
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Exclusive Artifacts II - Rings - Power of the Rings

"With this much... I now know that the Omega System is not one and it's a multi system that connects with itself in another reality. The question is... From where did yu come from?"

『 ... 』

"Anything to say?"

『 Hahaha! Yes, you're right... But you got one thing wrong though... 』

"What's that?"

『 There is no interconnection... Only a connection... 』

"You mean it's connected to only one Omega System?"

『 Yes, and I won't say anything more than that haha! These powers are truly ridiculous and the fact you received it this early... 』

"Hm... If that's the case, you came from the Absolute Golden Timeline?"

『 Perhaps? 』

"Am I walking through terrible waters?"

『 You've been swimming through raging tsunami in pitch black this entire time 』

"Alright, I'll stop then..."

『 Hm, that shades really help your stubbornness, huh? 』

"There's nothing wrong in being curious. You know how the saying goes..."

『 Yes, but you wanted to avoid death for now, right? 』

"True... Next item please..."

『 You have received the Original Compass from the Origin variable 』

A black disc then manifested in front of Philip and rotated around, like it was an item that was just pulled out of a chest in games. The disc is flat but it has thickness

The disc has two separate segments that are attached to each other in a locket. Once the locket was opened, the disc reveals an ordinary compass, but this compass doesn't have the cardinal and ordinal directions, only a needle that points a direction and the bearing or axle

What's unusual about this compass is it's three dimensional. Once the compass was opened, a levitating sphere exits out of the disc and reveals the true compass

There are needles that point towards the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis. There is also a holographic projection that can manifest if the destination of the compass that's pointing to is in another time, dimension, or realm

Philip already knew this because of the [Shades of Logicity]

"The Original Compass that can point me to wherever I want, whatever I need... No matter where it is whether it's in a different timeline, different world, realm, or dimension!"

『 That shades certainly is making my job easier, and yes, what you said is correct. Since it's pertaining to the variable of Origin, it's impossible to not see an origin of everything nor those everything would have no origin. As long as you have that compass, you'll be able to find the origin of everything 』

"I understand... The only disadvantage of using this is that it won't directly lead me a specific object or person that I want... Only their origin of where they came from... Their source"

『 Yes, to be able to understand it, you have to ask yourself... What is origin? If you manage to comprehend that question to a certain degree, you might be able bypass that limitation 』

"Yes, I understand... Next please"

The sphere hovered down into the disc and flattened itself from a strange mechanism, and the segment closed as the locket was locked

The Original Compass floated next to Philip along with the Duality Thermometer Spectrum

『 You have received the Insignia of Omega from obtaining the Omega variable 』

A golden insignia appeared in front of Philip and began rotating. The insignia has a size of one to two inches in height and length with an attached hook at the back that can be attached to anything

The insignia looked exactly like an omega symbol, but it's so intricately crafted that it has hollow interiors. It also looked like there's a triangular shape behind the omega symbol that it gives the illusion that the slanted indention from the feet of the symbol was achieved. It also looked like an alpha symbol of Philip thought about it

『 ... 』

The insignia is metallic and quite heavy

"What is this for?"

Philip was genuinely confused as he cannot fathom what the insignia can do

『 Haha! Even the Shades of Logicity is not able to know this with no informaton, huh? 』

"I gotta admit... I didn't expect it for this"

『 Well, let me explain... The Insignia of Omega is just an artifact with no use! 』

"Then, why?"

『 It's not important and I would spoil you if I tell you what it's for... But it's just a proof that you have the variable of Omega. Since the Omega System is dubbed as the peak of all systems... Omega is the peak of all powers! This is why all powers that you encounter seemed nothing against you, of course considering your own power. It's like the Omega has its own system of determining power levels. Having this insignia is like telling all powers that's within its presence to be wary 』

"I see... It's like an artifact that shows who's boss around here"

『 Yup! 』

"Heh... I can't help thinking about the mysteriousness of Omega..."

『 Well, you'll know sooner or later... The only clues you have currently is the system, the golden meteor, and the variable with that artifact 』

"True... Then, the final artifact?"

『 You have earned the Rings of Bounded Fate from obtaining the Fate variable 』


A ring then manifested in front of him and rotated. The ring is white in color and resembles a polished marble or quartz. The ring has no visible patterns or discoloration like common marble or limestone nor it has indentions or grooves

The ring has gold engraving written along the inside of a ring, as well as the outside. Philip couldn't read the grooves that was written because it seemed that it was a combination of cursive, calligraphy, and some other language, similar to kanji and hiragana. A gold coloration also goes along the shank of the ring, like it was embedded in the core

But for some reason, the ring has a strike along its central longitude, like it was supposed to be separated in yhe first place

The ring continued to float in front of Philip and he then became confused

"It said Rings of Bounded Fate? Why's there only one ring?"

『 How many rings can you put in all your fingers? 』

"Ten, isn't it?"

『 That's the limit to how many Messengers of Fate that you can get 』

"Wait!! Then that means, this ring..."

『 That ring belongs to your First Messenger of Fate, Tenshi Hikaru. Both you and her will receive identical rings and you have to give the other one to her once you wear the initial ring. Since there's another existence within Tenshi, that is Amatsuka Hikaru, the Totality Catalyst, she will also receive a ring. The gold engraving outside the ring is written as Tenshi Hikaru and the inside is written in Amatsuka Hikaru in a fusion of cursive, hiragana, and kanji symbols to represent the Tenshi's origin as Japanese 』

"Is that what the strike across the ring is for?"

『 Yes. Tenshi receives the the white and gold colored ring, while the ring transforms into a shiny black and gold colored ring when Amatsuka comes out 』

"Then, what does the ring do?"

『 Initially, you have the Unbreakable Bond with Tenshi Hikaru, but not Amatsuka Hikaru. Having the Ring of Bounded Fate equipped to both existences will bind both of your concepts, souls, and existences together throughout time, as long as your essences exists 』

"What?! No no no no no... No! I don't want this!"

『 ... 』

"Why why why?! Why is the system even trying to make me suffer?!!"

『 You're still aiming to die once everyone disappears before you, huh? These rings makes it so that they will still live even if they disappear. But what's the difference of them existing within your mind, inside everyone's mind and memories, from them dying and disappearing in absolute existence? 』


『 You have it the other way around... You have become confused from being overwhelmed with these variables and probably being too aware from the Shades of Logicity 』


『 What you want is for you to die, your existence, essence, concept, origin, source, signature, the end, the erasure of everything about you, even your trace on anyone's memory for you to die without you resurrecting... 』


『 You don't want for anyone important to you to suffer the same as what you wanted. Only them dying enough is fine, as long as they don't get revived or reincarnated 』


『 Damn... I have to remind you, huh? You're mentally unstable... What's happening to you? Don't worry, I will put a word for the system and Emily to continually remind you of your Ultimate Goal 』


Philip was stunned and his pupils were trembling like he was about to break for his worry of not being able to be set free from his very improtant ones not being able to die

『 The goal of the Rings of Bounded Fate is that it's like a rope binding both of you together. At no point both of you will ever get separated and both of you will always known where both of you are, even if both of you are in a separate dimension, universe, or timeline 』


Philip's eyes slowly regained light and he became more calm

『 Even if they die or get erased, their essence will still be within the rings... You have the option to revive them, but it will come with a massive cost... Else, it will just become a remembrance, an item that will remind of those people that you love the most and the most important to you to give you the drive to push forward 』

"I... I understand... I'm sorry for my unstable mind..."

『 Good! Because you have to listen to the next part because this is very important! But first, wear the ring first 』

Philip looked at the white ring and he slowly and reluctantly reached his left hand into the ring. A lot of thoughts were flowing into his mind and the most abundant thought is him thinking which finger he should put the ring on

"Does it matter which finger I put the ring on?"

『 No... But once you wear it... It will be permanently stuck. Nothing will be able to pull it out of your finger 』

"What if my arm, hand, or fingers were severed?"

『 The ring will try it's best to repair your dismembered body part so that it could attach to your main body. If your limb is beyond repair or healing, the ring will exert its unfathomable power that will try to delete the concept that tried to separate it from you. The power exerted is the combined power of yourself and the respective Messenger of Fate. You know how destructive that would be 』

"Yes... I realize... That's pretty overpowered"

『 Exactly... The power that exerted is smart that it will only attack the culprit and it will do its best to eliminate the threat with no limitations and restrictions. It will also take allied and neutral existences in consideration to avoid indirectly harming them 』

"I understand..."

Philip then decided. It would make sense to put the ring on the index finger because it's the first ring that he received, but he considered that the ring represents Tenshi and that she will also have the same ring

He decided to put the ring on his left ring finger and it slowly slipped into his finger until it reached the furthest segment of his finger

The ring fingers are special and it's supposed to be the finger that binds two loving partners forever, for love and marriage. He acknowledged Tenshi for that position because she became her special someone in just a short amount of time. Even though both of them has been lovey-dovey, he is still not sure whether to pursue her as his one and only lover

He wanted to, but he doesn't know how to go about it. Also, for now, he doesn't want to think about love for now because it will only distract him. But, if loving someone will give him power, he will do it, of course with decent intentions that he would love that person with all of his non-existent heart

『 You have worn the Fated Ring of Bounded Totality! You have received the Bounded Ring of Totality of Fate! 』

The moment the ring shone on his finger with white light, another identical ring appeared above his hand and floated around. It waited for itself to be worn by the other existence

"You know... If I tried to make Tenshi wear this ring... It's like I'm trying to propose to her or getting engaged to her"

『 Hahahaha! I know right? I was confused why you would wear it on your ring finger, but I instantly realized why! You sly lover boy 』

"Look... I'm hopeless romantic, okay?"

『 I know! I'm aware hahaha! 』

"Still... Knowing that Tenshi will wear the same ring as me on the ring finger makes me a little nervous, not gonna lie haha"

『 Oooh! So, you're still capable of laughing, huh? At least with a slight giggle 』

"Mmm... Whatever... So, by logic, since I wore this on my ring finger, the other ring will also go on Tenshi's ring finger, right?"

『 Correct! So, savor it while it lasts 』

"Thank you"

『 Alright... Why are you thanking me? Anyways... Listen to this next part very well! 』

"I'm ready..."

Philip grabbed the [Bounded Ring of Totality of Fate] and held it tightly in his palm to make sure to not lose it, even though he knows subconsciously that he can't lose it

It just shows how much he values the ring that's for Tenshi

『 You will now receive two more variables now that you are bounded to the Totality Catalyst by existence and essence forever 』