of green color

"Fuwaaah~~ What happened?!"

"Congratulations! You are now the most powerful alchemist in the universe and your power level has increased in the mansion"

"Huh? How so?"

"Ars Magna... Anything you can think about will become a reality, as long as you have a clear and stable mind"

"Wait... That's a powerful ability for an alchemist like me!"

"Yes, now, you're indebted to me. I still have your memories and you have no choice but to try and follow what I want"

Philip has no choice but to be blunt and direct with Vanessa because he knows that she's still unstable. He just needs to control her for a while until her very being becomes stable

"Of course, I won't force you... You just don't have a choice because I have a task for you"


Vanessa was confused. She was acting like a lost child but she seems to understand what Philip's trying to say. She is also aware that Philip basically knows her already due to her memories being shared with him. She also somehow seemed to be under complete control by Philip and her eyes were dilated

"What task?"

"Since I first came to the mansion, I've been constructing this plan, this project, of mine. This project will allow my power to increase exponentially, as well as the protection power of the mansion..."


"I'll call it, Project: Angela. This project needs the combined effort of all of us in the mansion. Angela will be like the supreme security system that will protect us from all the dangers that might attack during my absence or dangers that me or Tenshi cannot handle"


"Your role will be crucial in this project because I would like to request you to study and research a forbidden study from ancient times, or even in other worlds, according to manga and novels. Some might approve of it, but most doesn't allow it to happen"

"What is that?"

"Magic Homunculus Creation"

Vanessa widened her eyes from surprise and awe while Tenshi continued to tremble

"I'm guessimg you already know what a magic homunculus is?"

"A body with or without being or personality powered by a soul or magic source..."

"Correct... I already know how to make a puppet that can be controlled by attached strings or some sort of connection, but if we fused Puppet Maker and Magic Homunculus Creation, we will be able to create a more improved vessel"


Vanessa suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach. She became extremely excited as this is also what alchemy is for. Now that she has [Ars Magna], everything will be easier for her

"Just make the shell first and call me the moment you are done"


Vanessa trembled in excitement

"Here... If you did good in creating the perfect homunculus, I'll share a part of my memory to you. You'll like thay, won't you?"


An empty lie

Of course Philip won't share his memory with Vanessa because it will be dangerous. He just offered a reward so that Vanessa will have the motivation to do her work properly

「 Ruthless... 」

'All for the sake of everyone... Don't worry though, I'll think of a replacement'

「 You think she'll accept it? 」

'Of course!'

「 I can read your mind though? Pervert 」

'I don't know what you're talking about'

「 Keep acting like that 」

"Anyways, can I count on you, Vanessa?"

"Yes! I'll do my best! Thank you for bestowing me this power"

"No problem"

Philip then looked around the room and gazed at all the strange and wicked items inside. He turned his head at Tenshi but didn't look at her for a second

"Hey, Vanessa... You already know Tenshi's true identity, right? I told you during the World Conference"


"Would you mind if Tenshi absorbs all the catalysts inside this room?"

"Uhhh... I don't? As long as nothing will be destroyed or erased"

"Sure, Tenshi?--"

Philip finally looked back and saw Tenshi. His eyes widened after seeing Tenshi's demeanor

She was posing like she was a penguin and her arms and legs were shaking. Around her body, Amatsuka seemed to be trying to break free but it looks like even her was having a hard time. Her blue eyes were flickering and light blue ethereal lines started to emerge from her body

『 Tenshi Hikaru is undergoing change! 』

Now that Philip has finally looked into Tenshi's direction, she stopped holding herself back. Her body suddenly jumped and hovered in the middle of the Alchemical Room

White arcs emerged from her body, along with the light blue lines, and touched every objects and items in the room. Nothing was pushed or pulled and it was like the arcs just caressed the items

After the white arcs touched an item, a harmless white flame was left on the items as they were being marked

『 Tenshi Hikaru is absorbing a large amount of catalysts... 』

『 Compensating for the number of catalysts... 』

『 Stabilizing core catalysts... 』

'Wait! Didn't Tenshi established Soul Link earlier before I saw the alternate Golden Timeline?!'

「 Yes, she did... 」

『 Tenshi Hikaru has obtained the Timeline Catalyst! 』

『 The fifth fragment of the Totality Catalyst has been obtained due to a crucial catalyst! 』

『 The fifth fragment has provided the Quantum Transformation and the Quantum Catalyst! 』

『 A core piece of the Totality Catalyst's memories has been retrieved!!! 』


「 !!! 」

『 !!! 』

『 Engaging deep drive connection due to the inseparable bonds between the two of you... 』

'Goddamnit! It's one after the other! When can I catch my breath?!'

Philip immediately dashed forward into Tenshi's levitating body while his left arm is reaching towards her

Vanessa watched everything with wide eyes. She didn't know what to do than just sit and watch

『 Engaging Omega System Assimilation... 』

『 Giving permission to Emily... 』

『 Simulating all possibilities... 』

『 Consolidating four souls... 』

『 Entering unknown territories... 』

『 Be prepared 』


Philip's consciousness was pulled nad stretched beyond oblivion, like his field of vision increase towards the beyond as everything went black


Before Philip knew it, he was already in a world darkness. Nothing exists around in this place and he seemed to floating through space. There were no stars nor light, but of course, he could see his body like his body is a source of light

He wasn't in the ⟨⟨ World of Absolute Nothingness ⟩⟩ as he felt time and space continuing to flow and grow around him

He was also surprised that the system assimilated with him, which tells him that being in this place is very dangerous that it needs him to be in his most powerful form

He looked around to try and look for something within the dark world and as soon as he turned around, a white light began to illuminate. The light flickered and twinkled. The closer he looked, the more he could see of the light

The light is being surrounded by several orbits of red particles, blue particles, violet energy, green waves, yellow strings, orange lines, black smoke, brown triangles, pink spheres, gray blobs, and transparent cells

'What is this?'

『 An ultimate collection of forceful concepts... 』

Surprisingly, the Omega System answered that it seemed like it has a personality of its own. Philip tried to converse with the system

'Do you know what these concepts are?'

『 Scanning... 』

『 Analyzing... 』

『 Taking advantage of the Nigh-Omniscience Catalyst... 』

Of course, the system still responded like a computer system or program

『 Success! 』

『 They are the Weak and Strong Forces, Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strange Energy, String Theory, Quantum Pendulum, Singularity, Realm Particles, Magic and Mana, Antimatter, and Soul Beings 』

'Why are we seeing this?'

『 A collection of these concepts intertwined together leads to a creation of a key 』

'A key?'

『 Asking for permission... 』


『 A key that will unlock the universe or the multiverse 』

'Why are we here then?'

『 The intertwined concepts creates everything within that white light 』

『 The totality of everything 』


Philip's eyes widened as the realization slowly creeped into him

'The Totality Catalyst...'

『 You have learned the birth of the Totality Catalyst! 』

'But where are we?'

『 Requesting elevated permission... 』


『 Confirming permission... 』


『 A place where only time and space exists 』

『 A space where Dark Matter and Dark Energy has reached 』

『 A domain that encompasses reality and fantasy that is powered by imagination 』

『 A point where every dimensions cover 』

『 You are in the Field of the Multiverse 』


Philip's eyes widened and his awareness expanded to a degree that almost popped his head. He forcefully clutched his head and held his breath

『 A place where no mortal has reached... 』

『 This place will kill you... 』

『 Requesting elevated access... 』


『 You have received an Ultimate Skill that defies space-time continuum, causality, and reality 』

『 You have received the Ultimate Skill: Save and Load 』


『 Meeting condition requirements has been far surpassed 』

『 Do you still wish to observe the Totality Catalyst's birth? 』

『 Yes/No 』

Philip's brain is being overloaded as soon as the system revealed that he was in the middle of the infinite number of universes, also known as the multiverse

He could see concepts that he hasn't seen nor thought of before. There were spheres filled with static and fractals that it hurt his eyes. These spheres also differ in color and orientation, some were normally colored, some were inverted, some were distorted, some were warped

His comprehension wasn't enough to be able to identify the concepts existing outside of the universe since he's a mortal. Even though he's the God of Darkness, he's only a God of Darkness just in his own universe. The True Gods and the Ancient Ones should be residing somewhere here also

His eyes began to bleed and veins popped across his eyes. He only focused on the collection of concepts that he initially saw

He refused to look at the undescribable object behind him that was seemingly overlooking over him

He was also shocked beyond belief after receiving a fraudulent Ultimate Skill that could defy the universe. He doesn't know why he would even receive that kind of power because it's basically telling him to not die and revert back to the last save point before you die

He wanted to leave right away, even though he can feel that the Omega System is trying its hard to use [Emotion Manipulation] and [Pain Denial] to lessen his hardship

But, this is only a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn about Amatsuka's past, birth, and memories

'Y... Yes!'

He decided to stay in the Field of the Multiverse to watch the collection of concepts quietly floating across the emptiness of space like a mother or a father