
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Arrival of Curious Beings - Tension - Bigger Personalities

Tenshi exploded in a mix of yellow and white light. This only means that her status as the Holy Angel is being spread out and she's burning with an intense aura

She placed her arms in front of her and made a gesture with her hands that would make a circle

"Order of Oracle!"

The Ring of Light manifested behind her and the first and fifth disc of Heavenly Prayers flew from the Ring of Light and revolved around the giant antenna

Yellow doughnuts as rings of light expanded around the antenna with a number of five rings. The antenna now looked like a tesla coil

"Revelation of Solitude that calls for Salvation"

The third, seventh, and eight discs of Heavenly Prayers flew around Tenshi as it revolved upwards into a higher altitude

It was then that a film of yellow light exploded and quickly filled the sky. The light quickly expanded outwards and began enveloping the whole world

"Confirming enhanced area of influence..."

Mathilda spoke after detecting the change of influence that Tenshi added

"Completing preparations..."

The giant antenna then split and decoupled into four equal parts and began to detach from each other

As they began to get separated, the rings of light stopped them from doing so, but in reality, the rings of light are also expanding as the antenna opens like a fan

Eventually, the rings of light became thin that all of the stored energy was transferred into the split antenna. The antenna opened like a fan, looking like how a satellite dish would open in space, but it doesn't have a shape of a concave

It primarily has a shape of an octagon with extending components in its vertices. At the middle of the dish, a rod is standing tall with complicated parts and attachments

Tenshi watched the surreal transformation and smiled. She then aimed her right hand at the dish

"Holy Order!"

An ability that Tenshi rarely used. It is imbuing the catalyst to the abilities of the catalyst to achieve a more powerful effect

The first disc of Heavenly Prayer flew forwards and changed its color from white to yellow as it began to glow

The satellite dish and Mathilda herself was suddenly enchanted by the holy power of Tenshi, further empowering and improving the effectiveness of the machine

Tenshi was still smiling as she gazed towards Philip. They are ready for the deployment of the Leylines, but she knew that he was still busy and occupied

This is where her second job will take place as she gazed behind and below her

She could see with her brightly glowing yellow eyes, that's showing the symbol of "Order" in Japanese kanji, that there are several beings that are coming their way

There is a large dragon the size of a small city, several giants that are at least five meters tall, several humanoid individuals, several beings that are emitting powerful auras, and a lot more beings that number almost a hundred

After scanning a lot of the faces, Tenshi smiled, but ultimately turned her expression into a very serious tone. She wasn't smiling anymore and she has a fierce glint on her eyes. Her left hand also became black, like void, that extends up to her arm before her elbow like pixelated flames

She changed her demeanor because she knows that more than half, perhaps all, of these beings are dangerous and cunning existences. She couldn't afford to let her guard down

Especially since they are doing a task for the greater good and this is a plan to reach Philip's ultimate goal. She doesn't want their progress to be interrupted

She wasn't afraid of them as she believes that her and Philip are enough to deal with everyone that's coming. Not to mention, Mathilda who had her potential unlock is more than enough

'Careful, there are at least five of them that we couldn't handle'


Tenshi heard Philip's voice through Soul Link and warned her. She was surprised, but she didn't question him


Meanwhile, directly below Philip, Tenshi, and Mathilda, three beings are watching from the roof of the mansion

"Do they need help?"

Katara asked

"There are extremely dangerous beings in that bunch... I've met them briefly. They may need help"

Sai replied


Alucard kept quiet as he watched with his degrade [Blood Eyes of Truth]. Sai turned to him

"What do you think, Alucard? Should we go?"


Alucard narrowed his eyes and examined deeper

"He's really quiet, huh? But that's not bad. I can sense he's really something great"

Katara commented while she has been lying down on the roof with her front body down


Sai didn't comment and kept waiting on Alucard's reply


Alucard's eyes narrowed deeper until his eyes abruptly widened


Sai noticed this and began unleashing her divine aura. Alucard conjured his degraded [Blood Wings] and flapped it powerfully that he immediately reached hundreds of feet

Sai immediately followed and manifested the Pure Divine Solaris Spear and held it on her right hand


Katara was pouting. She turned around and sat down as she stretched her arms and body

"Haaah... I guess it's about time I show my presence to these children"

Katara stood up and waved her left arm in mutliple directions. The trail on her left stump left traces that wrote a particular symbol

In an instant, Katara disappeared into a puff of malicious smoke that quickly shot through the sky


Not even a minute has passed, almost all of the capable beings on Earthenmana has arrived to Philip, Tenshi, and Mathilda's location. The sky is tinted in yellow color and Mathilda's transformation is emitting a particular powerful energy wave

It's as if the very atmosphere was trembling, but this didn't bother anyone at all

"Who are you and what are you doing?!"

A nobody asked rather aggressively and Tenshi took a defensive stance

"I'm just a nobody like you. We are just reinforcing the mystical network of the world since none of you guys dared to establish it since the emergence of the Mysticism Age"

"Wha-?! How dare you! Don't you know who I am?!"

"No, not really. Besides, why are you the one speaking on behalf of everyone here? Rather than approaching me in an aggressive behavior, why don't you try again in a passive or even neutral tone??"

"Ah, so you're just an ignorant mortal that tries to act tough because you are protected by the Fate Controller?"

"No? Guess again"

"That's enough!"

A more powerful being stepped forward and shoved the nobody aside

"You mentioned the mystical network of the world? What is that?"

Tenshi narrowed her eyes at this person. She couldn't identify this being so she doesn't know how to act in front of him. Besides, he asked a question in a respectable tone

'That's the incarnation body of Amihan, one of the mythological deities of my home country. She should be generally kind, but I'm not sure since it's also my first time witnessing these myths'

Philip spoke towards Tenshi. The being in front of her is definitely a muscular man, but Philip referred to him as a she

Amihan is a genderless deity, but it can show its gender to a being based on their preferences

Philip see Amihan as a female, but she's unknown to Tenshi

The being in front of her is a man, but that doesn't mean that she see Amihan as a male. It is because this is just an incarnation body, a body that Amihan borrowed to reside temporarily, and not Amihan's symbolic or true body

If Amihan is in its symbolic or true body, different beings will show it in different genders based on their perception or preferences

Because of this, Tenshi decided to be respectful also

"Mystical network, also known as the Mystical Leylines that connect around the world in order to distribute mana throughout everything"

"Hm... Did the ruling god, Spirit of the World, and Will of the World approve of this?"

"That doesn't matter, is it?! If what she said is a fact, wouldn't that bring heavy problems that we have to deal with?!"

"Personally, I don't like this change. They already changed the basic principles of the world in geographical, political, and social level"

"Same! I'm opposed in establishing this leyline network!"

A lot of beings began to blurt out their opinions and decisuons

"The old world was better... What happened for mana to be introduced to the world?"

"Friends! We don't want to dwell in the past, right? New stuff is good! But I don't know if it reached to this extent"

"The leylines could lead to more dangerous situations in the world and development of monsters and magical creatures"

"The modern civilization won't be able to cope up with these change quickly!"

Tenshi stood by and listened to everyone's nagging and complaints

"In the first place, it is a bad idea to distribute and regulate mana around the world! Individuals with evil intentions are bound to use the power of mana in their own selfish desire"

"I agree! Other beings are also capable in doing so"

"What did you say?!"

"Do you want to die?!"

"Establishing the leylines could only lead to more problems and the balance of the word will drastically tip over, especially if it was taken advantages by the wrong hands"

"What are you saying?"

"Are you saying that we should manage the leyline network ourselves?"

Tenshi's mood worsened. All these powerful beings are acting like the toxic people in game chats or forums in the internet. Thejr attitudes are leaving a bitter taste in her mouth

"But how are we able to take it from them? They have the Fate Controller and they're under the protection of the Old Man?"

"Humph! The Old Man is old news! He has been missing for a few months. Besides! What can this measly Fate Controller do? This angel is also a nobody and that machine there is just a machine"

"Are you stupid?!! Have you forgotten what the Fate Controller did the last time we met him?! I'm not afraid of the angel or the machine!"

"Really? But wouldn't that be a fluke or an illusion?? I would like to see him try again"

Tenshi was also convinced. These beings are beings of the old times and a few of them are modern beings that are uncertain of the future, unlike the old beings that are completely avoiding the future

They also reject change and the possibility of a better change. She doesn't know why these beings are afraid of changing the world and it's pissing her off, especially because they kept blabbering their mouths on things that they don't know about

"Oh? The angel is showing an scary expression!"

"Hm? Shouldn't angels be good and kind? Why are you mad?"

"Are you provoking us?!!"

"You're just a baby angel! Know your place!!"

Half of the beings present screamed at Tenshi. They called her a baby angel because of the chibi wings floating behind her back

This means that Tenshi is a very young angel since old angels have formed pure white feathered wings on their backs. The number of wings also increases the more powerful the angel is, based on the Hierarchy of the Angels

If Tenshi was an archangel with two pairs of wings, everyone here would've shown more respect to an extent

But little do they know, angels with this kind of chibi wings do not exist within the universe or across realms. This is only exclusive for Tenshi, who is the Totality Catalyst

"[Everyone, stop!]"

A powerful influential voice resounded across the atmosphere in a roar

The voice came from a giant dragon that just arrived. The dragon looked like an ordinary type of dragon, but its scales looked elegant and the horns are gorgeous

The dragon performed a roll and its body quickly shrunk down in a tornado of dragon power

A person emerged from the torrent of dragon power and it was Diagonnaer, the Elegant Dragon Queen of Earth, one of the ancient and longest living being on the Earth

She looked elegant, as always, as her dressed transformed into a more proper attire that's capable of combat. Dragon horns protrude next to her ears and her eyes are slit into that of a powerful dragon. Small scales draw at the tip of her eyes towards her temple and her red hair is elegantly flowing in the air

"What are you fools doing?!"

Diagonnaer, or Dia, spoke in a sharp tone that made a few of the beings flinch

"The Fate Controller and these individuals are trying to establish the leyline network"

"Yeah, I know!"

"Then, you know the underlying consequences that will happen if the world drastically change!"

"Elegant Dragon Queen, with all due respect... We are only looking out for the world and avoiding its destruction, as per the prophecy"



Philip and Tenshi caught the words of a being with a dopo and olden gray hair that has been silken and taken care of with love

"I am aware..."

"Then we must at least stop them!"

"So, that's your true purpose in coming here?"

Tenshi spoke in a domineering voice

"Shut up baby angel!!"

"You have no power here!!"



Dia screamed and everyone went quiet

"Gaia and Tellus has already approved of this..."

Dia continued to speak in a relaxed, but strong voice

"What?!! Why?"

"Are they becoming senile??"

"Were they corrupted?!"

"Did they sign some kind of contract?"

"Were they bribed?!"


Dia went quiet. These beings were blind to the truth and they dared to make these comments towards the Spirit and Will of the World

"In addition to that, I also approve of this. In fact, I'm willing to help the establishment of the Mystical Leylines"


Philip smiled internally from her words. Him and Dia haven't formally met yet, but she gave him a favorable first impression

Even if Philip and Tenshi received Dia's words to heart, everyone else was confused and angry

"What?! Why?"

"Why would you do this?!"

"Well... Let's just say that I'm bored of the past. The old ways was fine, but don't you think that change is good as well?"

Dia looked in the distance, as if she's longing for something great

"But the prophecy!!"

"You deny the future because of that prophecy?!! Don't you know that the Fate Controller could just deny that prophecy?!"



Everyone went quiet, not because of the realization and revelation of the power of the Fate Controller, but the realization and revelation of the ignorance of the Elegant Dragon Queen herself

"HAHAHAHA!!! I thought that the Elegant Dragon Queen would be one of the most knowledge, intelligent, and wise beings on Earth, or should I say, Earthenmana?!"


A shadow figure emerged from the ranks of the beings that are present. It is followed by a being that is wearing a high school uniform

"Didn't you know the true message of the prophecy?"