
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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Light and Dark Protectors - Declarations - Empty Seats - Demon God Revelation

"I never heard of any Spirit Worlds that have a specific name during my entire life as a World Goddess..."

As a World Goddess that have lived for at least several hundred million years, Sai knows most about Spirit Worlds. Saykrandae also had a Spirit World, until the Demon Lord took over it and sealed it away. Her Spirit World also doesn't have a specific name ane it's just Spirit World

Even other worlds would be just Spirit World with no specific names classifying them like Saykrandae's Spirit World or Earth's Spirit World, and many more

Yet, the Spirit World in Earthenmana is called Terra Spirit World and this made Sai confused, even Katara and Ken

"Ah! Well, I only called it Terra Spirit World to be more specific, you know?"

Philip thought of a way out

"That would explain it... In the future, don't use names for any Spirit Worlds because that will lead to misunderstandings"

Sai warned Philip

"Oh, okay..."

"By the way, how'd you destroy and completely eradicate the Floral Empire? Spirits are hard to fight against, I'm surprised to hear that you didn't had any hard time at all"

Katara exclaimed

"Oh, really? Well, I just summoned a sword and destroyed the Floral Empire, then I used Pureblood to eradicate and extinguish all life forms connected to the Floralites, except for Bari and Marielle of course"


The gods nodded, as well as Alucard

"As the sword stabbed itself into the ground, a sanctuary was erected and that will prevent any Floralites from being manifested again"

"You did all that with no repercussions? Surely, there were spirits that tried to stop you, no?"

Sai asked in curiosity

"There were! Apparently, they are called the Ten Meritorious Spirit Leaders, but eight only came... They tried to stop me, but me and Tenshi repelled them instead. One of them is supposed to be sitting here..."

Philip pointed on the empty seat on his left, opposite of Tenshi's seat

"But she couldn't make it because she's in deep slumber after using too much power and energy fighting both of us"

"Interesting, you should introduce her to us"

"Yes, I will... Also, there was a Lightbringer and her Lightbearer Army, as well as a Darkbringer and his Darkbearer Army that we met"





The three gods were extremely surprised by Philip's revelation

"You met what and who?!!?!?"

"Did I hear that right?!!"

"That's impossible!"

"Why? What's the matter?"

Philip asked in deep curiosity because of how the gods reacted. They might give him clues regarding the origin of Lucifer and Noctifer, in terms of their wherabouts after they were abandoned by their respective gods

"The Lightbringer and Darkbringer are one of the very first beings in the universe. They are supposed to being peace and judge the Natural Order of the universe... But one day, they disappeared without a trace and a lot of civilizations became rogue and lost their path. This ultimately lead to the start of the Genesis War..."

Katara explained in seriousness

"The Genesis War--"

"I know, it's the most destructive war to ever happen in the universe where different forces are battling for dominance and reason throughout the universe"

Philip interrupted Katara

"Hm... I wouldn't be surprised that you know this already... So, you met the Lightbringer and Darkbringer?"

"Yes. They were residing in the Spirit World as protectors and keepers..."

"Did they try to stop you from destroying the Floral Empire?"

Katara narrowed her eyes. Sai and Ken also gazed towards Philip with sharp eyes and ears

"They did, but after Noctifer noticed my status as the new God of Darkness and after I revealed my identity as the Fate Controller, they let me do what I want"

"Wait, hold on..."

Katara lowered his head and placed her left hand on her forehead


"Yeah, I named the Darkbringer as Noctifer since the previous Gods of Darkness didn't bother to give them names, only their titles"


"I also named the Lightbringer as Lucifer"

"You did?!!"

The gods were genuinely surprised

"How?! Bestowing names to such powerful beings could drain you of your energy and power! I'm surprised you're even here in front of us"

Katara voiced her concern and Sai nodded

"Is that so? I knew naming nameless beings have adverse effects to the one who's giving the name, but I don't think I had any problems?"

"Yeah, depending on the meaning of the name that you gave, different levels of power and intent will be placed on that name while taking a part of your signature. The amount of energy taken will vary based on the intent of the name, your power, and the nameless one's potential. How much have you named people?"

"Uh, so far, I think it's just the two of them"

Philip has named five important beings so far. Of course, he won't reveal the existence of Pureblood and Soulblood as marbles for now, especially Emily's identity since she's part of the system and he won't reveal her to everyone yet

"That's fine... Good thing you survived though? Knowing the Darkbringer Noctifer and Lightbringer..."


"Lucifer?! You couldn't have came up with a better name"

Katara voice out in concern and worry. Sai and Ken also seemed to be worried


Philip narrowed his eyes at Katara. He knows the story about Lucifer falling from heaven and becoming a devil, but he doesn't know if these gods know of that story or they have a different version that was written in the bible

He believes that the Divine Realm, as for Katara and Sai, and the Mastery Realm, as for Ken, is different from the Heavenly Realm's version of Lucifer's story

Seeing from their reactions, it's either that there's a being named Lucifer that's also similar to the fallen angel or devil Lucifer either imprisoned or defeated way back when

"Nothing... That's old news anyways..."

「 ... 」

"Yeah, knowing Noctifer and Lucifer, they would eliminate you straight away as you're a threat to the Spirit World"

"But they didn't because of my status as the new God of Darkness and Fate Controller. Tenshi also helped because she's being protected by the God of Light, so it's like killing two birds with one stone"

"It's also surprising that those two are in this Spirit World... I wonder why?"

Katara pondered


Philip kept quiet since he knew the reason. It was because the first God of Darkness and first God of Light created Noctifer and Lucifer to task them to find the god that the True God of Worlds will create in the universe, after the three True Gods gave them a tip


Katara noticed Philip's demeanor and she just learned that Philip knew something. She'll just avoid this topic for now

"Anyways... Noctifer and Lucifer offered their eternal loyalty to us, me and Tenshi... So, me and Tenshi basically have an army in the Spirit World and control everything inside, as well as our future protectors and when something happens to Earthenmana"





All the three gods were silent while everyone else that's listening just listened in silence. They don't know what that entails anyways

"I've decided..."

Katara spoke

"I will now stay in this world and protect it the best that I can... Having the Lightbearer and Darkbearer Armies is the greatest asset that any being could have. You, as the Fate Controller, means that there's something big that's going to happen for the armies of light and dark to join forces. Besides, this is also for my interest and entertainment"

"Same as me..."

Ken spoke

"The only reason I wanted to stay here was to learn and teach the Sword Concept, as well as receiving my Soul Artifact even though I am a Sword God... But this news changes everything. Earth was a low tier planet and civilization, but coming here again six months months ago changed my mind. I will also stay and protect the world as I cultivate my sword to reach further heights"

"I've already decided to stay here and live with everyone, so that won't change"

Sai spoke

"Hearing that both of you have the Lightbringer and Darkbringer on your hands, as well as their armies, spells out a lot of scenarios. I want to witness what happens next"


Everyone that heard the gods' declarations that is full of intent, were overwhelmed

"I appreciate that... The power of three gods is useful on protecting my world... I deeply appreciate it"

Philip slightly bowed his head while Tenshi seemed to be unmoving as she was eating little

"By the way... Why is there an empty seat beside me??"

Katara asked since she doesn't know Terra's existence yet

"Oh, that's the Old Man's seat. The previous Homeowner of this mansion and a saviour to many of the residents in the mansion"

"Really? Why isn't he here then? Why would he celebrate your birthday with us?"

"It's fine, he's just busy with something that I asked him with..."

"Couldn't he just make time and come here even just for a moment?"

Katara was trying hard to ask for Terra for some reason

"No can do... He absolutely cannot be interrupted. His room is encased in jade anyways, none of us can go inside, even if we tried to break in"

"Really? I could try"

"Absolutely not! That was an exaggeration, only me and Tenshi could probably break in, but not anyone else. He's more powerful than you, after all... I think?"

"Oh? You mean that?"


"Hey brat! Stop being so trigger happy! You'll get in trouble again!"

Ken struck Sai's right cheek with his left elbow, since Katara's sitting height is quite short


Katara flopped on the left side of her seat and on to Terra's seat. She began to tremble in excitement as a grin could be seen on her face

Everyone that saw this just smiled wryly and awkwardly

"You old man!!"

Katara pushed herself up and tried to strike Ken, but Ken already grabbed Katara's spoon and shoved a piece of meat into her mouth

"Rather than acting like a child and becoming angry, eat to your heart's content! Appreciate the food!"


Katara moaned in ecstasy after tasting the food. She then resumed eating lots of food that's being served for her. Everyone else resumed eating while making idle conversation here and there

"What about to your left, Philip? Who's sitting there?"

Sai asked, to which everyone turned their heads and enhanced their hearing in curiosity

"Uh, I think Ariii's sitting here?"

Philip moved and looked at the nameplate just to be sure

"Yeah, I know... I saw the nameplate..."

Sai was just sitting next to Ariii's seat. She could see the nameplate without difficulty and in full clarity. Philip seems distracted

"Who is she?"

"Ah, she also came from the Spirit World and I brought her here because of her unique power and her origin. She's one of the eight Ten Meritorious Spirit Leaders that tried to stop me. Though, she didn't try to stop me, she was just interested. She ended up fighting Tenshi and I had to interfere. She pushed us on the edge until she fell asleep because of too much use of her power. That's why she couldn't attend and she may need at least a month of sleep"

"Interesting... For her to push you and Tenshi, the Totality Catalyst, to the edge... She seems interesting"

"Wait, what?!!!"

Katara shouted in shock

"The Totality Catalyst?! Her?!"

"Yes. That's why she has the base Holy Catalyst because the God of Light was the first one to claim her after the moment of her human birth. I took her from the God of Light because I can provide better protection for her after the previous God of Darkness got a hold of her"

"So, that's how you killed that brat?"


"So, you say Ariii is one of the Ten Meritorious Spirit Leaders... If Bari is the Spirit King of Flowers, what is Ariii?"

"Hey, Saykrandae! The Totality Catalyst is more important to talk about, I have so many questions"

Katara called out to Sai using her full name, to which Clara, Corleona, and Braudain twitch because it's also the name of their planet

Philip then wondered what the relationship between Katara and Sai actually is, for Katara to speak like this to Sai

It's a given that Katara is the second generation Goddess of Curses, so she should be like a superior to Sai, but Philip would want to know their closeness. It is also because of Sai's body language that there seems to be some sort of chemistry between her and Sai

"Well, first of all, Bari is not part of the Ten Meritorious Spirit Leaders and I don't know why..."


Katata tried to call for Philip's attention, but Philip answered Sai first because she's the one who opened this discussion first and to avoid inconsistency

"Ariii is the Spirit King of Lost Demons..."




Sai and Katara muttered after one another as Katara immediately calmed down after being distracted from the revelation, away from the Totality Catalyst. Ken lowered his spoon and turned towards Philip in alarm. The others also became worried because Ariii is supposed to be a demon, a symbol of evil

"Yes. Ariii and her army is not supposed to be residents of the Spirit World, hence the term Lost Demons... They came from the Demon Realm and she's the 999th child of the Demon God..."




Philip dropped a few unexpected bombshells without holding back any information, to which the three gods reacted violently as they released their divine auras. Fortunately, they were conscious enough to not make it so that it will overwhelm the humans negatively and crash the party

Even the maids and butlers were unfazed, but they could feel a fear just by looking at the gods

"That makes her the 999th Demon Lord..."




Clara, Corleona, and Braudain suddenly felt shivers and fear after they heard Philip's words, especially after knowing the fact that a Demon Lord is living with them under the same roof

「 God Submission 」