
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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Law and Order Departments - The Felony - Chronicles of the Peaceforce - The Intelligence of Mobiüs Trinty

「 You have discovered one of the secrets of the universe! Our universe... 」


「 By discovering a secret of the universe, you have transcended. Your understanding of the universe will be elevated and your mind will transcend 」

"Did I learn everything about the Mobiüs Creations? But, I only learned a few though?"

「 The Mobiüs Creations are actually called the Peaceforce, or simply Peace Force. Mobiüs might have forgot that he named them that, or he just has a terrible naming sense. Far worse than yours 」

"Hey, my naming sense is not that bad..."

「 Honestly, true. Sometimes, you just become lazy and sloppily name someone or something 」

"You're right... So, the Peaceforce..."

「 Yes. Just by learning about it, as Mobiüs revealed just enough information, the Omega System has retrieved most of the missing data and information regarding this secret. Therefore, the system deemed that you are qualified to learn about these retrieved data without restrictions 」

"Oh! That's good at least! But why was that realm kicking me out when I or Mobiüs tries to ask or say something that's crucial about the Peaceforce?"

「 It's because since Mobiüs is a Time Felon, time is trying to not reveal anything that specific point in history of the universe. It's like a lawyer keeping their client's crime or felony from other suspecting beings. When Mobiüs revealed the True Goddess of Technology, it finally kicked you out. The system considered that you met a condition and it is enough to tell you everything 」

"I see... So, is it time that's doing this, or Father Time that imprinted it?"

「 Considering that the Four Constructors of the Multiverse was imprisoned after they created our universe, no Father Time has nothing to do with this. It's either time itself and space itself, or there's someone else that... Like, snitched on Mobiüs and told the cosmic version of the cops and law and order about the felony... 」

"Hm, interesting..."

「 Yeah, so what do you want to learn first? 」

"The Time Felony, of course... Can I know the cosmic version of the cops? Or cosmic court or something?"

「 Yes... There are different kinds of Cosmic Police Departments and the main four are Alpha Quadrant Enforce Domain, Gamma Quadrant Overseer Division, Beta Quadrant Watcher Branch, and Delta Quadrant Monitor Sector. Each departments encompass the four quadrants of the universe and all departments have smaller departments for each of their quadrants until the Bureau of Local Patrol are located in every universe. The Bureau of Local Patrol report to the Cosmic Police Departments and they in turn report to the Central Court of the universe, located at the center of the universe, obviously... 」

"Center of the universe?!"

「 Yeah, I know what you're thinking... There shouldn't be a center of the universe since the universe is ever expanding, isn't that right? As your logic says it? 」

"Yeah, there shouldn't be a center of the universe because the expansion is irregular and it's not just a circle..."

「 Tha-- 」

"But, logic wise... The center of the universe is where the origin of the universe first started, that means the Big Bang. The center of the universe is the location of point where the Genesis Singularity exploded..."

『 You have met a special condition requirement! 』

「 Yes! That's correct... The Central Court built itself to the origin of the universe and taken advantage of the innate and powerful energy that the Genesis Singularity left after it exploded. The Central Court is called the Universal Supreme Court: Crystal Citadel 」

"Huh?! Wait... Crystal Citadel? Didn't Tenshi mention something like that when Amatsuka unlocked two fragments of her memories from the Nigh-Omniscient Catalyst?"

「 Heh... Yes. Now, everything coming together! 」

"Did the Crystal Citadel convict the Totality Catalyst in the past?"

「 Hm... That should be a story for anotehr time. We are here for another reason, right? 」

"You're right... Looks like I have to learn about the Crystal Citadel in the future..."

「 That's right... So, do you want to learn what the Time Felony was? 」

"Before that, is it possible to know who the one reported to the court?"

『 Error! Undefined variable 』

"Hm... Interesting... This being is either powerful or extremely mysterious that even the system isn't able to identify"

「 You're right, you might learn about their identity in the future though 」

"Okay... What is the felony?"

『 Under the Universal Act No. 12003600, Article 323890, of the Manipulation of Spacetime and Continuum Continuation Act of L.Y. 2020, Universal Act No. 110011110001101110111 of Golden Ratio Stability and Cornucopia Bounty Act of L.Y. 1, and Universal Act No. 1024 of Machine Creation and Fabrication and Technology Manipulation and Operation Act of L.Y. 145980, Mobiüs Mobius has been convicted with a Time Felony of Felony Manipulation and Creation of Machines and Existences Under the Abuse of Spacetime Continuum Used to Deploy and Execute Falsified Direction of Peace that Leads to the Unwarranted Destruction of Innocent and Unsuspecting Civilizations and Planetary Systems with the Potential of Advanced Technology and Signs of Life for the Betterment of the Universe 』

"Ha... Haaa???"

Philip's head hurt after he read what just the system showed in the display. He is smart and a genius that he could read several research papers and theses involving math and science for several hours, but one of his weaknesses are reading philosophy books, browsing the entire dictionary and encyclopedia, and looking at every laws that exist in the world

So, looking at the Universal Acts just hurt his brain, but seeing the crime or felony itself gave him the idea of what Mobiüs did

『 Mobiüs Mobius has achieved Nirvana and transceded time 』

『 Time based punishment is ineffective 』

『 Space punishment has been given with the Abandonment of Spatial Structure and Presence 』

「 This is the moment that Mobiüs was abandoned by space and he got lost through space, only existing through time. Meaning, he only exist anywhere in time, but he couldn't be located anywhere 」

"Yeah, I know... But, why is he still called a Time Felon if he is currently serving his punishment??"

「 That's the thing, right? He only got one charge when he broke three laws. This means that he either escaped or they lost him and couldn't charge him because they lost him through space 」

"Whaaat?! That's ridiculous!"

「 So, this is what lead to the Chronicles of the Peaceforce... 」

"What happened?"

「 Since Mobiüs has been punished, do you know what would happen to his creations? 」

"They would either be taken or destroyed... Wait... So, that's how they went extinct?"

「 No, this is the Chronicles of the Peaceforce, not the Destruction of the Peaceforce 」


「 The Crystal Citadel and the Cosmic Police Departments was deployed altogether to fight the Peaceforce and bring an end to them as part of the Genesis War 」

"Genesis War?"

『 Condition requirements has been met! 』

「 The Genesis War is also a part of the fragment of Amatsuka's memory that she revealed, as you may have remembered. For now, out of many, you have learned one part of the Genesis War 」

『 You have learned the battle between the Cosmic Law and Celestial Order versus Peaceforce in the Genesis War, also known as [Order for Peace and Peace for Order] 』

「 The battle between these two entities is only a part of the entire Genesis War as there are other battles happening throughout the universe 」

"Wow... That means I'm not qualified to know the other battles yet, right?"

「 That's right. So, now that you've learned about it... Yeah! Since Mobiüs has been punished now and he's nowhere to be seen, the eradication of his creations is the next step since it's still fulfilling its purpose of destruction to achieve peace 」

"Yeah... I can see their reasoning... So, why's it the chronicles?"

「 An important history of the universe... 」


Philip nodded that writing the destruction of the Peaceforce as a chronicle is understandable because it's like an achievement that stopped a force that could threaten the entire universe. It is also a part of the Genesis War, so by logic, winning this battle in war is impactful in the history of the universe

But little did Philip know, not all chronicles are necessarily good. They can also be the resulting bad

「 The Peaceforce won and the Cosmic Law and Celestial Order was eradicated in return 」


Philip was speechless. He knew the potential of the Peaceforce, but he didn't knew that the Law and Order that was instituted in the universe will lose that badly, considering their power in the laws regarding the aspects of the universe, as Philip saw an example earlier

「 The Peaceforce became the Law and Order as the Peacemakers became the Law and the Peacekeepers became the Order... 」


Philip then realized that when he used ⟨⟨ Sacrificial Fate Control ⟩⟩ five years ago, no cosmic police showed up because he basically change the course of time of Earth and the destiny of everything. It was the same for when the catastrophe came six months ago with the arrival of the Agents of Chaos and Zxhst trying to destroy Earth, as well as the conjuration of the powers of the Ancient Ones through Amare

Knowing the Cosmic Law and Celestial Order, they would've done everything to stop a multiversal threat as the Agents of Chaos, or at least prevent Zxhst from destroying a planet filled with a civilization full ot potential

But, alas, nothing came and Philip had to do everything to stop and prevent everything. Except for when he was stabbed and killed since he can't do anything about that

「 The Peaceforce quickly moved and invaded the Crystal Citadel, destroying it in the process and creating another central point to be able to harness the trace energy from the Big Bang. They have become the center of the universe, thus, the P.E.A.C.E. Ark was created 」

"P.E.A.C.E. Ark?"

『 Condition requirements has been met! 』

"You mean to tell me that, the Totality Catalyst, or Amatsuka, bear witness to everything that happened that time?!"

「 Yes, although, I nor the system don't know what she was doing back then. You have to unlock more of her memories to know about it 」

"I understand"

「 The P.E.A.C.E. Ark is a device that will sustain the longevity of the Peaceforce with the absence of Mobiüs. It is also a tool used to manipulate space itself to find Mobiüs and retrieve him back 」

"They're that highly intelligent..."

「 Yes. It is not only because they are highly intelligent, they have tools that are capable of perpetual knowledge and boundless intelligence. Not to mention, they have trillions and quadrillions of these objects... 」

"Oh? What are they? Perpetual machines perhaps?"

「 No, I think you know what it is... 」


Philip thought for a while


Philip had a realization

"The Mobiüs Trinity?!!!"

「 Yes... There are multiple reasons why the Mobiüs Trinity is being rejected by the universe and it's being considered as an Impossible Object, unlike in the past 」

"What is it?"

「 We'll get there later... Let's finish this chronicles first... 」


「 With the Peaceforce, the P.E.A.C.E. itself, the P.E.A.C.E. Ark, the trace energy from the Genesis Singularity and Big Bang, and the Mobiüs Trinity, they have practically become an unstoppable force in the universe since the Cosmic Law and Celestial Order couldn't even put a stop to them 」

"How about the other highest beings? Gods, divine beings, universal dragons, genesis beings?"

「 The Genesis War did not only happen where all battles were concluded at the same time and it was over. In fact, the battle with the Peaceforce was the fastest one to conclude out of all the battles that has been happening across the universe. While the Peaceforce has been doing their own thing as they took the center of the universe, other beings have their own battles that they've been doing 」


「 Example of these are; the Demon God Asura Srath fighting the devils that tainted the Demon Realm called [The Wrath of the Demon God], the savage battle between gods and goddesses of the same concept and aspect called [The Savage Clash of Opposing Same Gods and Goddesses], and the battle between advanced civilizations for territory for dominance called [Intergalactic Invasion and Domination War] to name the few... 」


「 So, with that considered, having the Peaceforce in the center of the universe and continuing their purpose, the very balance of the universe started to tip over 」


「 If the universe itself is impending to destroy itself, none of its inhabitants could reverse it nor fix it... You know what that means? 」

"An external intervention was needed..."

「 That's correct... Enter the True Goddess of Technology... 」
