
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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Mobiüs Trinity - Sprout of Regenerative Ivory - Sai's Evolution - Disastrous Hero - Concept Stage Mastery - Spear - Concept Catalysts

"The Mobiüs Trinity? That impossible object that shouldn't be existing in this universe?"

「 Yes, it shouldn't be, but it has manifested due to your instructions on Mathilda, a Peacemaker. It was an exception that occured, but it wasn't great enough that the system has to manifest inside of you 」

"I see... Then, what about this object and the Time Felon? I heard Zxhst speaking about it when he saw Mathilda and Sheena... Oh yeah! Sheena is a Peacemaker?"

「 We'll talk about Sheena later... But yes, Zxhst knew about the existence of the Time Felon because the essence of mana bore witness to the existence of Mobiüs Mobius and the numerous Peacemakers and Peacekeepers. They witnessed their prosperity, enforcement, and destruction all the way through, until Mobiüs disappeared and all his creations, except for the infamous Mobius Strip, which is a mystery on its own 」

"Okay... I did remember Zxhst saying that he's the Mana Avatar, the personification of mana itself... So, who is this Mobiüs Mobius guy?"

「 Mobiüs Mobius is a mortal being who has understood time out of any other beings in the universe, even the divine beings and highest beings, probably even the True Gods and the ancient ones 」

"He's that big?"

「 Yes, but even so, his mortality compared to these beings are extremely high. He's like a fragile twig to a bunch of durable swords. Aside from that, he understood time to the point that he was enlightened and achieved Nirvana and transcended Time Itself... Because of that, space has abandoned him and he became lost, not in time, but throughout space 」

"So that's how he disappeared without a trace?"

「 Yes, and it looks like you found him within your dreams and he found you back since he clearly saw your presence at that time 」


At that moment, Philip saw a contradiction

"If Mobiüs is lost without space, how was I able to find him and vice versa? If someone's lost without space, it's near impossible to locate them because time and space goes hand in hand"

「 ... 」

Emily became quiet because Philip saw a fact that he shouldn't be able to know for now

「 I don't think I can say anything about that... 」

"Why not??"

「 It has been locked by the system... But I'll try accessing anyways 」


「 Omega System direct... Philip became aware of the secret special condition requirement for the third time. Requesting revelation of the condition? 」


『 Denied! 』

A big red display popped in front of Philip's eyes

「 See? 」

'Hm... Is there anything more to it? Maybe it's because I can see through time or that I witness the Mobiüs Trinity? Even so, that Mobiüs guy is somewhere without space, it's impossible to reach him even with my own power. A world without space cannot be reached except for Time Itself'

「 Each of you made contact not because you were able to see through the past with the use of Origin Seeker or to the future with Future Vision nor because of the Mobiüs Trinity... Let's just leave it at that 」


Philip decided to move on from the topic since the system is not yet acknowledging him to reveal the truth. Although, he became slightly suspicious of Emily because she denied his thoughts of the possible answer of his encounter with Mobiüs

"So, why are we talking about the Mobiüs Trinity?"

「 When the Mobiüs Trinity has manifested into this universe, where did it go? 」

"I don't know... It just disappeared after a while"

「 It didn't disappear, it was absorbed into your body. You can summon it 」

"Huh?? How's that even possible? Do I have some sort of storage ability? Also, I'm afraid to bring it out since it might destroy everything"

「 Don't worry about that! Have you forgotten where you are? 」

"Oh yeah! That's right... I'm in a world where nothing exists, even the concept of nothingness itself"

「 Uh huh! You actually absorbed the Mobiüs Trinity without you knowing. Have you forgotten? The impossible object just disappeared from nowhere and all of the people that were present forgot about it because it seemed that it even affected thoughts and memories 」

"Alright... I'll try summoning it now..."

Philip lifted his right hand and opened his palm. He then flexed his arm as if he was about to create an energy ball. Eventually, the space above his hand shifted and warped beyond proportions

The area around the single point above his palm was sucked in together and the impossible object started to manifest

After a few seconds, the Mobiüs Trinity was released and Philip looked at it. His eyebrows furrowed because the object is still overwhelming, but the object seemed to be stable because there's nothing that it can break around the black world

「 Such magnificent object yet it's considered a taboo... Even if it's a taboo, we can't get rid of because you are in a possession of it and you need its power 」

"I see... It's considered a taboo because it was created by the Time Felon?"

「 Yes, that includes the remnants of those creation, the Mobius Strip... But, those are harmless and if its secret was to be discovered by anyone in the universe, that being will be targeted by all of the highest beings 」

"Alright... Hide this object to avoid the attention of the highest beings, got it! So, what can I do about this?"

「 That's up for you to unlock its secrets! I'm just here telling you that you have a taboo object and it could be useful in the future 」

"Okay, noted. How about Sheena?"

「 Sheena is also a type of Peacemaker. As you may have seen, she is an Upgrade type that can upgrade anything in the universe. In her case, she can only upgrade technology and metal. When she had a connection with Mathilda after seeing her transform, she went ahead and touched her to upgrade her. At that point, their original beings fused together and unleashed an incomplete Peacemaker to deal with Amare's entourage of ancient one body parts 」

"So, it's confirmed that Sheena is also a Peacemaker?"

「 Yes. Although, her origin is still unknown since you haven't used Origin Seeker on her yet, unlike Mathilda where a surviving soul of a Peacemaker possessed her body and coexisted with her soul in one body. We currently don't know how Sheena is a Peacemaker. She can't be a descendant because Peacemakers can't procreate 」

"Okay, I'll seek her origin when time comes

「 Alright, next on the list is the Regenerative Ivory 」

"Oh yeah! I always wondered what that is and I figured it was the white lines wrapping around me when I get injured. It's a concept that I never heard of, even in anime, manga, and novels"

「 That's because it's only exclusive to your existence. The Regenerative Ivory is a concept that is extremely powerful when it's grown properly that it will make any divine and highest beings envious 」

"What is it then?"

「 Here, look... 」

From the deepest part of the black world, a bright white light illuminate the blackness, but it wasn't enough to fill the entire world of nothingness

「 This was the Seed of Regenerative Ivory. It was in its weakest stages and the best that it can do is to heal your wounds and remove any negative effects that harbored your physical body 」

The seed then grew bigger and a sprout came out of its shell. The sprout is still white and it grew several inches tall

「 The seed then sprouted after you received a deadly blow from True Omega's sword. It will continually grow the more damage you receive until it grows its first leaf. Not only the sprout can heal your wounds, it can heal major wounds and slightly protect you from low to mid damage 」

"Huh? So, all I need to do is take damage to grow this Regenerative Ivory? Won't that make me a masochist is I really want to cultivate this?"

「 But you're already a masochist, aren't you? 」

"Meh, I guess you're right... I don't admit that openly though"

「 Well, it's a nice trait of yours 」

"Yeah yeah... So, what is this Regenerative Ivory called actually? Is it like an ability, an item, a skill... A plant? Or what?"

「 Hm... Good question! The truth is it's neither of those... That's all I'm going to say 」

"Hm? Why not? I already have it, don't I?"

「 It hasn't grown fully yet, has it? You'll able to know it after it became a tree or something. Tell me, what do you think it is 」

"If it's neither of what I mentioned... The Regenerative Ivory heals me and protects me... It also has a mind of its own and knows when to come out... A symbiote? Some type of armor like living armor? Smart plant? I don't know..."

「 Good guesses, but I won't confirm anything. Also, I will point out that the Regenerative Ivory has a mind of its own 」

"Does it have a soul also since it's moving?"

「 No, Regenerative Ivory is not a living being but a concept. Concepts can have an ego and the Regenerative Ivory has a type of ego that is currently unknown, even for the system 」

"Oh, that's interesting... Then, I have to take good care of it as it grows depending on its ego, if that's the rule for the concept of ego"

「 We have to unlock the conditions for learning about egos first before continuing from that 」

"Alright, I understand"

「 Okay... Next topic is an important one and it's not about you 」

"It's Sai, right?"

「 Correct! How'd you know? 」

"She has been showing the most change out of anybody in the mansion, granted that her power is limited with only three residents of Saykrandae are present and alive"

「 Yup! She becomes stronger as time goes by. This is possible because of your influence. As the Hero of Saykrandae and having her magic eye on your righr eye, your existence and being is considering Sai as someone who's close connected to your entire being 」

"What does that entail?"

「 First, Sai can evolve 」

"What?! Evolve??"

Philip was surprised and became excited

"Please explain further"

「 Yes... World Gods are different from Concept Gods. In terms of ranks, they are higher than Concept Gods, but lower than Gods of Concepts. They have unlimited potential that is based off of the development of their world and their people. In Sai's case, even if her world was destroyed and she only had three people, her power maintains, as long as she has her world or there's one resident remaining alive 」

"If that's the case... How is she getting stronger and she has an option to evolve?"

「 It's because of you. As a summoned hero, you have automatically became a resident of Saykrandae and since you have been getting stronger and stronger, in turn she become even stronger, directly proportional to your power. But of course, she still has a limit and as you, yourself, become more powerful, your limits could only expand exponentially. So, eventually, you will become more powerful than her 」

"I see... That's a good thing then!"

「 If that's how you see it, then it is! 」

"So, how can she evolve?"

「 As a World Goddess without a world and she's only temporarily living in another World God's world, she will become a Rogue World Goddess 」

"Is that bad?"

「 Perhaps? It's just that she will be unleashed of her shackles. She will unlock a form that's more powerful than her True World Goddess Transformation, which is Puredivinity Transformation 」

"Huh... Sounds grand"

「 Not only that... You will stop being the Hero of Saykrandae, you will become her own hero as the Disastrous Hero, which comes with its own perks 」

"Whaaaaat? That title sounds scary or sad... Good thing Sai hasn't evolved yet"

「 Sai hasn't evolved yet, but you already have that title! You can now use an series of Disaster abilities. You can ask me to show the list of the Disaster abilities 」

"Phew, slow down! Let's pass on that for now"

Philip got overwhelmed by the sudden changes. The fact that Emily mentioned that the Disaster abilities have series tells him that the abilities are like the Pureblood or Tenshi's catalysts

「 Also, because of that, you have gained the qualifications of learning another set of Weapon Mastery, which is a spear 」


「 This is a feat that's almost impossible because only one mastery can be learned per being or existence. This happened because you witnessed a spearmanship, not only from an ordinary being or a Spear God itself, but from a World God who happened to have a Spear Emperor mastery. Watching a divine being perform spearmanship gave you an insight and you have entered the Spear Beginner mastery 」


「 That's not the only reason why you unlocked another Weapon Mastery... Perhaps it is also because this is your third life? So, it's also possible to learn a third Weapon Mastery. Also, having two Weapon Masteries is going to be called Weapon Duality Mastery when you use both weapons 」

"This is a bit too much, but it's welcome. I'm ecstatic"

「 Oh? This just came in... The concept of swords and concept of spears are different in their own way, but also similar. Based on the Four Absolute Rules, the Theory of Literallity, Rule of Conception, Law of Actuality, and Principle of Naming... Swords and spears have the same usage. Swords are spears with shorter handle and longer blade while spears and swords with longer handle and shorter blade 」

"Huh? That doesn't make any sense. I could say that axes are swords with longer handle and wider blade"

「 Now that doesn't make more sense. Hey! I'm just following what the system is showing me! 」


「 So, therefore... Since you already have and you are the Sword Concept, as per the rules of Weapon Duality Mastery, you will automatically receive and become the Spear Concept 」

"I feel like I just got boosted or something"

「 Well, don't worry... You still have to train your Spear Concept because you jumped from being a beginner to a concept straight away. It will be similar to Sword Concept where you won't be able to use at times or you, youeself, might get hurt in the process. I suggest having to train with Sai or the Spear God herself, if you happen to find her 」

"The Spear God is a girl?"

「 Yes, why do you ask? 」

"Nothing... It's just that I construe that swords can represent men and spears can represent women... I don't know"

「 Uhhh... I don't know what to say about that. A stereotype? I'm still not aware of human conduct, beliefs, and rights 」

"Yeah, that's for the better... Let's leave it at that

「 Very well 」

"So, I now have Sword Concept and Spear Concept, huh?

「 Yup! Pretty destructive if you used it the right way 」

"I agree... I'm afraid of myself whenever I trained and gained experience to master it"

「 Uh huh! So... That's practically everything that you need to know. Also, you already know about the catalysts that Tenshi obtained, right? 」

"I have the gist of it... Can I have a rundown?"

「 Yeah, sure! The aspects that Tenshi has absorbed will be called Concept Catalysts, by the Rule of Conception. She obtained the catalysts of Sword, Terra, Saykrandae, True Divinity, Solaris, Disaster, Spear, Fire, Radiation, and Solar. That's a total of 17 catalysts, plus the memory of the Totality Catalyst itself which is the Catalyst of Void. Two more catalysts and you should be able to unlock another fragment of the Totality Catalyst's memories, if the milestone rule is applied 」

"Okay, everything's noted... With that many catalysts, I don't think Tenshi should absorb even more, for now. I'm also not yet ready to meet the Totality Catalyst itself again"

「 Why not? 」

Emily seemed to be reading something between Philip's words

"Uh... I don't know, something's off with her body"

「 An awakening... 」

"Haaa?!! What the heck are you saying?!"

「 Hahaha! I'm just teasing! 」

Philip then looked at the distance with empty eyes. The Mobiüs Trinity has already been reabsorbed into his body and he's ready to go back to reality

"Emily... I'm ready to leave"

「 ... 」

Emily was silent. Looks like she wanted to talk to Philip more

The Law of Meaning/Definition will be changed to Law of Actuality from here on out. The Principle of Naming may be subject to change also whenever I find the suitable vocabulary for it


I don't know if the comment on the analogy between swords and spears part by Philip is sexist... So, I apologize in advance. I don't mean any harm or disrespect to anyone as the author

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