
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Contact and Interference - Enemy Appearances - Unusual Being - Scatter - The Exception that is Earth


Mark shouted in panic because unknown beings has grabbed a hold of Elaine and she looked like she was beaten up

"You humans are with this human girl?"

The person, named as Zxhst as the other person called him, directly asked Mark

"Unhand her!!"

Mark didn't respond to Zxhst's question and jumped towards the mountain to try and save Elaine

"Stand down human!"

Zxhst raised the stump on his arm and blue light replaced his arm, like an attachment. He opened his arm and a force was applied to Mark that made him crash on the ground as he jumped into the sky. He struggled to stand up after that as the force kept on pushing him down

Mark thought that Philip and the others would follow behind him to save Elaine, but contrary to his expectations, they just stood there and he was confused

The reason why none of them moved with Mark is primarily because Philip wasn't moving. Though, Justine's danger alarms were booming the moment the two beings showed their presence, Celine's sensitivity of strong beings were also spiking, and Tenshi's heart was wildly thumping that she can hear every heartbeat

Philip only looked at Mark that's lying on the ground. His expression is empty and emotionless. He was judging why he acted without thinking and prioritized saving Elaine when there are two unknown beings with unknown origin in front of them

He then slowly turned his head to look at Sheena, she was also looking at him with worried eyes


Philip spoke but Sheena couldn't hear it. But, she understood what he was trying to say

"Hurry up"

She then quickly worked herself hard and her symbol of four circles appeared on her head. Arcs of thick electricity surged from the supermagnets and connected to the ground and to the relay station. Her eyes became whitewashed and her body glowed in white and faint green light

In just a mere second, the relay station was completely built. Sheena went ahead and floated near it and touched it with her gloved hand and upgraded it. The relay station then penetrated through the interference of True Mana in the atmosphere

Zxhst was alarmed and lifted his head up to look at the relay station. He became angry because he was distracted by Mark and flung him to the side. Mark drilled across the ground and created a trench. He's still alive though and intact because his body is transfused by virtually indestructible metal

He then raised his hand one more time towards Sheena and the relay radar and tried to destroy both of them. He already forgot about Philip, who cut his arm and brought him pain earlier. He deemed Sheena as a dangerous being and the relay radar as a liability. A thick blue wave of energy blasted from his body and rushed towards Sheena

But then, Tenshi flew upwards and blocked the blast with three Heavenly Discs

"Execution of Judgemental Retribution"

Tenshi combined and fused three Heavenly Prayers after she learned that her Cursed Angel transformation fused two prayers in her subconscious. She decided to take the risk and do the same thing but with three prayers

Fortunately, the fusion of three prayers worked and the blast was absorbed and condensed on her palm. The blue energy slowly turned yellow and formed an orb. The orb slowly grew bigger and then released a gigantic beam of yellow light back towards Zxhst and the other person carrying Elaine

The beam of light was about to hit Zxhst when the other person dashed in from of him and slapped the beam of light to the side, hitting the ground and gouging the earth by several meters deep and melting the earth

"What's the big idea?! Are you trying to also kill your fellow species?!"

The person lifted Elaine's unconscious body and showed it to Tenshi and the others. Meanwhile, Tenshi was stunlocked because she couldn't believe that the second person just slapped the three of her most powerful Heavenly Prayers, not to mention fused, away and they seemingly unbothered by it. On the other hand, Philip now know that Tenshi's base form is not enough for these beings

Zxhst's eyes went wide after his blast was deflected back at him. He then realized the existence of Tenshi and the surprise slowly appeared on his face

"Trncc, stop that, what you're facing is the Totality Catalyst. We have to get her"

"What?! So, we should disregard this human?"

The second person, named Trncc, referred to Elaine

"Dispose of her"


Trncc then threw Elaine into the sky and her body flew away like a ragdoll. Celine and Tenshi were alarmed and tried to save Elaine but they were blocked by Trncc

"Where are you going? Trying to save your fellow species?!"

Trncc startled Celine and Tenshi and they simultaneously backed away because their sixth sense are telling them to avoid him as much as possible

But then, a powerful red beam of light was shot from below and Trncc had to jump back, unlike the three fusion prayers of Tenshi. A red beam filled everyone's view that it also shook the air around them. Red lightning crackled and coursed through the air as it headed towards the sky

"Back off!"

Philip shouted after the red beam of light dissipated. The red blood orb at the tip of his Blood Horn was extinguished because he used Blood Beam to separate Trncc and the girls

"How dare you human!!"

Trncc was about to lunge at Philip when Zxhst stopped him. At this point, Mark quickly recovered and run towards where Elaine would likely fall to catch her

"Stop. Search for his closest ones and kill them instead for interfering with you. I'll deal with him later. You can do that, right?"

"Really?! Yes I can! I'm on my way!"

Trncc took a single glance at Philip and he immediately knew where to go. He instantly flew towards the south and planned to kill his closest ones and bring their heads to him to reduce his willpower and make him suffer

Even if Philip already used Sword Concept and a power of the Pureblood, Zxhst still didn't bat an eye at Philip for some reason. He wasn't complaining though because the later they understand his importance and existence the better

It was also because Zxhst is already keeping an eye on Sheena and Tenshi because these two existences were in this world and that's already an anomaly for them

A few moments later, the ground rumbled violently and and a giant arm came out of the mouth of the unstable Mana Hotspot. The arm landed on the ground and pushed itself up. Philip and the others already knew that this is a golem, a giant golem

When the giant golem fully came out of the mouth, the core revealed itself to everyone. A rumbling and sheering noise was heard as the core glinted at them


Philip exclaimed and that caught Zxhst's attention

The reason that Philip reacted is because the core of the giant golem is not an Atomic Core, but an Atomic Star. The giant golem then released pressure and made the atmosphere heavier. The little girl from earlier also revealed herself standing on top of its head

"Mycsy, I want you to go to the human's headquarters where they come from. Surely they brought them here to bring ruin to us"

"Kwut, kwrey kwestroyed kwry kwreations" (But, they destroyed my creations)

"Don't worry, I'll avenge them for you, I want you to personally destroy the source because they are at fault for them destroying your creations"

"Kwrrrrr... Kwrawlight"

The giant golem then turned around and took a large leap and headed to the southeast directions, towards the facility

"Philip! Aren't we going to stop that golem in going towards the facility and causing havoc in civilian areas?!"

Justine was panicking. Se didn't expect that this situation would become even more severe than it used to. She only thought that the change of the world would happen like there is a catastrophe that needs to be fixed without fighting, but it actually means that there is an antagonist that's trying to change the world

"This is according to the future... I already made preparations beforehand and I can't do anything more..."

"What do you mean?!"

"Shut up!!!"

Zxhst shouted which jogged everyone's mind and stunned them. He finally noticed Philip's presence and he slowly hovered down in front of Philip, but still floating and slightly above him so that he could still look down on him

"Human... You're unusual... You're loved by the Primordial Particles..."


"Is that what you humans call it? It has a nice ring to it... I'll start calling it that"


"Are you also the one who cut my arm earlier? A human who has a concept of a separator and a concept that gives life to entities"

Zxhst is talking about Sword Concept and Pureblood

"You also have a hint of divinity, a breath of time, instense negativity, and a thing or two that I can't put my finger on, probably more... What are you, human?"

Zxhst is talking about the Eye of Sai, Future Vision, nigh-bottomless negative emotions, Fate Control, Origin Seeker, and unknown abilities that hasn't been learned yet

"I'm a normal human"

"Huh... That's unfortunate, although you have several talents, you'll meet your end here. I will liberate your existence now and erase you from this universe"

Zxhst raised his hand and prepared to strike down on Philip. The others panicked and they tried to rush towards Philip and save him but they are still stunned

"Before I die..."

Philip spoke and Zxhst stopped bringing down his hand

"Who or what are you?"



Silence was created between the two of them until Zxhst broke it


Zxhst laughed in the ugliest form of laughter that it actually annoyed Philip

"A human that wanted to know my existence? Very well, you won't live long anyways... I'll tell you everything"


Philip was impressed and confused why the bad guy would even tell him everything rather than just getting the job done. It was the same for certain manga, novels, and movies. This made him think that he's in a story and a plot point must be laid out. But that's impossible, he then decided to listen to Zxhst because he has his own reasons

"Since the beginning of the universe, there were four fundamental forces that was first created. After that, quantum particles and waves were created and subatomic particles were formed. Along with those particles, the Primordial Remnants were made. We were made by the work of the Primordial Fission by splitting the particles, waves, and energy, thus creating the concept that you humans call Mana"


"As the universe was expanding and forming these planets and bodies, the Primordial Remnants were scattered across the universe and formed most of the planets. But this world, Earth, had the most Primordial Remnants clumped under the crust, the moon included"


"With this, the concept of consciousness was created within the Primordial Remnants and created us. There are several of us and we are supposed to be called as Primordial Beings... Now, Mana Avatars suit us better"

"What awoken you and caused you show yourselves?"

"About 4000 cycles ago, 4 years in human terms, an unknown wave caused us to be awaken. I found myself in this world and thought the whole world was just the underground. We were living happily down there, until the Divine Star became unstable. It opened our eyes at what this world actually is. By then, a hole was opened above and human creations started to invade our home"


"With the humans opening the mouth of our home, the Mana that allowed us to survive down there caused to spread outside and created the unusual forest and the atmospheric disturbance above. Of course, I and Trncc went out and destroyed the human's creations and killed them in the process by violating our home"


"After that, me and Trncc decided to roam the world and judge the human civilization. I possessed this man but Trncc kept his form"


Philip was silent after Zxhst confirmed that he possessed the man he was facing now. He was the same man he saw in the news with Justine a few weeks ago

"As I roamed the world for a few human weeks, I now understand..."


"I understand that the human race must be immediately eradicated in the face of the universe. They are the most unpredictable variable that can caused disorder and entropy. They neither have sides nor ups and downs. They are on the same sides of a whole and a whole of a whole. They are also mostly evil and their emotions and thoughts are all negative, but there are others that are good and have morals"


"The existence of humans is an anomaly! They betray each other and they put others down for the sake of attaining their own desires!"


"I question why we were awaken in this forsaken world... I searched for an answer and I finally found it"


"We were woken up because it is our duty to erase the existence of humans and prevent them from attaining the Mana resource and the Primordial Remnants. We will kill every humans and destroy the world in the process, so that the Primordial Remnants will drift across the universe and collide with a worthy planet where a race is worthy to used it"


"But we were too late... Several humans has already learned how to harness Mana and gather the Primordial Remnants, Mana Stones if I understand a human's way of thinking"


"So, it is only right for you to die, especially since you are loved by Mana. No humans shall have this power"

Zxhst then raised his hand and planned to kill Philip on the spot

"I apologize, human"


All this time, Philip was silent and only listened to Zxhst. Though, his eyes are being hidden by his black-gold hair bangs and his shoulders are drooping

Zxhst then brought down his hand after seeing Philip being unresponsive and seemingly accepting his fate

Just then, his hand was stopped by Philip's right hand that is covered by the white lines

"We're not done talking yet..."

Philip then raised his head and his bangs swiped to the side. It revealed his golden eyes that is swirling with calm anger and tame insanity

The names of the Mana Avatars are supposed to be undecipherable or incomprehensible since they developed a language of their own since the birth of the universe, but for consistency's sake, I translated their names

[Redacted] or Zxhst - pronounced as Zhask

[Redacted] or Trncc - pronounced as Terrence

[Redacted] or Mycsy - pronounced as Macey

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts