
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Class Songbird - Assembly - Guardians - VIP Lounge

After Philip received the names of the friendly people who stayed around and helped him earlier, the others like Nana and Alex went back to their seats since they are just in front of Philip and Yuze respectively

Yashida stayed around and Anne came closer with her two other noisy girl best friends

"I gotta go back to my friends, Philip. I'll see you later and I'm also looking forward to be your friend!" Abraham waved and left towards his friends who are setting up their bass and preparing for a jamming session. Looks like he's on piano duty and vocals

They came together and began to eat their snacks while talking to each other. Although, Nana and Alex are minding each of their own business as Alex stares outside the window and Nana resting her eyes

Yuze was quietly eating as the noisy girls kept on talking to Philip. She was pretty distracted and annoyed at the noise

"I'm Corrine! My ability is Step!"

"I'm Aiko and my ability is Slip!"

"With the three of us combined, we can work together since our abilities match well with each other!" Anne was proud of her team

They kept talking and telling each other small stories and jokes. In such a short amount of time, it seems that all of them went along together

Philip, Yuze, Wendy, Yashida, Anne, Corrine, and Aiko, with the addition of Alex and Nana who kept listening to their conversation and interjects whenever possible

It was 5 minutes left before the Assembly and Philip and Yuze didn't know about the Mystical Test since the Headmaster forgot to tell about them

The group was about to come back to their seats and prepare their departure until the front door opened and everyone's attention was caught by the person who entered

As soon as everyone who saw who it is, they quickly turned their heads away as their cheeks are blushed red, boys and girls, even Yuze who was slightly blushing

"Everyone! There's only 5 minutes left before our departure! Prepare yourselves!" Yashida shouted to the whole class as if the person who just entered was to cue to start moving

Yashida, Anne and the others quickly returned to their seats to prepare while Nana quickly lied her head down on the table and Alex turned his head more to the windows

The person that entered was girl that has an Aquamarine sea blue eyes and long pink hair with yellow shade underneath it that reaxhes to her waist. She wears a one strap white single dress that fades to pink at the frills above her knees. She wears black stockings with what seems to be a piano design around the end below her knee

She wears a black choker necklace with an Aquamarine teardrop gem attached to it. A pink Lily flower is attached to her left ear and a gold G-Clef clip on her right hair

Finally, she wears a pink jacket that is half worn with two yellow glitter ribbons hanging from her back

Her appearance was dazzling and mesmerizing to the point that anyone who sees her will fall in love immediately regardless of gender

Philip noticed and saw the tractions of everyone around him and he became confused. Even Alex and Nana who are collected and serious, became bashful when this person came in

When Philip saw the person at the door, he was surprise to see her in this class. Was she also a part of the Genesis Class?

The pink haired girl also saw Philip and she saw him looking at her. She became shy and bashful when she saw him but she steeled herself and approached him

Philip was again surprised when he saw her walking towards him. The other students that saw this was shocked beyond belief. Even Yuze was shocked and looked at Philip while avoiding the pink haired girl

"Did you know about her?" Yuze bashfully asked Philip

"I met her earlier by chance and almost bumped into each other." Philip answered honestly as he waited for the pink haired girl to approach him

The ones that heard his reply was once again struck with surprise. Not only they have met closely, they even almost bumped each other

Then, Wendy stood from her seat and approached the pink haired girl,

"Lyre! You're too late! We're about to depart and assemble at the Evaluation Center!" Wendy grabbed her hands and talked to her normally. She then grabbed her right wrist and pulled her towards Philip's location

Philip heard the pink haired girl's name, "What a nice name"

Philip unconsciously blurted out which was mostly heard by the entire class. Wendy and Lyre was surprised as they stopped on their tracks, Yuze couldn't believe what Philip did, and the others were speechless and unmoving after hearing that

There was a moment of silence as Wendy was looking at Lyre with worry. Lyre was looking down and couldn't focus her eyes. She was shy

"Thank you." Lyre said with a very low voice

Although her voice was very low, the students in the classroom heard it

"AGH! Run! Get out of the room!"


Everyone screamed and shouted as they began to stand up and rush towards the exit

"Everybody! To the Central Core Lobby! We'll meet there in 4 minutes! Hurry!!" Yashida shouted as he waved his hands to let the other go out of the door

There are others who stayed behind and it was Alex who was holding his face with his left hand, as if his whole face was cramping, and Nana who was trembling in her seat as her head is laid down

Yuze was holding and pressing her temples as she grits her teeth with a troubled face

However, Wendy doesn't seem to have reacted, as well as Philip

"What the heck was that?!" Philip raised his left eyebrows and criticized the actions of the other students as they rushed to the exit after Lyre spoke

With this little clues, he already deducted at what's happening. Seems like Lyre is being avoided due to, maybe her lineage, ability, or something along the lines of an infectious object

Wendy and Philip seemed to have shown no reactions, but it was clear for Yuze, Alex, and Nana who had reactions from Lyre speaking. Philip found it, this has somethinf to do with her voice

"Uhm, it's better to not talk about it for now. I'm sorry Philip." Wendy hugged Lyre from the side and apologized to Philip. She then guided her to her seat and prepared themselves

Lyre had the look of incredible sadness just from the reactions of her classmates and they're avoiding her like some kind of monster or infectious disease. She was looking down as she was guided to her seat. Tears started to form at the corner of her eyes

But then, the feeling of sadness was halted as she heard a voice

"Oh! You're seated here? Then you're my seatmate!" Philip said as Wendy guided her to her seat, which apparently is in between him and Wendy

"Glad to meet you! I'm Philip! Uh, my abilities are Pain Denial and Emotion Manipulation?" Philip nervously introduced himself on the spot and extended his hand in a form of handshake

Lyre was surprised at Philip's behavior in front of her. No one approached her like he did in her life, except for Wendy, who is her closest friend and childhood friend

Lyre's sadness was lessened as she knew that there was someone willing to talk to her like a normal person. The feeling was replaced with nervousness as she needs to reply back to Philip's introduction

Lyre gave a small smile and replied, "Glad to meet you too. I'm Lyre, my ability is Songstress"

Philip's ears perked up as he heard Lyre's voice. It was the most angelic voice he has ever heard. As Philip would describe it in his own words,

'It's like my ears are having s*x with each other!!'

Philip exclaimed and shouted to himself and immediately manipulated his feelings of satisfaction and happiness so that he could not get carried away and let his emotions control him

Yuze, Alex, and Nana, who has recovered from Lyre's voice earlier, had their hairs on their arms stand up as Lyre just spoke two sentences filled with several words and one complex word

Nana immediately rushed to the exit as she stumbled and hopped from table to table. Yuze's eyes glint as she used Shift on herself to instantly get out of the room. Alex ran to the exit while he his clutching his head hard with two hands

As Alex ran rapidly, there was a slight rumble around the classroom and small cracks appeared on the ground where he stepped from

Philip, Lyre, and Wendy are the ones who are left inside the empty Genesis Classroom

"Fascinating! They're really afraid of your voice!" Philip exclaimed with interest

Lyre's face drooped down as she heard Philip's statement

"Hey!" Wendy tried to reprimand Philip

"Oh, no! Don't get me wrong! I meant that in a good way! I'm very interested with your voice, I would like to know about it more"

"Wha--?!" Wendy exclaimed as she blushed and unconsciously stepped back as if Philip's words was meant for her but she knows it was addressed to Lyre. She was just caught off guard

Lyre was also blushing but didn't say anything. She just lowered her head, trying to hide her facial expressions

"So, what's this about the departure, assembly, and Evaluation Center?" Philip asked Wendy as he heard her explain to Lyre earlier

"Oh yeah! You were not here earlier when Chihaya-sensei explained it. Well, it simplest words, we will be having a Mystical Test to test out our abilities against each other when there's a new transfer student"

"What?!" Philip exclaimed in surprise as he didn't know about this

"You didn't know? I thought that the Headmaster would at least give you a heads-up or something." Wendy pondered

"That damn old man!" Philip was clenching his fist in annoyance

"Wha-?" Lyre also exclaimed in surprise because she was not here earlier

"Oh yeah! You're not here ealier too! Haha! Well, that's what were going to do later." Wendy confirmed to Lyre. She then assured her, "Don't worry! Maybe you'll be exempted once again during the test, so relax!"

"Uuuuu..." Lyre made a cute distressed sound, to which people heard and stared at an empty space with his eyebrows knitted together

'This girl's voice is very dangerous! I need to hold on! I don't even think that my Emotion Manipulation can handle this!'

Philip became also in distress, not just about the Mystical Test, but Lyre's mysterious voice

"So, should we get going now? It's almost time." Wendy mentioned the time and hurried Philip and Lyre

Lyre was ready and Philip stood up, "Let's go!"

Philip took the lead which Wendy and Lyre followed

As they exited the backdoor, they met Yuze who was waiting just outside the door with her back on the wall while she's catching her breath

"Oh! You're here! Should we go?" Philip asked Yuze

"Haah..." Yuze took a deep breath, "Yes, let's go"

Yuze then followed beside Philip, in front of Lyre and Wendy

Lyre furrowed her eyebrows as she saw Yuze standing next to Philip as they walked. She had questions in her mind regarding the relationship of the two

They walked towards the Central Core Lobby, to which they met with the rest of the Genesis Class


"Alright! Is everyone here?!!" Yashida shouted throughout the lobby for everyone to hear

"I guess everyone's here." Since no one was answering or saying anything that someone's left behind, Yashida concluded that everyone is already here

Well, except for Cedric, who is nowhere to be found. He probably already went ahead to the Evaluation Center first

"Everyone! On to the Floor Transporter one by one! Single line and stay on you place!" Yashida guided his classmates onto the Floor Transporter while standing infront of the display screen

At this point, Philip, Yuze, Lyre, and Wendy has arrived. Alex and Nana were apparently waiting for them as they stood around before hopping on the Floor Transporter

They noticed their arrival and gestured to come and hurry up. The group then brisk walked as Wendy held Lyre's hand as they hurry up

Philip is a natural fast walker and he was ahead from the rest, he almost passed Alex and Nana, who was ahead, but they got on the Floor Transporter at the same time

Eventually, all of them are in the Floor Transporter with Philip's group being isolated from the rest with Anna, Corrine, Aiko, and Abraham as the bridge to the other group

Lyre was sad that because of her, Philip and the others were being isolated. She then looked at Philip's back and saw a huge wall

Philip, who felt someone staring at him, closed his eyes and shrugged the feeling. He couldn't care any less that he was being isolated since it was a trivial thing. It was the same as Yuze, as long as she is with Philip

Alex, who has been observing Philip this whole time, saw Lyre looking at Philip and Philip just shrugging it off. He was skeptic but he needed even more proof and evidence to be sure if Philip was telling the truth and he is a good natures person

Nana noticed this and backhanded his shoulder, "Hey, stop that! We'll get our answers at the test"

Alex stared at Nana's side and back to Philip. He then looked away in the distance

"Alright! Prepare yourselves!!" Yashida tapped the [Grand Hall] option and he ran quickly to the Floor Transporter, in the middle of the class. The platform glowed brighter and brighter

After 10 seconds, the Genesis Class was transported to the first floor of the Core Academy in a bright flash of light that filled the whole lobby. After they were transported, the platform dimmed down

At the Floor Transporter at the first floor, the platform glowed brighter and brighter until a bright flash of light that filled the whole lobby

Then, the Genesis Class emerged from the flash of light as the platform began to dim as the teleportation process was complete

"Follow me everybody!" Yashida took the lead and guided everyone outside of the Core Academy, past the Door of Recognition

Nobody really is complaining about the authority of Yashida even though he's sometimes overbearing and a thorn in the throat because they accepted Yashida as the leader that will guide them through thick and thin. They have made a pact to themselves that they will always comply to Yashida and never get him involve in a fight

Philip noticed this quality of the Genesis Class and he has seen Yashida in a new light, even though he is cringing sometimes towards him, like the impression of him that he feels like the main character. Still, he holds respect to him

As they arrived at the Door of Recognition, the door automatically opened and let everyone leave. The Door of Recognition really doesn't recognize anyone if they are worthy to come outside, if they want to come outside, they are welcome to do so. This is probably what the door is saying

As they arrived outside of the Core Academy, Yashida called out to Yuze,

"Yuze, it's your turn." Yashida let Yuze come up front and let her use her ability

As Yuze passed by everyone, since she is at the back along with the other, he whispered to Yashida,

"Let Philip hold one of my shoulders." Yuze said as he gazes to the side, avoiding Yashida's eyes, as she cover her mouth with her fist

Yashida understood the hidden meaning behind her words and nodded. At this moment, a misunderstanding happened at Yuze's side

Yashida went ahead and shouted to the class, "Philip! You should hold on to one of Yuze's shoulders"

Yuze was surprised at Yashida as he broadcasted to the whole class that Philip should be the one to touch her shoulder. She looked back incredulously at Yashida, who had his back turned, and turned back around and blushed

Philip smiled wryly at the request and the other boys were seething with anger and jealousy once more. The other girls are screaming with excitement while Lyre looked at Philip with worried eyes. Wendy noticed Lyre and also looked at her with worried eyes

Yashida calmed down the commontion the best that he can as Philip approached Yuze, who has her eyes closed,

"You got this." Philip assured Yuze as he placed his right hand on Yuze's left shoulder

Yuze's body twitched as she felt the same sensation when he first touched her shoulder. Yuze opened her eyes and the glint in her eyes is sharper than before. She then said to Yashida, "I'm ready"

Yashida nodded and held Yuze's right shoulder. Yuze did not feel any sensation on her right shoulder

The other students also began holding each other's shoulders in a pyramid pattern

Lyre went ahead and held Philip's left shoulder with her right hand and Alex with his left hand on Philip's right shoulder

The moment they touched him, they felt sensations coursing through their arms and to their body as they suddenly felt vertigo



They almost let a sound out of their mouths as they bent their bodies down lower

With the two of them doing the same thing, they couldn't help but look at each other with eyes full of confusion

Nevertheless, Lyre felt her throat become smooth and silky, it's as if she felt she has no neck, as her aquamarine eyes were slightly glowing. The sounds and rhythm she could create by vibrating her vocal chords was so soft and smooth that their are no strain or friction that she can feel. She feels as if she can sing for hours and hours without stopping

On the other hand, Alex felt his muscles flexing with every muscle movement, to the point he felt ticklish, as his eyes became fiercer and piercing. His muscle kept contracting and expanding at a rapid pace. He thinks that his muscles became harder, as well as his skin

Nana and Wendy didn't notice their expression and went ahead to touch their shoulders. Nothing happened

Eventually, everyone has held a shoulder and they're ready to go

Yuze began doing the fingers gestures as she drives two closed right fingers across the area around the other two closed left fingers like she is shifting an object across the plane

A field of yellow light surrounded the whole class and sparks began to crackle in the outside. Moments later, they disappeared from where they were standing

In the sky, above the Mystical Academy, a yellow shooting star can be seen flashing and dashing around as it leaves a trail of yellow light and crackles of lightning

The scenery inside the shooting star is a warped space, like a kaleidoscope, or going on a hyperdrive through space

The shooting star dashed around in impossible angles with extreme speed and reached their destination, the big gray box, at the northwest side of the Core Academy

A few seconds later, they arrived at ground in front of the Evaluation Center, that looks like a giant box structure

The students immediately released their grip from each others' shoulder except for Lyre and Alex who was still holding on to Philip's shoulders

"Uhm, guys?" Philip spoke towards his behind as he released his grip on Yuze's shoulder, to which the sharp glint on Yuze's eyes disappeared as she also closed her eyes

Lyre and Alex snapped out of their daze as they heard Philip, they quickly let go of Philip's shoulders

As everyone has recovered, they were met by Chihaya who has approaching them from the entrance

From the entrance, their was only one familiar face and the rest are new faces as Philip probed the individuals

The familiar person that he saw is none other than Aoyuki, the Student Council President

"That's Akayuki, the Student Council Vice President, that has multiple swords on her body and the Guardians of the Academy." Yuze said as if she read what Philip was thinking since he was looking at their direction

"That sword, what's that sword?" Philip saw the floating sword behind Akayuki's back that looks like emanating a red aura

"That's her exclusive weapon, Muramasame." Yuze answered

"It's beautiful!" Philip was mesmerized by the sword and his love for the swords is showing

"You seem to like swords?" Yuze asked and pondered

"I do! They're such beautiful crafts and weapon!" Philip answered with enthusiasm

"Fufu, looks like I found one of your likes!" Yuze proudly boasted with a smug

"Hm... What does that make? 2 for 1?" Philip played along with Yuze

"Yup!" Yuze confirmed with a bright smile to which the whole class was blinded. Lyre was feeling sad

"Yup!" Yuze confirmed with a bright smile to which the whole class was blinded. Lyre was feeling sad for some reason

Meanwhile, when Philip was looking at Muramasame with Akayuki, the sword slightly shook and vibrated with a deep bass sound at 30Hz

Akayuki noticed this, as the bearer of Muramasame, 'What's up?'

The sword shook once more telling about a presence. Akayuki looked toward the Genesis Class who has recently arrived and saw Philip looking at her sword

Aoyuki noticed this and asked Akayuki, "What's wrong?"

"Muramasame is reacting to Philip"

Aoyuki was surprised at this statement, "Really?!"


"Is that the guy you're talking about?" A large man with large physique and big muscles with scars all over it asked Akayuki. Thre man had white hair, no upper clothing, and only a blue ripped maong pants with metal cuffs on his wrists and ankles

"Yes, he is." Akayuki answered back to which made the other nine Guardians look at him

On the other hand, Aoyuki was looking at the sky as dark clouds gather in the atmosphere and wind begins to pick up

"Looks like it will actually be cloudy with dark clouds today." Aoyuki smirked as his pupils became slit vertically as he was amazed by Philip's prediction when he said it to him earlier


Chihaya approached the Genesis Class as they arrived

"Is everyone here?" Chihaya asked Yashida

"Yes, Chihaya-sensei! Although, Cedric is nowhere to be found!" Yashida answered Chihaya with poise

"Cedric? Oh! He's already inside, I let him in." Chihaya assured Yashida

Yashida didn't reply since that's really likely and he trusts Chihaya

"Alright class, follow me." Chihaya gestured to the class to follow her

Yashida led the class as he took the spot in front of everyone. Everyone else followed in a line as they talked and chat to each other while Philip and his group are at the far back with Nana and Alex just in front of them

They approached the entrance of the Evaluation Center, Aoyuki and the ten Guardians moved out of the way as they let the Chihaya and the Genesis Class in

As they passed by, everyone was looking forward and as Philip passed by Aoyuki and the ten Guardians, he slowly turned his eye to the left without moving his head

The reason he did this is because he felt several gazes on his left and he saw Aoyuki and the ten Guardians glaring at him like he was some kind of specimen

Philip felt an overbearing pressure as he turned back his eyes to the front as he decided to ignore yet take a note of them

Yuze then passed them and everyone turned their gazes away in a comedic fashion. As Lyre passed them, they completely turned halfway around with poker faces

They then entered the entrance of the Evaluation Center and they walked through a dark, well lit tunnel with directional lights like in a cinema

As they reached the end of the tunnel where there is white light, they are met with a big open space with a giant circular arena in the middle. There are observation decks, audience seats, and a VIP lounge

At the VIP lounge, Headmaster Yozu can be standing in the front of the protective glass with eleven silhouettes behind him, one of them has a sniper, one of them has a bow, one of them has a sword on his back, one of them has a spear, and one of them has wrapped sword

The Headmaster smiled and announced,

"Welcome to the Evaluation Center where you will have the Mystical Test!"

He then looked proudly at Philip, who was at the entrance from afar, and saw him looking at him with half-opened empty eyes. He also saw Yuze looking at him with empty eyes

Dread filled his face and he remembered something

"Oh, I forgot to tell them about the Mystical Test..."

Philip has finally met and know about the pink haired girl that he bumped into when he was walking through the first floor of the Core Academy

Apparently, there is something special about her voice and her ability as a Songstress. Why are a lot of people afraid of her voice?

There was also another demonstration of Yuze's ability and Philip met Akayuki and the Guardians briefly

The Headmaster is already in the VIP lounge with the other Mystical Masters, but Philip doesn't know that

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